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A Survey on Learners’ Perceptions and Experiences in Multifarious Distance Learning Environments

A Survey on Learners’ Perceptions and Experiences in Multifarious Distance Learning Environments. Dr. Khaver Zia OU International Fellow Dean, School of IT Beaconhouse National University Lahore. Pakistan. Al-Quran. بِسْمِ اللهِ الرَّحْمنِ الرَّحِيمِ

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A Survey on Learners’ Perceptions and Experiences in Multifarious Distance Learning Environments

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  1. A Survey on Learners’ Perceptions and Experiences in Multifarious Distance Learning Environments Dr. Khaver Zia OU International Fellow Dean, School of ITBeaconhouse National University Lahore. Pakistan

  2. Al-Quran بِسْمِ اللهِ الرَّحْمنِ الرَّحِيمِ يَا أَيُّهَا النَّاسُ قَدْ جَاءكُم بُرْهَانٌ مِّن رَّبِّكُمْ وَأَنزَلْنَا إِلَيْكُمْ نُورًا مُّبِينًا۝ فَأَمَّا الَّذِينَ آمَنُواْ بِاللّهِ وَاعْتَصَمُواْ بِهِ فَسَيُدْخِلُهُمْ فِي رَحْمَةٍ مِّنْهُ وَفَضْلٍ وَيَهْدِيهِمْ إِلَيْهِ صِرَاطًا مُّسْتَقِيمًا ۝ In the name of Allah, Most Gracious, Most Merciful O mankind, surely there has come to you a convincing proof from your Lord, and We have sent down to you a clear light (i.e. the Quran) So, those who believe in Allah and hold fast to Him, He will admit them to His Mercy and Grace, and guide them to Himself by a straight path. The Quran (IV: 174-175) OU LIBRARY SEMINAR

  3. Agenda • DISTANCE LEARNING ENVIRONMENT • Teaching-Learning Model • Content Forms and Media Types • Interaction Types and Interaction Modes • RESEARCH QUESTIONS ADDRESSED • Journals Surveyed • Likert Scale • LEARNERS’ PERCEPTIONS ABOUT • Printed Materials • Video Content • Sync. and Async. modes • Length of Module • Interactive Multimedia Content • Collaborative Learning OU LIBRARY SEMINAR

  4. Agenda (contd) • LEARNERS’ PERCEPTIONS ABOUT • Learner - Instructor Interaction • Learner - Content Interaction • Learner - Learner Interaction • Online Tutorial Support • Communication • Cognitive Style • Online Assessment • Digital Library • Isolation • Blended Learning • SUMMARY OF LEARNERS’ PERCEPTIONS • PROPOSAL FOR AN EFFECTIVE DL ENVIRONMENT • Q and A OU LIBRARY SEMINAR

  5. Teaching-Learning Model Content Learner Instructor OU LIBRARY SEMINAR

  6. Content Forms • Text • Audio (voice) • Graphics (images) • Animation (moving images) • Video (moving pictures + audio) Bandwidth OU LIBRARY SEMINAR

  7. Media Types • Paper-based materials • CD-ROM/DVD • E-mail attachment • Discussion Board • Web pages • Digital repositories (e.g. digital library) OU LIBRARY SEMINAR

  8. Interaction Types • Learner-Content • Learner-Instructor • Learner-Learner Moore (1989) • “Interaction is an important variable for learning because it is important to learner satisfaction and motivation”. Northrup (2002) OU LIBRARY SEMINAR

  9. Interaction Modes • Face-to-Face (F2F) • Synchronous (e.g. Chat room) • Asynchronous (e.g. Discussion Board, email) • Blended (mix of F2F, Sync. and Async.) OU LIBRARY SEMINAR

  10. Research Questions Addressed • What are Learners’ experiences related to different aspects of distance learning as reported by researchers in a variety of environments? • How can distance learning be made more effective in the light of learners’ experiences? OU LIBRARY SEMINAR

