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Definite Clause Grammar The most popular approach to parsing in Prolog is Definite Clause Grammar (DCG) which is a generalization of Context Free Grammar (CFG). Parsing is one of the important applications of Prolog and Logic Programming.
Definite Clause Grammar • The most popular approach to parsing in Prolog is Definite Clause Grammar (DCG) which is a generalization of Context Free Grammar (CFG). • Parsing is one of the important applications of Prolog and Logic Programming. • The DCG formalism is essentially independent of Prolog and it will be possible to write compiler or interpreter for it in any programming language which permits the unification of arguments. • But DCG is easily implementable in Prolog because grammar rules are similar to Prolog rules.
Let us see the relationship of DCG with Prolog and its systematic evolution. • Here we are staring from Prolog to DCG to justify the claim that it is by product of Prolog. • We begin by defining Context Free Grammar where rules are expressed in Bacus Normal Form (BNF) rules. • The general form of CFG rule is as follows: < non_terminal > :: = < body >, where body is a sequence of terminals and non terminals symbols of a grammar.
Consider the following grammar for a small subset of English sentences defined using BNF like notation. <sentence> :: = < noun_phrase >, <verb_phrase> <noun_phrase>:: = <determiner>, <noun> <verb_phrase> :: = <verb>, <noun_phrase> | <verb> <determiner> :: = a | the | an <noun> :: = apple | boy | girl | song < verb> :: = eats | sings • Declarative meaning of first rule is that a sentence can take a form in which noun_phrase is followed by a verb_phrase.
The parse tree for the sentence “the girl sings a song” is given as follows: sentence noun_phrase verb_phrase determiner noun verb noun_phrase the girl sings determiner noun a song
This grammar is context free and does not take care of number agreement and other semantic information. • A sentence “the girl sing a song” also get parsed if a verb singis available in the lexicon which is wrong syntactically. • The semantically incorrect sentence will also be parsed. For example, “the apple eats a boy” is correct according to the above grammar. • The reason is simple that we have not incorporated any context sensitive and semantic information.
If we can incorporate that the subject of eat should be animate(object having life) and the object should be eatable, then sentence can semantically be parsed correctly. • All these semantic features can be added and are explained later. • The CFG grammar can be easily coded into Prolog rules. • Each non_terminal symbol becomes a unary predicate whose argument is a sentence or phrase it identifies.
sentence(X) :- append(Y, Z, X), np (Y), vp(Z). (1) np(X) :- append(Y, Z, X), det(Y), noun(Z). (2) vp(X) :- append(Y, Z, X), verb (Y), np(Z). (3) vp(X) :- verb(X). (4) • The rules for terminal words are coded as facts. det([a]). det([the]). det([an]). noun([boy]). noun([apple]). noun([girl]). noun([song]). verb([eats]). verb(([sings]). Goal: ?- sentence([the, girl, sings, a, song]). • Here it is noted that a sentence is given as a list of words representing Prolog symbols.
In rule (1), X is instantiated to [the, girl, sings, a, song], but Y and Z are uninstantiated variables. • The goal append will generate all possible pair of values of Y and Z from X. Basically X is concatenation of two lists Y and Z. • The following pair of X and Y lists are obtained. • Y = [ ] , Z = [the, girl, sings, a, song] • Y = [the], Z = [girl, sings, a, song] • Y = [the, girl], Z = [sings, a, song] • Y = [the, girl, sings], Z = [a, song] • Y = [the, girl, sings, a], Z = [song] • Y = [the, girl, sings, a, song] , Z = [ ]
Out of six pairs listed above, Y = [the, girl] and Z = [sings, a, song] is the only possible pair for which sub goals np(Y),vp(Z) are satisfied. • Here we notice that lots of unnecessary searching is done, the most of which are useless. There is more direct method which avoids generation of such pairs. • The call to append suggests that a difference-list might be more appropriate structure for parsing. • The append function using difference-list concept is simple one fact as: append(X - Z, Z - Y, X - Y).
Difference List : (Incomplete Data Structure) • The difference list is an alternative data structure for representing a list. • Incomplete list is an example of such structures. For example, [1,2,3 | X] is an incomplete list whereas [1,2,3,4] is a complete list. • Consider a complete list [1, 2, 3]. We can represent it as the difference of the following pair of lists [1, 2, 3, 5, 8] and [5, 8] [1, 2, 3, 6, 7, 8, 9] and [6, 7, 8, 9] [1,2,3] and [ ]. • Each of these are instances of the pair of two incomplete lists [1,2,3 | X] and X. We call such pair a difference-list.
