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AHRI CERTIFICATION 6-24-2009. Key Elements. Uses recognized industry test standards Verifies manufacturer’s performance ratings through extensive and continuous third party testing Independent administration Open to all manufacturers Industry directed; not government mandated

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  2. Key Elements • Uses recognized industry test standards • Verifies manufacturer’s performance ratings through extensive and continuous third party testing • Independent administration • Open to all manufacturers • Industry directed; not government mandated • Governmental interaction • International recognition • Enforcement

  3. Important Rules • “All-certify” rule • “Basic model group” concept • Random selection process • Independent testing • Test failure provisions • Challenge test • Required Re-rate • Penalties

  4. All-Certify Rule • All products within the scope of a given certification program must be certified • Universal rule for all AHRI certification programs • Eliminates confusion in the market place

  5. Basic Model Group Concept • All programs define a “Basic Model Group (BMG)” as family of products • Similar performance characteristics • Capacity • Nominal air flow • Components • Minimum of 30% of basic model groups (model families) are tested annually

  6. Independent Testing • Independent third party testing • Avoids conflict of interest • Over 2500 tests per year • Laboratory or witness tests • First preference is laboratory testing • Witness testing at manufacturers’ facility for larger products

  7. Test Failure Provisions • First Test Failure • Laboratory advises manufacturer and AHRI • Manufacturer’s options (5 days to decide): • De-rate or obsolete all models in the basic model group • Test a second sample • Prove a defect caused failure • Second Test Failure • Laboratory advises manufacturer and AHRI • Manufacturer’s options (24 hours to decide): • Mandatory rerate of entire basic model group to the test results or • Obsolete all models in the basic model group

  8. Challenge Test • Challenger • Tests model • Sends results to AHRI • AHRI: reasonable grounds? • Authorizes laboratory to obtain and test unit • Cost of test • If unit passes, challenger pays • If unit fails, unit manufacturer pays

  9. Penalty Provisions(as a result of first test sample failure) • Additional tests • Monetary penalties • Re-rate of equipment

  10. Visit us at. . . www.AHRInet.org

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