  11. Journals Surveyed (2002- to date) A total of 38 journal articles were used in this survey, as under: • American Journal of Distance Education (12) • Journal of Distance Education (4) • Open Learning (6) • Quarterly Review of Distance Education (10) • British Journal of Educational Technology (4) • Other (2) Lee (2004), Wanstreet (2006) OU LIBRARY SEMINAR

  12. 5-Point Likert Scale Many surveys are conducted using a number of statements with each statement having 5 possible responses, with points assigned as under: Strongly Agree 5 Agree 4 Neither Agree nor Disagree 3 Disagree 2 Strongly Disagree 1 OU LIBRARY SEMINAR

  13. Perceptions about Printed Materials • Printed materials • helped students in achieving course objectives (M= 3.41) • had systematic presentation (M=3.21) • were generative (M=3.61) • Access Structures • 73% read unit objectives carefully • 78% read summary of each unit • 30% carried out In-text activities • 31% did tutorial activity before attending tutorials (n=168) Fung (2005) OU LIBRARY SEMINAR

  14. Perceptions about Video Content • Video-based content had higher Attention and Retention compared to text based content (n=16) Hee and Johnson (2005) • Higher ratings of aesthetical appeal and excitement as compared to audio and text (n=18) Pomales-Garcia(2006) • 83% of learners regarded the CD-ROM containing audio-visual recording of class lectures as most essential learning component (n=48) Navarro (2000) Continued… OU LIBRARY SEMINAR

  15. Perceptions about Video Content (Contd) • Blended Learning Environment in neurological studies course. Classroom activity + Video Clips of patient disorders on CD-ROM • CD-ROM helped students to replay videos in their own time and develop their observational skills • Students said that “until they saw the patient movement disorders they found it difficult to contextualize their learning”. (n=88) Davies (2005) OU LIBRARY SEMINAR

  16. Perceptions about Sync. and Async. modes SyncAsyn • Sessions were productive ……………………… 75% ……………..50% • Sessions helped indoing assignment…………………………………31%......................88% • Comments useful toother members…………………………………….38%..................... 75% • Comfortable in participating………………………75%.................... 31% • Group worked well………………………………… 94%.................... 56% • Preference for future interactions……………… 100%....................50% (n=16) Mabrito (2006) Continued… OU LIBRARY SEMINAR

  17. Perceptions about Sync. and Async. modes (Contd) • Different courses conducted in DL mode using WebCT • 72% of students were comfortable with email, 50% with discussion boards and only 32% with online chat • Preferred email because they could directly send it to the instructor • Reluctant to use discussion boards as it meant disclosing their identity along with their input. • Chat rooms did not give them an opportunity for reflection and the communication easily became disjoint. (n=449) (Zhang 2005) OU LIBRARY SEMINAR

  18. Perceptions about Effectiveness of Online Learning (In decreasing order of effectiveness) • Adapting to students’ needs • Using meaningful examples • Motivating students to do their best • Facilitating the course effectively • Delivering a valuable course • Communicating effectively • Showing concern for student learning (n=199) (Young 2006) OU LIBRARY SEMINAR

  19. Perceptions about Length of Module • Shorter modules were perceived by students to be shorter than their actual length while longer modules were perceived to be longer than their actual length. • Shorter modules were perceived to be less difficult than longer modules, although both had the same level of difficulty • The greater the length of a module, the less was its persistence. (n=18) Pomales-Garcia (2006) OU LIBRARY SEMINAR

  20. Perceptions about Interactive Multimedia Content Three Learning Environments were set up: • High Interaction Multimedia • Low Interaction Multimedia • Traditional Classroom RESULT Satisfaction Level of Students for A was highest followed by B followed by C (n=51) Zhang (2005) OU LIBRARY SEMINAR

