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Welcome to 5 th Grade!. Welcome Parents!. Our Goals in 5 th grade. To give your children the academic and social skills they need to progress to sixth grade. To provide a supportive, fun, and safe environment for learning.
Welcome to 5th Grade! Welcome Parents!
Our Goals in 5th grade • To give your children the academic and social skills they need to progress to sixth grade. • To provide a supportive, fun, and safe environment for learning. • To enable students with great success this year! The 5th grade writing assessment is in February and we want to strive for scores of “4 or more!” This will be the best year yet! • To work as a team with students, parents, and administration. We work as a 5th grade team. • We are the Fantastic 5 of CES!
My background I grew up in New York. I received by Bachelor’s from St. Rose and my Master’s in Education from MTSU. I’ve lived in Tennessee for almost 15 years and across the street from school for about 11 years. My Family Married with 3 children; 11 year old at the middle school this year, a 4 year and a 2 year old My experience This is my 12th year teaching. This is my seventh year teaching 5th grade. Mrs. Kathleen Davis
TCAP Counts! 2011 – 2012 • 20% of Second Semester Final Grade 2012 – 2013 • 25% of Second Semester Final Grade • TCAP results may be considered for promotion/retention purposes.
Switching Classes-Flexible Grouping • Students will be switching classes. Some of these classes will be mixed with other homerooms as to serve students best. We will be looking at students’ deficiencies and strengths in order to determine what extra support or extension each child needs. • Last week, we tested and assessed data about your child to determine which flex group would suit him or her best.
RTIResponse to Intervention • Tier II - 60 min extra reading support a week • Tier III - Mrs. Molloy gives about 90 min extra a week to help with reading • Ms. Molloy and Mrs. Deery may work with any these students.
Mrs. Christy Brown • My background • I grew up in Rutherford County. • I attended Riverdale High School. • I received my Bachelor’s from Tennessee Technological University, and Master’s from Trevecca Nazarene University. • My Family • Married to Jay Brown, assistant principal at Eagleville School & Rockvale Middle. • Son, Simon-9; new baby, Emily • My experience • This is my 12th year teaching. • This is my fifth year teaching 5th grade.
Classroom ExpectationsPositive Behavior System • Be Respectful • To people, including ourselves, & • To things, such as school property & the property of others. • Be Responsible • By having all materials ready for use, • By listening and working quietly, & • By respecting the rights of others to learn & of the teacher to teach. • By following directions the first time. • Be Safe • By keeping hands, feet, objects, and negative words to self. • By following all school rules. Stamps are given on Roar charts for demonstrating these expectations. Each nine weeks, those who fill their charts will be invited to a ROAR party.
Agenda Codes • OT-off task during instruction or work time; inattention • T- inappropriate or disruptive talking • DP-Disrespectful to others, oneself • DT-Disrespectful to property, things • G- Gum • R-Responsibility for actions, assigned tasks or agenda not signed • H-Homework/Class work not completed
Consequences • 1 mark= lose 5 minutes of recess • 2 marks= lose 10 minutes of recess • 3 marks= no recess • 4 marks= no recess and contact the parent • 5 marks= student will be relocated to a specified classroom • 6 marks= referral to administration
Behavior Rewards • Stamps/Stickers • Class Passes such as no homework or sit with a friend (These are used by teachers’ discretion) • Good Note/Call Home • Free Time • Special Responsibilities • Special Privileges • ROAR Parties
My background I grew up in Williamson County. I received by Bachelor’s and master’s degrees from MTSU. My Family Married with baby boy due Nov. 1 My experience This is my 11th year teaching. This is my eighth year teaching 5th grade. Mrs. Deborah Henderson
Parent-Teacher Communication • Agendas • Student’s responsibility- Fill out all assignments after each class. • Teacher’s responsibility- Check, sign, record any marks. • Parent’s responsibility- Check agenda and sign nightly. • Emails • Our e-mails were sent home on our newsletters last Monday. We will have them again in our classrooms tonight. • We can check emails from home, before school hours, and after school hours. We try to check during the school day, but some days it is impossible. For emergencies, call the school.
