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This project focuses on analyzing a film within its cultural, historical, and institutional contexts. The research includes creating a catalogue of key research items, writing a presentation script, and providing an evaluation. The goal is to demonstrate how the distinctive elements of chosen films contribute to their overall meaning.
The Small Scale Research Project 50% of the A2 coursework marks.
Texts and Contexts ... • The project is based on ONE focus film, and must make reference to at least TWO other films. You must define your investigation by relating the focus film to ONE of theses contexts: • CONTEXTS • CHOOSE THREE FILMS & ONE CONTEXT • ANNOTATE A CATALOGUE OF RESEARCH ITEMS • WRITE A PRESENTATION SCRIPT • WRITE AN EVALUATION • star/performer • genre • technology • social, historical and/or political context • institution • auteur (as Director, Star or Studio)
IMPORTANT RESTRICTIONS • Your focus film cannot be the one used for your 'micro' or 'macro' reading in FS1. Neither can it be any focus or close study film in FS3 or FS5. • BEFORE YOU START • A title for your project will need to be approved by the exam board. The task is to identify what is distinctive about the chosen films and demonstrate how this contributes to a meaning. It means working from text (films) to context.
Three Parts to the Project ... • 1. An Annotated Catalogue of key items of research (500 words = 15 marks) • Each of 10 to 15 items, which have been selected from primary and secondary research, should have a brief note (5 lines) to explain its relevance and assess its importance. • A short paragraph will conclude and identify 3- 5 items that were not included, explaining why.
Three Parts to the Project ... • 2. A Presentation Script (1000 - 1500 words = 20 marks) • This is NOT an essay! It MUST be notes for a presentation. It could include subheadings, bullet points, reference to extracts, short pieces of prose. It MUST reference key catalogue items. All quotations MUST be credited (these are excluded from the word count).
Three Parts to the Project ... • 3. An Evaluation of the project (500 words = 15 marks) • Consider: • the success (or not) of the project, • your approach to research, advantages and disadvantages of different forms of research (i.e. books, internet, DVD extras, magazines etc.), • skills developed (i.e. problems faced and overcome) • selection process of catalogue • reflection on findings
NOTES: • Your research could also include your own notes from viewing the films or DVD extras, your own survey or interviews, getting other people's responses etc. • Catalogue items should be organised into primary and secondary sources. Research should also include items that help define your chosen context. • Credit is given for a logical structure in presenting material and appropriate use of language to communicate clearly. Evaluation should focus on methods of research, the role of research and problem-solving.