  21. Perceptions about Collaborative Learning • 4-year undergraduate program in nursing. Collaborative learning using WebCT. Use of discussion group for postings. • 79% of students thought it increased their ability to learn from others. 89% thought it did so from their peers. 74% saw the experience helping them to develop intellectual skills and 74% thought it developed in them a sense of confidence. (n=25) Buckingham (2003) • In a cohort of 30 DLs, 5 were identified as solitary learners. These students did not find collaborative learning helpful as they had concerns over teamwork timing and about division of labour (n=30) Ke (2006) • Class of instructional design. Divided into groups for collaborative learning. Communication was a problem along with conflicts among group members. Despite that the students recognized the importance of exchanging feedback among peers. (n=12) Thompson (2006) OU LIBRARY SEMINAR

  22. Perceptions about Learner-Instructor Interaction • Students want high levels of instructor feedback and tutorials. Rangecroft (2002) • Mentor in place is important (M=3.52) Timely response from instructor and peers is of utmost importance. (n=52) Northrup (2002) • 20 F2F and 10 online stds. F2F students got more Academic Support (AS), Personal Support (PS) and Social Support (SS) than they expected. Online received less AS and PS but more SS than they had expected. (n=10) Wheeler (2002) • High expectations about timing and promptness of instructor’s responses. Expectation of help in non-academic matters, too (n=8) Cain (2003) Continued… OU LIBRARY SEMINAR

  23. Perceptions about Learner-Instructor Interaction (contd) • Students wanted timely feedback from their tutors. • Felt that answers to their queries could help in key decisions about their assignments • 58% of students wanted instructor’s response within one day. (n=449) Zhang (2005) • Felt that timeliness of response (M=4.48) is a major indicator of support. (n=52) Northrup (2002) OU LIBRARY SEMINAR

  24. Perceptions about Learner-Content Interaction • Student desired to interact with content delivered thru audio-narrated online presentations, and readings of text followed by online discussion. • Case-studies and structured games were important to their learning experience. (n=52) Northrup (2002) • Preferred to read longer documents in printed form but shorter learning objects on-screen. Appreciated the mobility of the print material. (n=19) Gilbert (2007) • 94% students preferred to read text from paper as opposed to reading it from the screen. (n=18) Pomales-Garcia (2006) OU LIBRARY SEMINAR

  25. Perceptions about Learner-Learner Interaction • Learners thought it was essential to build online community (M=4.94), Liked to discuss ideas with peers (M=4.00). Sharing of information with peers was important (M=3.83) (n=52) Northrup (2002) • Interaction with other students beneficial. Postings on discussion board related to work experiences of other participants very useful. (n=19) Gilbert (2007) • Students regarded peers as important source of support and were able to connect and share advice and experiences. (n=8) Cain (2003) OU LIBRARY SEMINAR

  26. Perceptions about Online Tutorial Support • 48% thought Online tutorial support was well structured • Only 35% thought that the tutor encouraged online dialogue • 48% said that they would benefit from more online interaction • Learners commented on “lack of promotion” on behalf of tutors with the online medium. (n=449) (Zhang) OU LIBRARY SEMINAR

  27. Perceptions about Communication • Most important factor contributing to quality of distance education was communication. • Discussion board had too many students and too many topics for comfort. • Chat rooms should have fewer students and should be moderated by instructor • Feedback regarded as crucial communication parameter (n=214) Ortiz-Rodriguez (2005) OU LIBRARY SEMINAR

  28. Perceptions due to Cognitive Style • Diverger, Accommodator, Assimilator, Converger personality types defined. Last two styles did better in web based learning (n=36) Manochehri (2006) • Introverts and Extroverts defined based on Myers-Briggs Type Indicator (MBTI). Introverts scored higher than extroverts (85.2 vs. 80.1) in tests • Extroverts were more tense in the DL environment lectures than Introverts. (n=77) Offir (2007) OU LIBRARY SEMINAR

  29. Perceptions on Online Assessment • Students found mock exam in Sync. Mode using WebCT stressful. • A student said “ It was an exam in use of WebCT rather than an exam in video analysis”. (n=88) Davies (2005) OU LIBRARY SEMINAR