Parent-Teacher Communication • Website-we are all trying to get updated • www.ces.rcs.k12.tn.us • Class Assignments • Projects • Wish lists • Classroom news • Grades
Parent-Teacher Communication • Take Home Folders • These are sent home every Monday. • Review all papers with your child. • Any grade except for tests and quizzes with a grade below 70 can be redone for a better grade this first nine weeks only. • Sign and return by Tuesday of the following week. Late folders will receive a Responsibility mark.
Parent-Teacher Communication • Progress Reports • Progress reports will be sent home every 4-5 weeks. These dates are determined by the county. • These reports give an idea of how your child is doing in each subject thus far. Grades can also be checked online. • These will normally be found in the red take home folder or stapled in agenda. • Must be signed and returned.
Monthly Calendar/ Newsletter • A monthly calendar of events will be sent home each month in the Take Home Folder for you to keep on the refrigerator or other safe spot for reference. • Class newsletter will be on the top. • WOW (Wildcat of the Week) reminders.
My background I grew up in Manchester, TN I received by Bachelor’s from Martin Methodist University . My Family Married this past summer My experience This is my 2nd year at CES teaching fifth grade. Mrs. Jessica Medley
Wildcat of the Week When your child is scheduled to be the W.O.W., he/she can create a poster displaying photographs and information about family members, pets, hobbies, friends, sports, etc. or just bring in pictures to hang up. When it is your child’s week, he/she will be given special privileges. Students can bring in their posters or pictures on Monday of their assigned week, and they will share what they bring in with the class.
Snacks • We encourage students to bring healthy snack and a water bottle to school. • Our lunch time is after noon so it is important for students to eat a healthy breakfast and a snack for optimal learning. • There will be a snack cart starting soon selling healthy snacks for 50 cents.
Related Arts 1:25-2:00 • PE, Art, Computer, Music, Library • These classes rotate on a 6 day schedule identified as colors. • We now have 2 full-time PE teachers so students will receive PE twice every 6 school days. • Every Monday, students will have an additional class with one of these teachers.
Attendance & Missing Work • Students need to be here at school in order to learn and achieve their goals. • However, students who are sick or hurt will not have a productive learning day. There are days that your child needs to stay home and recuperate-we understand that, but please reinforce the importance of learning. • Students will have 5 days after returning to school to complete any work missed while absent. It may be necessary for parents’ assistance when trying to complete these assignments.
Grading • Grades are taken in every subject. • All assignments merit equal value. • Extra credit opportunities are available at specific designated times.
My background I grew up in and actually attended Christiana as a student. I received by Bachelor’s from MTSU. My Family Married for 19 years with 2 sons; Mitchell-16, Jacob-12 My experience This is my 8th year teaching at CES. This is my 4th year teaching 5th grade. Mrs. Rebecca Miller
Reading Fluency • Reading fluencies are given each nine weeks to assess the accuracy and comprehension. • Students are given one minute to complete the fluency. • We will record the # of words your child can read per minute on the report card. • We work on this each week in class.
Homework • Homework will be assigned on a nightly basis. Homework is used to reinforce skills taught at school. We try to keep it limited to no more than 45 minutes. • Students will have some time to work on homework in class. • If students are absent, it is their responsibility to check the “missing work binder” and pick up work they missed. Students have 5 days to make up work due to an absence.
Changes this year… • Lunch Money- Students will be responsible for bringing their own much money to the cafeteria during designated lunchtime. • That means you, the parent, must send in any lunch money in a sealed envelope with your child’s name, teacher, and amt labeled on the front. • Better yet, you can go online to the county website and put money in your child’s account and note what they are buying.
Wish Lists are posted outside teachers’ classrooms • Color Copy Paper and card stock • Check your teacher’s room tonight • Thanks for any help you can provide!
Back to School Bash! • When? Thursday, September 1, 3:30-5:30 • Where? CES Gym • Why? Fundraiser for 5th grade • Who? 5th grade students • Monitors? 5th grade teachers & Mrs. Benson or Mrs. Ezell • Cost? $5 for 2 pieces of pizza and a drink • Extra items? $.50 for snacks/ extra drinks • Pictures? $1 for pictures These notes will be sent home in the red take home folder next week.
Questions or Concerns?See your child’s homeroom teacher afterwards in their classroom.