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Random Walks

Random Walks. Ben Hescott CS591a1 November 18, 2002. Random Walk Definition.

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Random Walks

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  1. Random Walks Ben Hescott CS591a1 November 18, 2002

  2. Random Walk Definition • Given an undirected, connected graph G(V,E) with |V| = n, |E| = m a random “step” in G is a move from some node u to a randomly selected neighbor v. A random walk is a sequence of these random steps starting from some initial node.

  3. Points to note • Processes is discrete • G is not necessarily planar • G is not necessarily fully connected • A walk can back in on itself • Can consider staying in same place as a move

  4. Questions • How many steps to get from u to v • How many steps to get back to initial node • How many steps to visit every node • Easy questions to answer if we consider a simple example

  5. Regular Graphs • The expected number of steps to get from vertex u to v in a regular graph is n-1, • The expected number of steps to get back to starting point is n for a regular graph. • Expected number of steps to visit every node in a regular graph is

  6. Triangle Example • Consider probabilities of being at a particular vertex at each step in walk. • Each of these can be consider a vector,

  7. Transition Matrix • We can use a matrix to represent transition probabilities, consider adjacency matrix A and diagonal matrix, D, with entries 1/d(i) where d(i) is degree of node i. Then we can define matrix M = DA • For triangle d(i) = 2 so M = • Note for triangle Pr[a to b] = Pr[b to a]

  8. Markov Chains - Generalized Random Walks • A Markov Chain is a stochastic process defined on a set of states with matrix of transition probabilities. • The process is discrete, namely it is only in one state at given time step (0, 1, 2, …) • Next move does not depend on previous moves, formally

  9. Markov Chain Definitions • Define vector • where the i-th entry is the probability that the chain is in state t • Note: • Notice that we can then calculate everything given q0 and P.

  10. More Definitions • Consider question where am I after t steps, define t-step probability • Question is this my first time at node j? • Consider probability visit state j at some time t>0 when started at state i. • Consider how many steps to get from state i to j. given ,otherwise

  11. Even More Definitions • Consider fii • State i is called transient fii < 1 • State i is called persistent if fii = 1 • If state i is persistent and hii is infinite then i is null-persistent • If state i is persistent and hii is not infinite then i is non-null-persistent • Turns out every Markov Chain is either transient or non-null-persistent

  12. Almost there • A strong component of a directed graph G is a subgraph C of G where for each edge eij there is a directed path from i to j and from j to i. • A Markov Chain is irreducible if underlying graph G consists of a single strong component. • A stationary distribution for a Markov Chain with transition matrix P is distribution  s.t. P  =  • The periodicity of state i is max int T for which there is a q0 and a>0 s.t. for all t, if then t is in arithmetic progression A state is periodic if T>1 and aperiodic otherwise • An ergodic Markov Chain is one where all states are aperiodic and non-null persistent

  13. Fundamental Theorem of Markov Chains • Given any irreducible, finite, aperoidic Markov Chain then all of the following hold • The chain is ergodic • There is a unique stationary distribution  where for • for • Given N(i,t) number of time chain visits state i in t steps then

  14. Random Walk is a Markov Chain • Consider G a connected, non-bipartite, undirected graph with |V| = n, |E| = m. There is a corresponding Markov Chain • Consider states of chain to be set of vertices • Define transitional matrix to be

  15. Interesting facts • MG is irreducible since G is connected and undirected • Notice the periodicity is the gcd of all cycles in G - closed walk • Smallest walk is 2 go one step and come back • Since G is non-bipartite then there is odd length cycle • GCD is then 1 so MG is aperiodic

  16. Fundamental Theorem Holds • So we have a stationary distribution, P =  • But • Good news, • Also get

  17. Hitting Time • Generally hij, the expected number of steps needed before reaching node j when starting from node i is the hitting time. • The commute time is the expected number of steps to reach node j when starting from i and then returning back to i. • The commute is bounded by 2m • We can express hitting time in terms of commute time as

  18. Lollipop • Hitting time from i to j not necessarily same a time from j to i. Consider the kite or lollipop graph. • Here