We denote the difference list by A-B, where A is the first argument and B is the second argument of a difference-list A-B. Such representation of list facilitates some of list operations more efficiently. • Example: Concatenating two lists represented in the form of difference lists. • Solution: When two lists represented as difference lists are concatenated (or appended), then we get appended list by simply unifying the appropriate arguments as given below: • diff_append (A - B, B - C, A - C). • If we have to append two lists [1,2,3] and [4,5,6], then we execute the following goal using difference-list rule given above.
Graphical representation of append program for difference lists: A A - B B B - C C A - C
Goal: ?- diff_append([1,2,3 | X] - X , [4,5,6 | Y] - Y, N). • Search tree: • ?- diff_append([1,2,3 | X] - X , [4,5,6 | Y] - Y, N). • {A = [1,2,3 | X], B = X = [4,5,6 | Y], • C =Y, N = A-C=[1,2,3,4,5,6 |Y] - Y} succeeds • Answer: X = [4,5,6 | Y] • N = [1,2,3,4,5,6 |Y] - Y • This program can not be used for concatenating two complete lists. • Here each list is to be represented using difference-list notation. There are nontrivial limitations to this representation because the first list gets changed.
Consider the following rule • sentence(X) :- append(Y, Z, X), np (Y), vp(Z). • We can rewrite it using difference lists as follows: • sentence(X-Y) :- append(X-Z, Z-Y, X-Y), np(X-Z), vp(Z-Y). • Since append(X-Z, Z-Y, X-Y) is always true, we can remove it from the rule. • Therefore, the modified rule becomes • sentence(X -Y) :- np(X - Z), vp(Z - Y). (1) • For the sake of convenience, we can write (1) as • sentence(X, Y) :- np(X, Z), vp(Z, Y). • Interpretation: There is a sentence between the difference of two lists X and Y if there is a noun_phrase between the difference of two lists X and Z and verb_phrase between Z and Y.
The npclause decides how much of the sequence is to be consumed and what is to be left for the vp clause to work on. • A terminal symbol in Prolog is coded using difference-list concept as terminal( [token|X], X) which means that there is a terminal_symbol between the difference of two lists [token | X] and X. • For example: • det( [the | X], X), noun([girl | X], X), verb([ sing | X], X) etc. • The complete program in prolog using difference list is written as follows:
The npclause decides how much of the sequence is to be consumed and what is to be left for the vp clause to work on. • A terminal symbol in Prolog is coded using difference-list concept as terminal( [token|X], X) which means that there is a terminal_symbol between the difference of two lists [token | X] and X. • For example: • det( [the | X], X). • noun([girl | X], X). • verb([ sing | X], X). etc • The complete program in prolog using difference list is written as follows:
sentence(X, Y) :- np(X, Z), vp(Z, Y). np(X, Y) :- det(X, Z), noun(Z, Y). vp(X, Y) :- verb (X, Z), np(Z, Y). vp(X, Y) :- verb(X, Y). det([a | X], X). det([an | X], X). det([the | X], X). noun([boy | X], X). noun([girl | X], X). noun([song | X], X). noun([apple | X], X). verb(([sing | X], X). verb(([sings | X], X). verb(([eats | X], X). • The above grammar using DCG rules is given as
sentence(X, Y) :- np(X, Z), vp(Z, Y). np(X, Y) :- det(X, Z), noun(Z, Y). vp(X, Y) :- verb (X, Z), np(Z, Y). vp(X, Y) :- verb(X, Y). det([a | X], X). det([an | X], X). det([the | X], X). noun([boy | X], X). noun([girl | X], X). noun([song | X], X). noun([apple | X], X). verb(([sing | X], X). verb(([sings | X], X). verb(([eats | X], X). The above grammar using DCG rules is given as
sentence --> np, vp. np --> det, noun. vp --> verb. vp --> verb, np. det --> [a]. det --> [an]. det --> [the]. noun -->[boy]. noun -->[girl]. noun --> [song]. noun -->[apple]. verb --> [sing]. verb --> [sings]. verb --> [eats].
In most of the Prolog systems, a DCG handler is built-in that translates DCG rules into Prolog rules. • The actual grammar rules are Prolog structures, with main functor --> which is declared as an infix operator in the beginning of program. • Prolog system checks whether a term read in, has --> functor and if so then translates it into a proper Prolog clause. sentence --> np, vp. sentence(X, Y) :- np(X, Z), vp(Z, Y). and det --> [the]. det([the | X], X).
