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Describe it!. piaget. Nature vs. nurture. Ecological model. Id, Ego, super ego. b.f. skinner. watson. Erik erikson. What is Altruism/ Prosocial Behaviour? . Do a positive task without the expectation of a reward. Milgram. Emergent Norm Theory .
The standard behaviour that emerge from groups are: the lawless, suggestible, cautions, yielders, supportive, and resisters
Includes all efforts to persuade ppl to a point of view on an issue. • Examples-> media, education,
The way our thoughts are affected by our environment and the way our thoughts affect our behaviour
The way we interpret other people’s motives and intentions by observing their behaviour
Based on meeting the other persons needs. Ie. Parent-child relationship
Acting impulsive or instinctively. Involves testosterone & estrogen
Addictive qualities of attraction-involves dopamine, norepinephrine and serotonin
Action in a crowd, excited by the threat, uncontrolled and uncoordinated action.
Group members assume that their group has the correct answer • Involves->group can do no wrong, self-censorship, pressure to conform, unanimity (the illusion of consensus)
The idea that within a crowd ppl feel anonymous and free to behave unlawful
Agree to act a certain way when ordered or instructed to do something • Includes social power/status of an authority figure
Crowd behaviour arises from the gathering together of people who share the same needs, impulses, dislikes and purposes
startsspontaneously • is relatively unorganized • fairly unpredictable • planless in its course of development
Positive or negative attitude based on information or knowledge that is either illogical, unrelated to reality, a distorted fact • The feeling
The beliefs that make up prejudice, simple often generalized