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Kremen School of Education and Human Development. SPECIAL EDUCATION Not just Special: Exceptional. EDUCATION SPECIALIST CREDENTIAL ORIENTATION PS/K - age 22 ★ Mild/Moderate and Moderate/Severe ★. We offer the following:.
Kremen School of Education and Human Development SPECIAL EDUCATIONNot just Special: Exceptional EDUCATION SPECIALIST CREDENTIAL ORIENTATION PS/K - age 22 ★ Mild/Moderate and Moderate/Severe ★
Preliminary Education Specialist Credential in M/M or M/S Disabilities • Basic Credential only • Basic Credential, Clear, and Master’s (streamlined) • Internship Program – if you are already employed by a district • Dual Program • SPED & Multiple Subject –or- • SPED & Multiple Subject with ECE Emphasis
Basic Credential Preliminary Mild/Moderate Disabilities You typically work as an RSP or SDC teacher for students with learning disabilities, language delays, delays in intellectual development, and/or serious emotional disorders.
Basic Credential Preliminary Mild/Moderate Disabilities Behavior may be characterized by underachievement and a lack of social competence. They may be impulsive, distractible, and inattentive. Services are delivered primarily in the general education classroom. Most students are on diploma track.
Basic Credential Preliminary Moderate/Severe Disabilities Work with students with more significant disabilities, including adults with disabilities, who require specialized support to address unique learning needs in general education, special classes, and centers. May have academic, functional, or vocational curriculum.
Basic Credential Preliminary Moderate/Severe Disabilities These needs may result from a range of intellectual, behavioral, emotional, communication, sensory, and/or motor impairments. Students are served in general education, special classes, and centers.
Credential Requirements determined by State – recent changes 2010 Increased content knowledge in math, science, reading, art, social studies, etc. Sequenced coursework Autism content in both MM and MS Field experience across a variety of settings and age groups TPEs MA with Clear credential classes
Teacher Performance Expectations • Pedagogical skills for subject matter • Monitoring student learning during instruction • Interpretation and use of assessments • Making Content Accessible • Student Engagement • Developmentally Appropriate Teaching Practices • Teaching English Learners • Learning about Students • Instructional Planning • Instructional Time • Social Environment • Professional, Legal, Ethical Obligations • Professional Growth *IF DUAL will take the Teacher Performance Assessment(FAST: Fresno Assessment of Student Teachers)
Pre- or Co-Requisites • EHD 50 – Intro to Teaching* 2 units *or an equivalent or waiver packet • SPED 120 – Intro to SPED 3 units This class is in addition to the elementary credential (EHD 50 & CI 100) • CI 100 -Educational Applications of Technology** 3 units **can be taken concurrently w/ Semester 1 classes
Credential Options Preliminary SPED only = 3 semesters DUAL SPED & Multiple Subject = 4 semesters DUAL + Clear = 5 semesters Preliminary + Clear + MA = 5 semesters DUAL + Clear + MA = 6 semesters
Preliminary + Clear + MA Semester 1 LEE 172 LEE 173 SPED 130 SPED 145 EHD 178 Semester 2 LEE 177 CI 176 SPED 125 SPED 136 or SPED 146 SPED 171 or SPED 172 *Apply to Grad Program Semester 3 SPED 137 or SPED 147 SPED 219 SPED 233 SPED 175 or SPED 176 *Advancement to Candidacy Semester 4 SPED 237 or SPED 240 SPED 235 or SPED 236 SPED 280T/248 Semester 5 SPED 298/299 Project/ Thesis
MA in Special Education • Clear credential classes are part of the units required for MA • WHY MA? • Expand your knowledge base as a teacher • Opens doors to positions in districts/agencies • Opportunities to teach at a Community College or University • Needed to be accepted to doctoral programs • Moves you up on the salary schedule
Preliminary SPED-Only Credential Semester 1 LEE 172 LEE 173 SPED 130 SPED 145 EHD 178 Semester 2 LEE 177 CI 176 SPED 125 SPED 136 or SPED 146 SPED 171 or SPED 172 Semester 3 SPED 137 or SPED 147 SPED 219 SPED 233 SPED 175 or SPED 176
Preliminary + Clear Credential Semester 1 LEE 172 LEE 173 SPED 130 SPED 145 EHD 178 Semester 2 LEE 177 CI 176 SPED 125 SPED 136 or SPED 146 SPED 171 or SPED 172 *Apply to Grad Program Semester 3 SPED 137 or SPED 147 SPED 219 SPED 233 SPED 175 or SPED 176 *Advancement to Candidacy Semester 4 SPED 237 or SPED 240 SPED 235 or SPED 236