The DCG rules are translated into Prolog rules by adding two difference-list arguments. • The query is normal Prolog goal and thus is expressed by adding the extra arguments by user as ?- sentence ([the, girl, sings, a, song], []). • The goal get satisfied using above DCG grammar rules. Further, the following goal also get satisfied. ?- sentence ([the, girl, sing, a, song], []). • In order to avoid this, the number agreements between subject and verb can be easily incorporated in DCG grammar.
Adding Extra Arguments • The grammar rules considered so far are of restricted kind. • Let us consider one useful extension, which allows phrase type to have extra arguments. • One way to resolve the problem of number agreement is to duplicate the grammar rules for singular and plural with different names. • Express the grammar rules by saying that there are two kinds of sentences viz., singular sentence and plural sentence. For example,
sentence --> sing_sent. sentence --> plur_sent. sing_sent --> sing_np, sing_vp. sing_np --> s_det, sing_noun. sing_vp --> sing_verb, np. sing_vp --> sing_verb. np --> sing_np. np --> plur_np. • Similarly the rules for plur_sent are defined. It is clear that this is not an elegant way of handling singular and plural sentences.
These sentences have lot of structures in common. • A better way is to associate an extra argument with phrase types, according to singular or plural. • In the grammar shown below, an argument M corresponds to number of entire sentence and M1 to number of verb phrase. • The modified grammar incorporating number agreement arguments is rewritten as follows: sentence --> sentence1(M). sentence1(M) --> np(M), vp(M). np(M) --> det(M), noun(M).
vp(M) --> verb(M). vp(M) --> verb(M), np(M1). det(singular) --> [a]. det(singular) --> [an]. det( _ ) --> [the]. noun(singular) -->[boy]. noun(singular) -->[girl]. noun(singular) -->[apple]. noun(plural) -->[apples]. noun(plural) -->[girls]. noun(singular) --> [song]. verb(singular) --> [sings]. verb(plural) --> [sing]. verb(singular) --> [eats]. verb(plural) --> [eat]. • Goal: ?- sentence([the, girl, sing, a, song], []).
It is to be noted that we have added context sensitivity in context free grammar by adding an extra argument. • This type of grammar is called DCG grammar as nonterminal symbols can have arguments in contrast to CFG. • Further, we can introduce arguments to express other important information as well, such as, an extra argument to return a parse structure for syntactically correct sentence rather than simply saying 'yes' and no.
Construction of Parse Structure • In Prolog, root (sub_tree1, sub_tree2, ....) is a representation of a following tree. root sub_tree1 sub_tree2 sub_tree3 … • Here sub_tree1, sub_tree2 etc are themselves trees.
Consider the following parse structure tree of a correct sentence 'the girl sings a song'. sent n_p v_p d n verb n_p the girl sings d n a song
In Prolog, above parse tree is coded as sent( n_p( d(the), n(girl)), v_p( verb(sings), n_p(d(a), (song)) ) ) • Here sent, n_p, v_p, n, v, d are user defined functor names representing sentence, noun phrase, verb phrase, noun, verb and determiner. • These names can be same as predicate names but for the sake of clarity we use different names.
The parse structure tree P of a sentence is constructed as follows: • P = sent(NP, VP), where NP and VP are the parse structures of noun phrase and verb phrase respectively. • NP = n_p(D, N), where D and N are the parse structures of determiner and nounrespectively. • VP = v_p(V, NP), where V and NP are the parse structures of verb and noun phrase in verb phrase. • It indicates that we can construct parse structure of a sentence by using parse structures of n_p (NP) and v_p (VP).
The grammar rules with argument P for parse structure tree and M for number of a sentence are given below: sentence (P) --> sentence(M, P). sentence(M, sent(NP, VP)) --> np(M, NP), vp(M , VP) np(M, n_p( D, N)) --> det(M, D), noun(M, N). vp(M, v_p(V)) --> verb(M, V). vp(M, v_p(V, NP1)) --> verb(M, V), np(M1, NP1). det(singular, d(a)) --> [a]. det( _ , d(the)) --> [the]. noun(singular, n(girl)) -->[girl]. noun(plural, n(girls)) -->[girls]. noun(singular, n(song)) --> [song]. verb(singular, v(sings)) --> [sings]. verb(plural, v(sing)) --> [sing].