  19. Cover Time • How long until we visit every node? • The expected number of steps to reach every node in a graph G starting from node i is called the cover time, Ci(G) • Consider the maximum cover time over all nodes • [Matthews]The maximum cover time of any graph with n nodes is (1+1/2+…+1/n) times the maximum hitting time between any two nodes - 2m(n-1)

  20. Coupon Collector • Want to collect n different coupons and every day Stop and Shop sends a different coupon at random - how long do have to wait before you can by food? • Consider cover time on on a complete graph, here cover time is O(nlgn)

  21. Mixing Rate • Going back to probability, could ask how quickly do we converge to the stationary (limiting) distribution? We call this rate the mixing rate of the random walk. • We saw • How fast

  22. Mixing with the Eigenvalues • How do we calculate - yes eigenvalues! • Since we are considering probability transitions as a matrix why not use spectral techniques • Need graph G to be non-bipartite • First need to make sure P is symmetric, not true unless G is regular

  23. More decomposition • Need to make P symmetric. • Recall that P = DA, where D is diagonal matrix with entries of d(u), degree of node u • Consider • Claim this let us work with spectral since • Now mixing rate is

  24. Graph Connectivity • Recall the graph connectivity problem, Given undirected graph G(V,E) want to find out if node s is connected to node t. • Can do this in deterministic polynomial time. • But what about space, would like to do this in a small amount of space. • Recall hitting time of a graph is at most n3 • Try a walk of 2n3 steps to get there, needs only lg(n) space to count number of steps.

  25. Sampling • So what’s the fuss? • We can use random walks to sample, since we have the powerful notion of stationary distribution and on a regular graph this is uniform distribution, we can get at random elements. • More importantly we can get a random sample from an exponentially large set.

  26. Covering Problems • Jerrun, Valiant, and Vazirani - Babai product estimator, or enumeration - self reducibilty • Given V a set and V1, V2, V3, …,Vm subsets • For all i, |Vi| is polynomial time computable • Can sample from V uniformly at random • For all v in V, can determine efficiently that v is in Vi • Can we get size of union of subsets, or can we enumerate V in polynomial time

  27. Permanent • Want to count the number of perfect matchings in a bipartite graph. • This is the permanent of a matrix • Given a n x n matrix A the permanent is • This is #P-complete

  28. Commercial Break • #P is the coolest class, defined as counting class. • Consider the number of solutions to the problem • Hard - [Toda] PH is contained in #P • Want to show hyp-PH is also contained in #P

  29. How to use random walk for permanent approximation • Given graph G with d(u) > n/2 want to generate a random perfect matching • First notice that input graph is bipartite. • Instead consider graph of perfect matchings • Let each node be a perfect matching in G - problem is how to connect • Need to consider near-perfect matchings a matching with n/2-1 edges

  30. Permanent Cont. • Connect near perfect matchings with an edge if they have n/2-2 edges in common and connect a perfect matching to all of the near perfect matchings contained in it to create a graph H. • Notice degree of H is bounded by 3n • Walk (randomly) a polynomial number of steps in H - if node is a perfect matching -good - otherwise try again.

  31. Volume • Want to be able to calculate the volume of a convex body in n dimensions • Computing convex polytope is #P-Hard • No fear randomization is here • Want to be able to fit this problem into enumeration problem

  32. Volume Cont. • Given C convex body in n dimensions, assume that C contains the origin • Further assume that C contains the unit ball and itself is contained in a ball of radius r<n3/2. • Define Ci = intersection of C and ball around origin of radius

  33. Volume Cont. • Then we get • And we know Vol(Ci) • Now only need to be able to get a element uniformly at random - use a walk • Difficult to do walk, create a grid and walk from intersections of Ci’s • Stationary distribution is not uniform but a distribution with density function proportional to local conductance

  34. Partial Reference List • L. Lovasz. Random Walks on Graphs: A survey. Combinatorics Paul Erdos is Eighty Volume 2, p1-46 • R. Motwani, P. Raghavan Randomized Algorithms. Cambridge University 1995

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