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MIKE GAHAN. General Manager Aviation The Ambidji Group. THE AMBIDJI GROUP Transportation & Telecommunications Infrastructure. Strategic Use Of Technology Planning For A Competitive Future. COMPANY OVERVIEW . INDEPENDENT CONSULTANTS

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  1. MIKE GAHAN General Manager Aviation The Ambidji Group

  2. THE AMBIDJI GROUPTransportation & Telecommunications Infrastructure StrategicUse Of Technology Planning For A Competitive Future


  4. Company Experience(over 40 countries)                                          

  5. APEC Transportation Working Group Project: Towards Mutual RecognitionOfTransport Professional Qualifications Stage 4: A Framework for Recommended Practices  

  6. The Stage 4 Taskforce developed a ‘model concept’ designed to address the following requirements: • preparation of a core set of competency descriptions encompassing all APEC economies; • collation of competencies required either by qualification or by economy; • comparing and differentiating between two or more economies; • addressing the identified differences in education/training; • documentary systems that support a Quality Assurance Program.

  7. Terminology • Competencies the skills and knowledge needed for effective performance • Qualification the official record of achievement or credential awarded • Recognition acceptance by one Authority of the qualifications or competencies issued by another Authority

  8. Terminology • Mutual Recognition It is not necessary for a member economy to unreservedly accept the qualification issued by another member economy, per se; rather, MUTUAL RECOGNITION can be achieved by acknowledging the skills (competencies) embodied in a qualification and then determining the additional competencies and requirements needed to enable “qualification” in other member economies.

  9. MRQ Model Development Methodology • Develop a framework for preferred strategies which will assist in promoting the growth of mutual recognition; and • Develop a mechanism or model to facilitate recognition

  10. Considerations • Bilateral recognition and acceptance of qualification; • Common or agreed competency standards; • Accreditation of training/education institutes/agencies; • Transparency of recognition of qualifications; • Database collation of existing recognition or reciprocity agreements; and • Linkages to other international organisations or bodies, such as ICAO, ILO and IMO, for consistency of conventions and standards.

  11. Issues • national sovereignty; • workplace / operation safety of personnel and systems; • border protection; • security; • economic impact; and • specific national laws and/or regulations.

  12. 2 Part Process Agree a common definition of each of the competencies; then Economies can determine: the common competencies; apparent differences; and how to resolve those differences. COMPETENCE ECONOMY PROFESSION MRQ Model Concept

  13. Prepare Collate Compare Address Document Consult Monitor Future Proofing

  14. Implementation • Phase 1 Proof of concept • Develop the initial ‘Register of Mutual Recognition and Process’; • apply the MRQ Model to a selected target transportation profession; • refine the MRQ Model if necessary. • Phase 2 Implement the refined model for remaining target professions. • Phase 3 Extend the implementation to other professions.

  15. Conclusions (1) • The Recognition model should focus on competency based criterion. • The Recognition model should be generic enough to cater for the widest possible application. • The matrix approach of Competency/Criterion referenced, Profession and Economy (of origin) is proposed. • APEC is already undertaking an ad hoc process of recognition; these can be used to extend the overall project coverage.

  16. Conclusions (2) • The formalisation of the significant amount of de facto recognition already in existence is reasonably straight forward and not problematic in structure. • Key issues which may be potential barriers: • national sovereignty, • workplace/operation safety of personnel and systems, • border protection, • security and economic factors • Economy specific laws/regulations. • Economic drivers will produce a ’bottom up’ approach and will encourage participation.

  17. Recommendations (1) • Competency/Criterion referenced approach be the basis of a recognition model. • That APEC adopt the MRQ Model developed in this report . • Successful models of recognition in other regions be considered and, if appropriate, adopting them following any necessary modifications. • A matrix approach based upon the 3 axis of Competency/Criterion reference, Profession and Economy be adopted.

  18. Recommendations (2) • A pilot [proof of concept] project be chosen as a precursor and encouragement to widespread implementation across professions and Economies. • The APEC Secretariat consider providing a link to the document from the APEC TPT-WG website. • The TPT-WG review the Register of Mutual Recognition Process and the associated database at each meeting. • If current standards within the APEC region exceed international standards and requirements, consideration be given to adoption of the former as an agreed regional overlay.

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