DCG rule is translated to Prolog rule by adding two difference-list arguments as follows: • DCG rule: • sentence(M, sent(NP, VP)) --> np(M, NP), vp(M , VP). • Prolog rule: • sentence(M, s(NP,VP), X,Y) :- • np(M,NP,X, Z), vp(M,VP, Z, Y). • Here X, Y and Z stand for parts of the input sentence and are added by DCG handler automatically
Goal: ?- sentence(P, [the, girl, sings, a, song], []). Search tree: ?- sentence(M, P, [the, girl, sings, a, song], []). P = sent(NP, VP) ?- np(M, NP, [the, girl, sings, a, song], Z), vp(M, VP, Z, []). NP = n_p(D, N) ?- det(M, D, [the, girl, sings, a, song], Z1), noun(M, N, Z1, Z), ….. D = d(the), Z1 = [girl, sings, a, song] ?- noun(M, N, [girl, sings, a, song], Z), vp(M, VP, Z, []). M = singular, N = n(girl), Z = [sings, a, song] ?- vp(singular, VP, [sings, a, song], []). VP = v_p(V, NP1) ?- verb(singular, V, [sings, a, song], Y), np(M1, NP1, Y, []). V = v(sings), Y = [a, song] ?- np(M1, NP1, [a, song], []). NP1 = n_p(D, N) ?- det(M1, D, [a, song], X), noun(M1, N, X, []). M1 = singular, D = d(a), X = [song] ?- noun(singular, N, [song], []). N = n(song) succeeds
Adding Extra Tests • So far we have seen that the grammar rule translator (DCG handler) adds two extra arguments in each atom of the rule at the time of converting DCG grammar rules to Prolog clauses. • Sometimes it is desirable to specify Prolog sub goals in DCG grammar rules. • This can be easily achieved by putting Prolog sub goals inside the curly brackets. • DCG handler at the time of conversion will leave sub goals enclosed in { } unchanged and brackets are removed.
This would be useful while defining lexicon . • Suppose we want to add new nouns such as banana, apple and orange in the grammar specified earlier, we would write noun rules. noun (singular, n(banana)) --> [banana]. noun (plural, n(apples)) --> [apples]. noun (singular, n(orange)) --> [orange]. • We notice that there is lot of information to be specified for each noun, even when we know that every noun occupies only one element of an input list and will give rise to a small parse tree with the functor 'n'.
A much more economical way would be to express the common information about all the nouns at one place and the information about particular word somewhere else. • We abstract the word details from the lexicon and put it in the grammar. • Lexicon may be stored in a separate file which may grow or shrink according to the need. This file is loaded in the main program containing grammar rules at the time of execution by consult predicate.
Abstract DCG rule for Noun: noun(M, n(N)) --> [N], { is_noun(M, N) }. Equivalent Prolog rule: noun(M, n(N), [N | X], X) :- is_noun(M, N). • Here, is_noun is a normal Prolog predicate used to express an individual word. • An argument M represents number of a noun and N represents noun word. • Curly brackets indicate that the sub goals inside them remain unchanged after translation from DCG rule to Prolog rule.
The nouns in the lexicon are specified as follows: is_noun(singular, banana). is_noun(plural, apples). is_noun(singular, orange). • Similarly abstract DCG rule for verb phrase and lexicon for verbs are defined as follows: verb(M, v(V)) --> [V], { is_verb(M, V) }. is_verb(singular, eats). is_verb(plural, eat). is_verb(singular, sings). is_verb(plural, sing).
Here we notice that each noun or verb is still specified as singular or plural where the token is same with some characters added or removed at the end of the token e.g., banana / bananas, eat /eats etc. • Handling conversions from singular to plural or vice versa could be done by usingmorphological rules. In that case one need to specify only one form of the token. • For the sake of simplicity we consider both the forms to be included in the lexicon.
Complete DCG grammar with abstract rules sentence (P) --> sentence(M, P). sentence(M, sent(NP, VP))--> np(M, NP), vp(M , VP). np(M, n_p( D, N)) --> det(M, D), noun(M, N). vp(M, v_p(V)) --> verb(M, V). vp(M, v_p(V, NP1)) --> verb(M, V), np(M1, NP1). noun(M, n(N)) --> [N], { is_noun(M, N) }. verb(M, v(V)) --> [V], { is_verb(M, V) }. det(M, d(D)) --> [D], { is_det(M, D) }. Lexicon: (can be stored separately in a file ) is_noun (singular, girl). is_noun (plural, girls). is_noun (singular, song). is_noun(singular, banana). is_noun(plural, apples). is_noun(singular, orange). is_det( _ , the). is_verb(singular, eats). is_verb(plural, eat). is_verb(singular, sings). is_verb(plural, sing). is_det(singular, a). is_det(singular, an).
Construction of Semantic Representation • Semantic representation of a sentence is obtained by applying the principle of compositionality which means that the semantic representation is composed from the semantic representation of its constituents. • Semantic representation of a sentence gives meaning of a sentence whose computation relies on two things. • The representation of individual word in the lexicon ( which contains its semantic representation as one of its arguments). • The rules for semantic composition. • For example, the construction of semantic representation for noun phrase is based on the semantic representations for determiner and noun.
