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Definite Clause Grammars. t.k.prasad@wright.edu http://www.knoesis.org/tkprasad/. Review : Difference Lists. Represent list L as a difference of two lists L1 and L2 E.g., consider L = [a,b,c] and various L1-L2 combinations given below. Review: Append using Difference Lists.
Definite Clause Grammars t.k.prasad@wright.edu http://www.knoesis.org/tkprasad/ L21-DCG
Review : Difference Lists • Represent list L as a difference of two lists L1 and L2 • E.g., consider L = [a,b,c] and various L1-L2 combinations given below. L21-DCG
Review: Append using Difference Lists append(X-Y, Y-Z, X-Z). • Ordinary append complexity = O(length of first list) • Difference list append complexity = O(1) X-Z X X-Y Y Y Y-Z Z Z Z L21-DCG
DCGs • Mechanize attribute grammar formalism (a generalization of CFG) • Executable specification • Use difference lists for efficiency • Translation from DCGs to Prolog clauses is automatic L21-DCG
Sample Applications of DCGs • Coding recursive descent backtracking parser • Encoding and checking context-sensitive constraints • Simple NLP • In general, enabling syntax directed translation • E.g., VHDL Parser-Pretty Printer L21-DCG
DCG Example : Syntax sentence --> noun_phrase, verb_phrase. noun_phrase --> determiner, noun. verb_phrase --> verb, noun_phrase. determiner --> [a]. determiner --> [the]. determiner --> [many]. noun --> [president]. noun --> [cat]. noun --> [cats]. verb --> [has]. verb --> [have]. L21-DCG
DCG to Ordinary Prolog Syntax sentence(S,R) :- noun_phrase(S,T), verb_phrase(T,R). noun_phrase(S,T) :- determiner(S,N), noun(N,T). verb_phrase(T,R) :- verb(T,N), noun_phrase(N,R). determiner([a|R],R). determiner([the|R],R). determiner([many|R],R). noun([president|R],R). noun([cat|R],R). noun([cats|R],R). verb([has|R],R). verb([have|R],R). L21-DCG
Queries ?- sentence([the, president, has, a, cat], []). ?- sentence([the, cats, have, a, president], []). ?- sentence([a, cats, has, the, cat, president], [president]). ?- sentence([a, cats, has, the, cat, President], [President]). • Each non-terminal takes two lists as arguments. • In difference list representation, they together stand for a single list. L21-DCG
DCG Example: Number Agreement sentence --> noun_phrase(N),verb_phrase(N). noun_phrase(N) --> determiner(N), noun(N). verb_phrase(N) --> verb(N), noun_phrase(_). determiner(sgular) --> [a]. determiner(_) --> [the]. determiner(plural) --> [many]. noun(sgular) --> [president]. noun(sgular) --> [cat]. noun(plural) --> [cats]. verb(sgular) --> [has]. verb(plural) --> [have]. L21-DCG
Extension: AST plus Number agreement sentence(s(NP,VP)) --> noun_phrase(N, NP),verb_phrase(N, VP). noun_phrase(N, np(D,NT)) --> determiner(N, D), noun(N, NT). verb_phrase(N, vp(V,NP)) --> verb(N, V), noun_phrase(_, NP). determiner(sgular, dt(a)) --> [a]. determiner(_, dt(the)) --> [the]. determiner(plural, dt(many)) --> [many]. noun(sgular, n(president)) --> [president]. noun(sgular, n(cat)) --> [cat]. noun(plural, n(cats)) --> [cats]. verb(sgular, v(has)) --> [has]. verb(plural, v(have)) --> [have]. L21-DCG
Queries ?- sentence(T,[the, president, has, a, cat], []). T = s(np(dt(the), n(president)), vp(v(has), np(dt(a), n(cat)))) ; ?- sentence(T,[the, cats, have, a, president|X], X). ?- sentence(T,[a, cats, has, the, cat, preside], [preside]). • Each non-terminal takes two lists as arguments for input sentences, and additional arguments for the static semantics (e.g., number, AST, etc). • Number disagreement causes the last query to fail. L21-DCG
Prefix Expression DCG expr --> [if], expr, [then], expr, [else], expr. expr --> [’+’], expr, expr. expr --> [’*’], expr, expr. expr --> [m]. expr --> [n]. expr --> [a]. expr --> [b]. L21-DCG
Queries ?-expr([’*’, m, n], []). ?-expr([m, ’*’, n], []). ?-expr([’*’, m, ’+’, ’a’, n, n], [n]). ?-expr([if, a, then, m, else, n], []). ?-expr([if, a, then, a, else, ’*’, m, n], []). L21-DCG
Prefix Expression DCG : Type Checking Version tExpr(T) --> [if], tExpr(bool), [then], tExpr(T), [else], tExpr(T). tExpr(T) --> [’+’], tExpr(T), tExpr(T). tExpr(T) --> [’*’], tExpr(T), tExpr(T). tExpr(int) --> [m]. tExpr(int) --> [n]. tExpr(bool) --> [a]. tExpr(bool) --> [b]. • Assume that + and * are overloaded for int and bool. L21-DCG
