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Vectors of Change in Oceans and Seas Marine Life, Impact on Economic Sectors. Your Logo here. Project Coordinator: Mel Austen, PML Project Manager: Jenny Lockett, PML EU Project Officer: Jacques Fuchs .
Vectors of Change in Oceans and Seas Marine Life, Impact on Economic Sectors Your Logo here • Project Coordinator: Mel Austen, PML • Project Manager: Jenny Lockett, PML • EU Project Officer: Jacques Fuchs This project has received funding from the European Union’s Seventh Framework Programme for research, technological development and demonstration under grant number 266445
Key facts • Feb 1 2011-Jan 31 2015 • €12.5 million funding from the EC, total cost €16.6 million • First group of 3 EU funded ‘Ocean of Tomorrow’ projects • The Vision • VECTORS seeks to develop integrated, multidisciplinary research-based understanding that will contribute the information and knowledge required for addressing forthcoming requirements, policies and regulations across multiple sectors. Your Logo here
Need for VECTORS: Pressures on our marine environment • Human use of the European marine environment is increasing and diversifying. • Current and emerging pressures are multiple and interacting e.g. from • transport • energy devices • exploitation of living resources • discharges • together with environmental changes (including climate change) Your Logo here
Need for VECTORS • New means for human induced-changes in marine life especially outbreaks, invasives and changes in productivity • Mechanisms? • Ecosystem Impacts? • Social and Economic Impacts? • What are the future consequences of: • Pressures and vectors of change in marine life • Adaptation and mitigation measures (e.g. new technologies and structures, new ballast water practices, ocean and off-shore wind energy devices and new fishing strategies) Your Logo here Photo: Giacomo Milisenda (CONISMA)
VECTORS Objectives • To collate understanding of the different current and potential future pressures and vectors of change in the marine environment • To better understand the mechanisms of changes in marine life and the role of human activity • To determine the impacts of changes in marine life on ecosystems, their structure and functioning, the services they provide, as well as the economic and societal implications Your Logo here
VECTORS Objectives • To project the future changes and consequences of multi- sectoral human activity in the marine environment under future possible scenarios of adaptation and mitigation • To synthesise the derived information into innovative, predictive management tools and strategies targeted to different policy makers and other stakeholders Your Logo here
Climate change Pollution WP1 PRESSURES Acidification and drivers of change and Exploitation their interactions Shipping Renewable energy Toursim Human Behaviour … etc, including interactions WP2 MECHANISMS by which pressures and their interactions cause changes in terms of: Outbreaks Invasions Distributions of indigenous by exotics & productivity spp WP3 IMPACTS And interactive effects of those changes on: Ecosystem Economy Society Biodiversity services & functioning WP 5 PROJECTIONS of impacts of those changes under different Economic Societal Ecosystem interacting scenarios futures futures modelling Project conceptual flow and structure Climate change Pollution Climate change Pollution WP1 Pressuresand drivers of change and their interactions WP6 Synthesisfor policymakers and stakeholders Acidification Exploitation Acidification Exploitation Shipping Shipping Renewable energy WP6 Synthesis for Renewable energy Tourism Human Behaviour Toursim policymakers and Human Behaviour developed, applied stakeholders etc, including interactions Governance mechanisms, constraints … … etc, including interactions the Governance mechanisms, to constraints use Economic and societal demands WP2 Mechanismsby which pressures & their interactions cause changes in terms of: Vectors is of Economic and societal demands Distributions andproductivity Outbreaks of indigenous species Invasions by exotics Outbreaks WP4 Regional Seas Application and Testing Vectors developed, applied and tested within a regional seas context which is of use to the stakeholders in the regional seas Invasions Distributions Political Constraints and Political Constraints and Expedience which of indigenous by exotics & productivity Expedience spp Policymaker and context Policymaker and Stakeholder demands Stakeholder demands seas seas Understanding the risks of WP3 Impactsand interactive effects of those changes on: Vectors of Change Biodiversity & functioning Understanding the risks of Vectors of Change Ecosystem services Society regional Ecosystem Economy Society regional Biodiversity WP4 Regional Seas Apllication and Testing Economy Synthesis of VECTORS for services & functioning Policy makers and a in the Synthesis of VECTORS for Policy makers and stakeholders stakeholders WP5 Projectionsof impacts of those changes under different interacting scenarios and tested within Stakeholders Economic futures Societal futures Ecosystem modelling Economic Societal Ecosystem futures futures modelling Your Logo here WP7 Internal and external dissemination and knowledge transfer WP7 Internal and external dissemination and knowledge transfer
Applying VECTORS outcomes • The EU needs this knowledge to inform development and implementation of forthcoming strategies, policies and regulations e.g. • EU Marine Strategy Framework Directive • IMO Convention on Ballast Water Management • EU Maritime Policy Your Logo here
www.marine-vectors.eu Further Information: Project Coordinator: Mel Austen Project Manager: Jenny Lockett Plymouth Marine Laboratory Email: jelo@pml.ac.uk Tel: +44 (0)1752 633476 Your Logo here