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AUSTRALIAN TRANSPORT REFORMS. Any lessons for future policy? Derek Scrafton Transport Systems Centre, UniSA. Introduction. Historical context The NCP factor Lessons learned What next?. Historical context. 1950s - the rise of trucking 1960s - gradual deregulation

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  1. AUSTRALIAN TRANSPORT REFORMS Any lessons for future policy? Derek Scrafton Transport Systems Centre, UniSA

  2. Introduction • Historical context • The NCP factor • Lessons learned • What next?

  3. Historical context • 1950s - the rise of trucking • 1960s - gradual deregulation • 1970s - changes to railways • 1980s - aviation reforms • 1990s - NRC , NRTC, NCP

  4. Air Transport • Privatisation of Qantas • Privatisation of major airports • Relaxation of foreign ownership rules • Passive response to Ansett collapse • Ending regulation of airports • Liberalisation of some bilaterals

  5. Marine transport • Stevedoring reform • Sale of Australian National Line • Use of foreign ships in domestic trades • Privatisation of South Australian ports • Privatisation of regional Victorian ports

  6. Road Transport • Private provision of infrastructure • NRTC/NTC nationally consistent charges • Performance based standards • Tighter emissions & noise standards • Road safety initiatives • Harmonisation of technical regulation

  7. Railways • Privatisation of ANR, NRC/Freightcorp etc. • Corporatisation and expansion of QR • Vertical separation of some rail assets • Establishment and expansion of ARTC • Mandated provision of third party access • Incorporation of rail matters into NTC • Private passenger railways: GSR, Air links

  8. Urban public transport • Franchising tram & train services in Melbourne • Contracting out bus services in SA & WA • New contracting areas in NSW (after Unsworth review) • Integration of service planning, fares, ticketing, etc. in SE Queensland

  9. Summary of reforms • Private funding, ownership &/or management of infrastructure & services • Employment practices • Operational practices • Regulatory harmonisation • Technical harmonisation • Pricing

  10. Lessons • Deregulation – essential first step • Open access – creation of markets • Leadership – COAG etc • Patience and determination • Corporatisation – positive step • Franchising/contracting out – patchy • Professional support and independent advice

  11. Next steps • Residual issues, e.g. taxis, UPT, etc. • Linking investment to needs • Reduce parochialism and hype • Tougher Treasuries • Inter-modal packages of reforms • Long-term framework for transport planning

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