Queries ?-tExpr(T,[’*’, m, n], []). ?-tExpr(T,[m, ’*’, n], []). ?-tExpr(T,[’*’, m, ’+’, ’a’, n, n], [n]). ?-tExpr(T,[if, a, then, m, else, n], []). T = int ; ?-tExpr(T,[if, a, then, b, else, ’*’, m, n], []). L21-DCG
Prefix Expression DCG : Type Checking and Evaluation Version evalExpr(V) --> etExpr(V,_). etExpr(V,T) --> [if], etExpr(B,bool), [then], etExpr(V1,T), [else], etExpr(V2,T), {B==true -> V = V1 ; V = V2}. etExpr(V,bool) --> [’+’], etExpr(V1,bool), etExpr(V2,bool), {or(V1,V2,V)}. etExpr(V,int) --> [’+’], etExpr(V1,int), etExpr(V2,int), {V is V1 + V2}. L21-DCG
(cont’d) etExpr(V,bool) --> [’*’], etExpr(V1,bool), etExpr(V2,bool), {and(V1,V2,V)}. etExpr(V,bool) --> [’*’], etExpr(V1,int), etExpr(V2,int), {V is V1 * V2}. etExpr(V,int) --> [m], {value(m,V)}. etExpr(V,int) --> [n], {value(n,V)}. etExpr(V,bool) --> [a], {value(a,V)}. etExpr(V,bool) --> [b], {value(b,V)}. L21-DCG
(cont’d) value(m,10). value(n,5). value(a,true). value(b,false). and(true,true,true). and(true,false,false). and(false,true,false). and(false,false,false). or(true,true,true). or(true,false,true). or(false,true,true). or(false,false,false). L21-DCG
Prefix Expression DCG : AST Version treeExpr(V) --> trExpr(V,_). trExpr(cond(B,V1,V2),T) --> [if], trExpr(B,bool), [then], trExpr(V1,T), [else], trExpr(V2,T). trExpr(or(V1,V2),bool) --> [’+’], trExpr(V1,bool), trExpr(V2,bool). trExpr(plus(V1,V2),int) --> [’+’], trExpr(V1,int), trExpr(V2,int). L21-DCG
(cont’d) trExpr(and(V1,V2),bool) --> [’*’], trExpr(V1,bool), trExpr(V2,bool). trExpr(mul(V1,V2),int) --> [’*’], trExpr(V1,int), trExpr(V2,int). trExpr(m,int) --> [m]. trExpr(n,int) --> [n]. trExpr(a,bool) --> [a]. trExpr(b,bool) --> [b]. L21-DCG
Other Compiler Operations • From parse tree and type information, one can: • compute (stack) storage requirements for variables and for expression evaluation • generate assembly code (with coercion instructions if necessary) • transform/simplify expression • Ref: http://www.cs.wright.edu/~tkprasad/papers/Attribute-Grammars.pdf L21-DCG
Variation on Expression Grammars Inefficient Backtracking Parser Exists Unsuitable Grammar E -> E + E | E * E | x | y E -> T + E | T T -> F * T | F F -> (E) | x | y L21-DCG
Attribute Grammars • Formalism for specifying semantics based on context-free grammars (BNF) • Static semantics (context-sensitive aspects) • Type checking and type inference • Compatibility between procedure definition and call • Dynamic semantics • Associate attributes with terminals and non-terminals • Associate attribute computation rules with productions L21-DCG
Attributes A(X) • Synthesized S(X) • Inherited I(X) • Attribute computation rules(Semantic functions) X0 -> X1 X2 … Xn S(X0) = f( I(X0), A(X1), A(X2), …, A(Xn) ) I(Xj) = Gj( I(X0), A(X1), A(X2), …, A(Xj-1)) for allj in1..n P( A(X0), A(X1), A(X2), …, A(Xn) ) L21-DCG
Information Flow inherited computed available synthesized ... ... L21-DCG
Synthesized Attributes Pass information up the parse tree • Inherited Attributes Pass information down the parse tree or from left siblings to the right siblings • Attribute values assumed to be available from the context. • Attribute values computed using the semantic rules provided. The constraints on the attribute evaluation rules permit top-down left-to-right (one-pass) traversal of the parse tree to compute the meaning. L21-DCG
An Extended Example • Distinct identifiers in a straight-line program. BNF <exp> ::= <var> | <exp> + <exp> <stm> ::= <var> := <exp> | <stm> ; <stm> Attributes <var> id <exp> ids <stm> ids num • Semantics specified in terms of sets (of identifiers). L21-DCG
<exp> ::= <var> <exp>.ids = {<var>.id } <exp> ::= <exp1> + <exp2> <exp>.ids = <exp>.idsU<exp>.ids <stm> ::= <var> := <exp> <stm>.ids ={ <var>.id }U <exp>.ids <stm>.num = | <stm>.ids | <stm> ::= <stm1> ; <stm2> <stm>.ids = <stm1>.ids U <stm2>.ids <stm>.num = | <stm>.ids | L21-DCG
Alternative Semantics using lists • Attributes envi : list of vars in preceding context envo : list of vars for following context dnum : number of new variables <exp> ::= <var> <exp>.envo = ifmember(<var>.id,<exp>.envi) then <exp>.envi elsecons(<var>.id,<exp>.envi) L21-DCG
Attribute Computation Rules <exp> ::= <exp1> + <exp2> envienvienvi envoenvoenvo dnumdnumdnum <exp1>.envi = <exp>.envi <exp2>.envi = <exp1>.envo <exp>.envo = <exp2>.envo <exp>.dnum = length(<exp>.envo) L21-DCG