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The Parliamentary Metadata Language (PML) schema. XML Schema (PML). Controlled Vocabularies. Referred to as: Lieut. Col. James Craig Capt. Craig Col. Craig Sir James Craig Viscount Craigavon. UK Parliament 1906-21 MP for Down East 1906-18 MP for Down Mid 1918-21.
XML Schema (PML) Controlled Vocabularies
Referred to as: • Lieut. Col. James Craig • Capt. Craig • Col. Craig • Sir James Craig • Viscount Craigavon UK Parliament 1906-21 • MP for Down East 1906-18 • MP for Down Mid 1918-21 Prime Minister of Northern Ireland from 1921-40 Treasurer of the Royal Household 1916 - 1918 Parliamentary Secretary 1919 - 1920 Parliamentary Secretary 1920 - 1921 1163 contributions to debates? 1441 contributions to debates For example... Sir James Craig Stormont Parliament 1921-40 • MP for County Down 1921-29 • MP for North Down 1929-1940
Controlled vocabularies <mads> <authority> <topic valueURI="http://liparm.ac.uk/id/proceedingsoutcometype/primarylegislation/actofparliament/publicgeneralact" >Public General Act</topic> </authority> <related type="broader"> <topic>Primary legislation</topic> </related> <related type="broader"> <topic>Act of Parliament</topic> </related> <note type="effectiveDraft">Effective</note> <note type="jurisdiction">UK</note> <note type="issuingAuthority">UK Parliament</note> </mads> MADS=Metadata Authority Description Schema http://liparm.ac.uk/id/proceedingsoutcometype/primarylegislation/actofparliament/publicgeneralact
Uniform Resource Identifiers (URIs) http://liparm.ac.uk/id/proceedingsoutcometype/primarylegislation/actofparliament/publicgeneralact URIs will be specified for every item in controlled vocabularies, including:- • Persons • Administrative units (eg. House of Commons) • Types of administrative unit (eg. 'chamber', 'committee') • Roles/functions (eg. 'Prime Minister') • Categories or groupings of roles/functions (eg. 'The Cabinet', 'Government', 'Opposition') • Components of the Parliamentary calender (eg. Parliament 1979-1983, Sitting of 15 Jan 1980) • Types of these components (eg. 'parliament', 'sitting') • Outcomes of proceedings (eg. Acts, Bills etc) • Proceedings themselves (eg. speeches, readings of Bills etc) • Types of proceedings and proceedings outcomes (eg. 'second reading', 'act', 'preamble') • Votes (ie. divisions)
The PRIME MINISTER: Certainly, and that control, I think, is exercised very judiciously. But, after all, we cannot take from these duly elected boards a duty which has been carried out? 1st reading 2nd reading Committee 3rd reading Royal Assent Sitting 10 April 1918 MILITARY SERVICE BILL Parliament 1918-22 Divisions Military Service Act 1918 Colonel Sir JAMES CRAIG I listened with the greatest possible regret to the speech of the hon. Member for Mayo (Mr. Dillon) both yesterday and to-day and I did so because I hoped that when the mantle of the leadership of the Nationalist party fell upon him it would be possible for him to take rather a different view than he had done in the past with regard to Ireland's share in the War. http://liparm.ac.uk/id/person/person/craigavonjamescraigviscount1871-1940
The PML (Parliamentary Metadata Language) file Units <unit ID="s-s001-v0001-constituencies-0040" regURI="http://liparm.ac.uk/id/unit/constituency/londonderry1920-1929" type="constituencies" typeURI="http://liparm.ac.uk/id/unittype/constituency"> <label>Londonderry</label> </unit>
<unit ID="s-s001-v0001-constituencies-0053" regURI="http://liparm.ac.uk/id/unit/constituency/queensuniversity1920-1969" type="constituencies" typeURI="http://liparm.ac.uk/id/unittype/constituency"> <label>Queen's University</label> <contributions> <contribution contributorID="s-s001-v0001-persons-0036" type="constituency mp" typeURI="http://liparm.ac.uk/id/contributions/constituencymp"/> startDate="1921-03-12" endDate="1924-04-17"/> </contributions> </unit>
Start date End date Type of object eg speech Category eg legislative Stage eg second reading Act, Bill etc Proceedings Outcomes Persons Calendar Objects Contributions Some sample linkages - proceedings Complaints of privilege Motion to introduce bill Prayers Preamble Debate on subordinate legislation Report from Committee
<proceedingsObject type="act" category="legislative" calendarObjectID="hh-1980015-chronology0001.1.1" typeURI="http://liparm.ac.uk/proceedings-types/act" categoryURI="http://liparm.ac.uk/proceedings-categories/legislative" regURI="http://liparm.ac.uk/proceedings0bjects/0000018283" startDate="1980-01-15" endDate="1980-01-15" ID="hh-1980015-proceedings0002" proceedingsGroupID="hh-1980015-proceedingsGroups.001" stage="second reading" stageURI=”http://liparm.ac.uk/stages/secondReading"> <label>EUROPEAN COMMUNITIES ACT (AMENDMENT) ACT</label> <contributions> <contribution ID="hh-1980015-proceedings0002.contrib.00002" type="speech" typeURI="http://liparm.ac.uk/contributions/speech" contributorID="hh-1980015-person0002"> <label>Speech</label> </contribution> </contributions> </proceedingsObject>
<voteEvent ID="hh-1980015-vote0001" startDate="1982-01-15" endDate="1982-01-15" startTime="14:00:00" endTime="14:30:00" regURI="http://liparm.ac.uk/votes/1980011501" proceedingsObjectID="hh-1980015-proceedings0002" chronologyID="hh-1980015-chronology0001.1.1" type="division" typeURI="http://liparm.ac.uk/voteEvents/division"> <identifier type="division number" typeURI=" http://liparm.ac.uk/localIdentifiers/divisionNumber">128</identifier> <options> <option type="yes" regURI="http://liparm.ac.uk/votingOptions/yes" sponsorIDS="hh-1980015-groupings.1" sponsorType="three-line whip" sponsorTypeURI="http://liparm.ac.uk/votesupporttypes/threelinewhip"> <label>Ayes</label> <vote voterID="hh-1980015-person0001">Thatcher, Margaret</vote> <vote voterID="hh-1980015-person0002">Alexander, Richard</vote> </option> <contributions> <contribution ID="hh-1980015-voteevent.001.contrib.00001" type="teller for ayes" typeURI="http://liparm.ac.uk/contributions/teller-aye" contributorID="hh-1980015-person0002"/> </contributions>
The PRIME MINISTER: Certainly, and that control, I think, is exercised very judiciously. But, after all, we cannot take from these duly elected boards a duty which has been carried out? 1st reading 2nd reading Committee 3rd reading Royal Assent Sitting 10 April 1918 MILITARY SERVICE BILL Parliament 1918-22 Divisions Military Service Act 1918 Links between records Colonel Sir JAMES CRAIG I listened with the greatest possible regret to the speech of the hon. Member for Mayo (Mr. Dillon) both yesterday and to-day and I did so because I hoped that when the mantle of the leadership of the Nationalist party fell upon him it would be possible for him to take rather a different view than he had done in the past with regard to Ireland's share in the War. Westminster Hansard http://liparm.ac.uk/id/person/person/craigavonjamescraigviscount1871-1940 Stormont Hansard
Any questions/thoughts? richard.gartner@kcl.ac.uk