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Problems & grievances of Group’B’/Promotee officers of IR. By. Mahesh C. Yadav Works Manager /Signal/SBI/WR, General Secretary/IRPOA. I. Anomaly in Vth pay commission. GP 4800 in PB-2 in all dept. except account After 3 yrs & 80% in PB -3
Problems & grievances of Group’B’/Promotee officers of IR By Mahesh C. Yadav Works Manager /Signal/SBI/WR, General Secretary/IRPOA
I. Anomaly in Vth pay commission GP 4800 in PB-2 in all dept. except account After 3 yrs & 80% in PB -3 GP 5400 in PB-2 to Account Officers After 3 yrs & 80% in PB -3 since 1.1.06 our demand - GP GP 5400 PB-3 to all and parity to Misc cat. Too Matter is still pending. Min of Finance returned back to Railway Board since 2008
IA. Discrimination in VIth pay commission CATEGOTY Vth CPC VIth CPC NURSE 7500-12000 GP-5400 PB-3 TEACHERS Account Officers (Rly) Grp ‘B’ other dept-why? 7500-12000 7500-12000 GP -5400 PB-3 GP-5400 PB-2 7500-12000 GP -4800 PB-2
II.Implementation 50% Quota Initially 25% 33%( 1952) 40% (1982) & 50%(1997).DOPT Rules provide 50% from 1997 but actually provided 25 % only of Organized services of i.e. 412 of 1647 cadre strength from 2007-08 Our demand implementation of 50% since 1997 & fulfill back log since 1997 Implementation of 2007 circular of DOPT for calculation of 50%vacancies each year to Group B for induction in Grp A Status-Pending ,no effort fro IRPOF end
IIA.CADRE STRENGTH IR -1647 dept Sanct. strength 25% No of posts 1647 IRAS 118 IRPS 117 IRTS 264 IRSE 296 IRSSE 192 IRSEE 220 IRSME 336 IRSS 108 50% 824 58 58 132 148 96 110 168 54 412 29 29 66 74 48 55 84 27
III.Re-fixation of Cadre Dept JS/sanct No of posts 1647 IRAS 118 IRPS 117 IRTS 264 IRSE 296 IRSSE 192 IRSEE 220 IRSME 336 IRSS 108 Actual JS/GrB REVEN W/C 362 376 707 645 259 423 679 250 RESER Total 68 38 100 110 41 45 143 27 173 31 23 829 386 191 38 93 603 445 830 1584 686 659 860 370
Re fixation of CADRE Heavy stagnation in Civil Engg,Account &Personnel dept in organized services & all Misc cadre(PRO, Cash & pay, CMT, EDP, Rajbhasha ,LAW, PS etc) Fixation of cadre as per actual strength of cadres( revenue & work charge ) as per DOPT norms. Implementation of 50% Quora as per DOPT existing norms Status- Pending
IV. Anomaly in fixation /option No option facility on adhoc promotion Senior promoted in Jan-June will be fixed immediately & next increment in next year July ie loss of one increment than Junior fixed after regular increment in July if promoted in July-Dec if promotion later Our demand -option should be allowed on adhoc promotion too in view 6Th scenario CPC
V. Ante -dating Now ante- dating from date of DPC panel approved by UPSC DPC are being delayed i.e loss of seniority Our demand- DPC Shall be held timely as per schedule of UPSC Ante –dating from vacancy year Status- YS Chaudhary & other civil Engineers won case in CAT by own efforts under guidance of Sh SK Bansal & K Hasan IRPOF ex stalwarts .
Merger of Misc cadres with Organized Services No 15600-39100+GP5400 at par organized Services after 80% 3 yrs& No R&P rules at par organised services i.e 50% quota Our demand-Merger with oeg. Services PRO, Stat. With Traffic, Hindi,PS & LAW with personnel CMT with Mech, Cash& pay With Account EDP with S&T Till R&P Rules issued ,15600-39100 GP 5400 PB-3 shall be given to Misc cat too in 4 yrs as like applicable to all Group B services of Central Govt.includes Railway Board
VII.Career Progression For Gr A- Career progression up to CRB Non Fictional Higher grade in line of IAS New ACP to doctors up to SAG in 20yrs. For Gr.’B’ Only one up-gradation 3 yrs./80% No upgradation to MISC CAT Our demand – 3 ACP promotions in Gr B in 15 years on every 5 year i.e.GP-5400PB-3 entry GP-6600 ( SS)After 5yrs ii.GP-7600(JAG) ON 10 YRS iii GP – 8700PB-4(SG) on 15 yrs if not got regular promotion i. ii. iii. iv.
VIII.Restoration of Sr Scale posts In last cadre review in 2003, resulted loss of 739 Sr. scale posts Cadre review /up gradation again proposed Subject to matching by surrender of Sr. scale posts to upgrade of JAG/SG/SAG/HAG Posts Our Demand- Restore Sr.scale posts lost in last cadre review. Status- surrender of Sr Scale posts are proposed in CADRE REVIEW of Grp0’A’ 2011 as it will damage Gr B interests/prospects.
Status of Sr scale (Revenue) 898 Posts Dept Left over Sr.scale 84 76 211 53 32 96 228 116 Sr. scale posts Lost in last cadre review 739 52 43 78 124 106 119 126 91 IRAS IRPS IRTS IRSE IRSSE IRSEE IRSME IRSS
IX.Other grievances Professional/NPA to Engineers, Law officers, Account officers Filling up of Vacant posts & reorganization of Field jurisdictions Proper Training re-training of Gr.B/ promotee officers ,raising existing age bar 52 yrs for foreign training No inter Railway Transfers with out option in Gr B Teaching allowance inZTS/STS/ STC at par with CTIs ie 30% Declaration Construction units as projects & 10%Project allowance to staff/officers recommendation of VI CPC 10% Planning allowances in HQ as per VIth CPC recommendation Implementation Zonal status in RDSO
If you want- all above grievance should be resolved early Aware, unite and struggle for due rights Join hands with us in the struggle to safe guard the cadre interests. Group B officers may please come forward, unite to get thing done by own . No one cares you except misleading. Give me support , I will struggle at all levels in association with all Grp B Officers M.C.Yadav Works Manager /Signal /SBI/WRly Gen. Secretary .IRPOA, Working President /IRPOF 9724093570, mcyrail@gmail.com,fax-01123304670, web site-www.rbpoa.co.in