  30. Perceptions on Digital Library • Web-based DL course required writing of brief research papers using the digital library. • Students generally considered the use of digital library as a positive experience. • Students with prior experience of using the Internet had more positive experience of using the digital library • Males scored higher than females, regarding positive perception about the digital library (n=154) Koohang (2004) OU LIBRARY SEMINAR

  31. Perceptions on Isolation • 19 European and 24 Asian Students in an DL course: • Feeling of isolation among Asian students due to: • not having academic guidance • absence of authority • feelings of uncertainty in their work • Feeling of isolation among European Students due to: • missing out on an opportunity for discussion and debate (n=43) Venter (2003) • Practicum in DL mode. Students required to post their progress and reflections on their blogs, which contributed towards alleviating their feelings of isolation (n=111) Dickey (2004) OU LIBRARY SEMINAR

  32. Perceptions on Blended Learning Environment (BLE) • BLE in a military course comprised Asyn. Phase (1 year) followed by Syn.(10 weeks) followed by F2F (2 weeks) • Found Async. phase too long with too much info. • Found Sync. Phase too short but helpful in promoting understanding and mutual trust • Positive experience of email and chat room (n=8) Bonk (2002) • BLE for a course in instructional design. Async. Mode complemented by F2F (6 hrs per week). Computer-time (75%) Class-time(25%). • Students found BLE effective. Work made efficient by ability to post assignments online to instructor and receive feedback. Were not positive about reviewing peer work. (n=24) Christensen (2003) Continued… OU LIBRARY SEMINAR

  33. Perceptions on Blended Learning Environment (BLE) (Contd) • BLE in MA in Religious Ed. using Centra system. DLs could view live audio-video display of class on their computers and communicate via two-way audio with the class. In addition, DLs could silently communicate with each other using Sync. Chat. • Positive experience of participating in a live class. Communication with others DLs also appreciated. (n=7) Rogers (2003) • BLE in which on-campus class held normally. Audio recording of each class along with readings and assignments placed in Async. access for DLs. Discussion Board participated by DLs as well as in-class learners. • A beneficial experience. Discussion board proved useful for academic and social interaction, and for enhancement of learning. (n=7) Burgon (2003) Continued… OU LIBRARY SEMINAR

  34. Perceptions on Blended Learning Environment (BLE) (Contd) • BLE in neurological studies course. Classroom activity + Video Clips of patient disorders on CD-ROM. Linked to WebCT system. Multiple Choice Quiz tests, email, discussion board, chat rooms, mock exam, assessment, grade reports supported by WebCT system. • Students found BLE conducive to effective learning. • CD-ROM helped them to replay videos in their own time (n=88) Davies (2005) OU LIBRARY SEMINAR

  35. Summary of Learners’ Experiences • Learners were more comfortable with reading material in printed form. • Video content helped in understanding and retaining the content • Interaction with instructor found to be essential. Importance of timely feedback from instructor was stressed • Async. Communication in form of discussion board and email was useful for reflective contribution • Sync. Communication developed bonding between learners. Useful with smaller group, along with instructor moderation • Projects were done effectively through collaborative learning • Blended learning environment promoted mutual understanding and alleviated feelings of isolation • Digital Library was a useful component in the learning process. OU LIBRARY SEMINAR

  36. An Effective Distance Learning model Proposed • Course should begin with F2F briefing among tutor and students. Student in a cohort should not exceed 16 • In this briefing, all aspects of conduct of course should be discussed with hands-on demo. Groups for collaborative work should be formed, each group having max of 4 students • Reading material should be in printed form • DVD should contain learning objects like video clips, lectures, quiz tests • A Digital Library should complement the learning resources Continued… OU LIBRARY SEMINAR

  37. An Effective Distance Learning model Proposed (Contd) • Async. Communication should support discussion board and email • Sync. Communication should be used for instructor moderated communication between all students in the cohort. • Project work should be done by groups, in Sync. mode. • All online activity should be logged for viewing by instructor. • Assessment should be Project based and in Async. mode OU LIBRARY SEMINAR

  38. Thanks for your attention. Questions and Answers OU LIBRARY SEMINAR

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