DUAL – SPED + Multiple Subject Semester 1 CI 171 LEE 172 LEE 173 SPED 130 EHD 174 Semester 2 LEE 177 CI 175 CI 176 SPED 125 EHD 110D Semester 3 SPED 136 or 146 SPED 145 SPED 171 or SPED 172 Semester 4 SPED 219 SPED 233 SPED 137 or 147 SPED 175 or 176 *Must attend the Multiple Subject Cred Orientation*
DUAL + Clear + MA Semester 1 CI 171 LEE 172 LEE 173 SPED 130 EHD 174 Semester 2 LEE 177 CI 175 CI 176 SPED 125 EHD 110D Semester 3 SPED 136 or 146 SPED 145 SPED 171 or SPED 172 *Apply to Grad Program Semester 4 SPED 219 SPED 233 SPED 137 or 147 SPED 175 or 176 Semester 5 [Clear] SPED 237 or SPED 240 SPED 235 or SPED 236 SPED 280T/248 Semester 6 [Master’s] SPED 298/299 Project/Thesis
Program Start Times • Mild/Moderate • Summer – Cohort • Fall • Spring • Moderate/Severe • Fall – Dual • Spring – SPED Only M/S *Turn in application early to have a choice*
Admission Requirements http://www.fresnostate.edu/kremen/applications/esreqs.html >>>>MUST BE TYPED<<<< Applicant Data Sheet Documentation of University Admission (www.csumentor.edu;*REMINDER - if graduating must also apply for postbaccalaureate standing) Orientation Session Attendance Form Verification of Pre-program Field Experience (EHD 50 or waiver) Basic Skills Requirement (e.g., CBEST; www.cbest.nesinc.com)
Admission Requirements CSET Scores (3 subtests; www.cset.nesinc.com) GPA Requirement (2.67 overall or 2.75 in last 60 units; submit transcripts) Admission Interview Form (word process responses; interview w/ faculty) Medical Clearance (TB within 1 year) Letters of recommendation (2; professional; on letterhead) Advising Form Certificate of Clearance (Livescan Fingerprinting) Field Placement Information Form (EHD 174/178)
Live Scan Fingerprinting Flyer with directions available online http://www.fresnostate.edu/kremen/applications/esreqs.html Download form (link on directions) Go to get fingerprints (typically $69-$71; Fresno State Campus Police) Go to website: http://www.ctc.ca.gov/credentials/online-services/ Follow the directions, must use a credit card for a $29.50 payment that is required Watch CTC website for your clearance Application includes Certificate of Clearance
Financial Aid and Loans Fresno State Financial Aidhttp://www.fresnostate.edu/studentaffairs/financialaid/ APLE (forgivable loan)- to apply go to http://www.csusuccess.org/scholarship Other Resourceshttp://www.fresnostate.edu/academics/gradstudies/financial/
Spring 2013 Admissions Apply by November 30 For updates: http://www.fresnostate.edu/kremen/applications/cred_admin.html If you miss the date, call! We may continue to accept applications on a space available basis. If needed, fill out a Special Considerations form (pink) if you want to be considered TURN in packet to ED 100Receive NCR form indicating documents received by office
Credential Applications http://www.fresnostate.edu/kremen/applications/index.html
Requirements for Preliminary Credential Completion* To apply to the state for the credential: • Bachelor’s degree completed • Program Requirements • Courses/GPA 3.0/grades C or better • CSET (all portions passed) • CBEST (all portions passed) • RICA (passed) • Constitution Requirement met • CSU: PLSci 2/Hist11 • Certificate of Clearance met • CPR certification completed (card) (*subject to change)
Requirements to Clear Credential After completion of Preliminary credential, you have 5 years to complete and clear your Education Specialist Credential. Apply to the Clear/Graduate program (during second semester in Preliminary program) Clear Credential Courses (6 units) SPED 235 or SPED 236 SPED 237 or SPED 240
KSOEHD: Dispositions of a Great Teacher Collaborator Reflective Teacher Ethical Educator Value Diversity Critical Thinker Life-Long Learner
Co-Teaching Expectation in Student Teaching Student Teacher active from Day 1 Co-teacher in: • Planning • Teaching • Grading • Management Using team teaching models or strategies
Professionalism Remember each time you contact us it is as a potential teacher candidate! When meeting with advisors & during your interview When you turn in your application When interacting with faculty and staff During classes (Poor attendance/tardies are unprofessional) When working in the schools Student teaching in general and special education are required Your conduct, questions and attire are a reflection of youand are important.
Sign orientation attendance form! Thank You For Attending ! Education Specialist Credential Orientation
Faculty Dana Powell278-0288 danac@ Hong Shen278-0289 hshen@ Colleen Torgerson278-0328 colleent@ Elisa Jamgochian278-4011 ejamgochian@ Paul Beare, Dean278-0210 pbeare@ Ivy Fitzpatrick (Admissions; ED 100)278-0311