Here we are considering the semantic representation of a sentence as a first order predicate logic formula corresponding to a sentence that specifies the meaning. • For example, semantic representation of a sentence ‘every man is mortal’ is (X) (man(X) mortal(X) ). • Call semantic representation as Logical Form (LF). • The computation of semantic representation is particularly simple in Prolog. • The use of variables allow us to specify the structures. • Covington (1988) has used lambda () notation and DCG grammar for semantic representation.
For example, man(X), mortal(X) can be represented in lambda notation as X . man(X) and X . mortal(X) • The is called unnamed function which when applied on a given value of X, say ‘john’ gives man(john) and mortal(john) i.e., (X . man(X)) john = man(john). • Lambda notation provides a way to encode formulae with missing information. • For example ‘john likes mary’ has LF as likes(john, mary). • expressions for verb ‘likes’ are given as follows: X . likes(X, mary) -> " _ likes mary" Y . X . likes(X, Y) -> " _ likes _ ”
In Prolog, there is no standard notation for lambda expression, but it is not difficult to construct it and use in Prolog program. • A lambda expression is merely a two argument term whose arguments are variable and a term in which that variable occurs. • We use the character ^ as an infix operator to hold lambda expression. Therefore, we write X^likes(X, mary) for X . likes(X, mary) Y^X^likes(X, Y) for Y . X . likes(X, Y)
Semantic Representation of Lexical items • In lexicon, the semantic representation for each word is given. • The syntactic category of word can be either noun, verb, determiner, adjective, adverb, pronoun or conjunction. • Let us see the semantic representations of a word in each category. • LF of ‘man’ is X^man(X). • The entry using DCG notation for ‘man’ is defined as follows: noun(X^man(X), [man | T], T ).
General DCG grammar rule for noun N is written as: noun(X^N(X)) --> [N], {is_noun(N)}. • Lexicon entry for noun ‘man’ is: is_noun(man). • Similarly, general grammar rules for transitive (verbs requiring objects) and intransitive (verbs requiring no objects) verbs are given as: t_verb(Y^X^V(X, Y)) --> [V], {is_tverb(V)}. int_verb(X^V(X)) --> [V], {is_intverb(V)}. • Lexicon entries are as follows: is_tverb(likes). is_tverb(teaches). is_tverb(loves). is_intverb(cry). is_intverb(laugh).
Determiner and Adjective • Main type of modifiers of nouns are determiners and adjectives. For example, a, an, the, some, all, exist, every, each, etc. • Syntactically, determiners correspond to quantifiers. Normally, quantifier corresponds to ‘a’, ‘an’, ‘exist’ and corresponds to ‘all’, ‘every’, ‘each’. • The case of determiner is more complex. In fact, it determines the relationship between restrictor and scope.
To understand the meaning of restrictor and scope, let us consider the following LFs: every man is mortal - (X) (man(X) ->mortal(X)) every girl likes doll - (X) ( girl(X) -> (Y) (doll(Y) likes(X, Y)) ) • Here, (X)man(X) and (X)girl(X) are called restrictor of a quantifier X which restricts the set of values of X that quantifier can pick out. • Rest of the formulae ‘mortal(X)’ and ‘(Y) (doll(Y) likes(X, Y))’ are scope of the quantifier which are supposed to be true for appropriate values of X.
Hence for any quantified variable X, the quantifier is a relation between the set of values of X that satisfy the restrictor, and the set of values of X that satisfy both the restrictor and the scope. • So a determiner takes a restrictor and a scope and puts them together with appropriate notation. • The semantic representation of a determiner is of the form: (X^Restrictor) ^ (X^Scope) ^ Formula Or X^Restrictor^Scope^Formula • The variable X is explicit here so that the corresponding variables in different terms will be unified.
The entries for determiners are defined as follows: • For determiners {every, all, each}, the lexicon entry is: det((X^Restrictor) ^ (X^Scope) ^ all(X, Restrictor -> Scope)) --> [every] / [all] / [each]. Or det(X^Restrictor^Scope^ all(X, Restrictor -> Scope)) --> [every] / [all] / [each]. • For derterminers {a, an, any}, the lexicon entry is: det((X^Restrictor) ^ (X^Scope) ^ exist(X, Restrictor Scope)) --> [a] / [an] / [any]. Or det(X^Restrictor^Scope^ exist(X, Restrictor Scope)) --> [a] / [an] / [any].