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Explore the fascinating world of cosmic particles and dark matter through observations in a wide energy range, promising new multi-messenger signatures. Unveil the secrets hidden in the PeV region and the implications of multi-messenger interactions for cosmic phenomena.
Present Situation might be expressed by GZK Neutrinos after the Fermi-LAT Diffuse Photon Flux Measurement an interesting picture, Suggesting/provoking something …… arXiv 1005.2620 M. Ahlers, L. A. Anchordoqui, M. C. Gonzalez-Garcia, F. Halzen, S. SarkararXiv Almost closed windou window Almost Closed gamma-ray cosmic-ray IceCube neutrino γ-ray absorption GeV TeVPeVEeV
Mysterious Scenery of Grand Canyon ! cosmic-rays Galactic cosmic rays Gamma-ray People Seeing what ? “Niche” ? IceCube neutrino energy PeV
Observations in wide energy range Multi-messengers (Mutual relation, interaction/communication among multi-messengers ?) Super Massive BH SFG and FRB HE Cosmic Particles Dark Matter Compact Binary Merger Cosmic ray gamma-ray Point-like objects neutrino Diffuse emission Electron and/or hadron acceleration AMS Cosmic ray Diffuse emission Discrete objects CALET gamma-ray ANITA NTA Acceleration of hadron POEMMA / EUSO ? ? MAGIC/CTA---LST Auger CTA-- SST TA IceCube/Gen2 Diffuse ; GZK cascade neutrino Cascade PeV
Implication of the catchphrase; “multi-Messenger” ? Feb.20 Chair: T.Browder 9:30-11:00 Discussion on Perspective of PeV-EeVMulti-Messenger Astrophysics and Observations 0) workshop summary, 1) sharing data, 2) correlating data, 3) new multi messenger signatures, 4) how to detect nu-tau 5) etc. 11:00-11:30 T.BrowderConcluding Remark ... Super Massive BH……….. Inoue Compact Binary Mergers…Kyutoku SFG and FRB ………………… Totani How to step up “Multi-Messenger”? Early Universe Alarm “multi-Messenger” observation ? Ligo IceCube Gravitational Wave Transient, Flare, Burst (discrete object) How to realize nu-tau detection ? Wide range: Energy, Viewpoints Anita: Radio detection … Jain HE Cosmic Particles …Murase CALET ………………………. Asaoka AMS ……………………… Chang MAGIC/CTA—LST ……. Noda CTA --- SST ……………… Okumura IceCube / Gen2 … Romero-Wolf NTA …………………………… Sasaki Auger ……………………… Schimp TA ………………………….. Takeda POEMMA / EUSO . Takizawa Stable emission ? Diffuse ? Hidden, Unexploited area : NICHE ? PeV region new multi messenger signatures, Dark Matter and Neutrino…. Ibe
Cosmic ray physics particle physics, symmetry VHEPA Very High Energy Particle Astronomy 1012 : LT Gravi-tational Wave LHC Violation of Lorentz Symm. ? Composition ? Dark Energy DM Grand Unification CRs PeV ν Super Symmetry 108 ? Planck energy No threshold energy in observing the phenomena of the Universe ……… In a chat, said Trevor Weekes several years ago Nucleon Decay
Various viewpoints/problems ……………………………… for “further promoting discussions” ○ Prospect for HE gamma-ray astrophysics what lacks now and what will be provided by CTA with improved sensitivity ? Hadronic emission of gamma-rays ? (γ, ν have common origin) • point-like object of • emitting neutrino ○ Diffuse or Point-like (discrete) emission ? How to confirm “point-like neutrino source” ? How far distances HE neutrinos come from? • intensity of diffuse neutrino • size of universe ○ Multi-messenger detection, following the “alarm” of Flare, transient event : sufficient /detectable intensity from “Stable emission” ? • Cascade process • in extragalactic space ○ Prospect for UHE cosmic rays particle interaction, beyond 1020eV up to “Planck energy”? effect of GZK cutoff --- diffuse γ and ν? Cowork with γ and ν? • Planck energy • Ep = (hc5/2πG)0.5 • = 1.2x1028eV
Cosmic Raysfrom all directions IceCube Data and NEUTRINO and Gamma-Ray EMISSION At GALACTIC Center 1015eV = 1 PeV noise Tau Neutrino:NTA/Ashra Ντ earth-skimming shower Gamma-ray : fluorescence/ Cherenkov light from horizontal shower Cosmic rays From 5◦x 5◦ S/N HAWC 1837-065 Bykov et al. (2017) ? SgrA* neutrino? 10-9 HESS PeVatron Extended gamma-ray Near SgrA* 10-10 1015eV = 1 PeV Kisler (2015) HESS“PeVatron”
11 Prospect for Observing PeV Cosmic ray sky Detectability as a function of distance for photon (gamma-ray), neutrino, CRs, GW • “boundary • of the • Universe ?” • NTA • “Gal. center, disk • halo?” Sensitivity ? (detectable flux) Both Gamma and neutrino 2 3 galaxy blazar 1 Pairhalo ? Hadronhalo ? nearbygalaxy Galaxy “size” of Universe galaxy a few Mpc galaxy
gamma-ray Cosmic ray Fundamental Physics…. Ibe Super Massive BH……….. Inoue Particle Theory …………… Jain Compact Binary Mergers…Kyutoku HE Cosmic Particles …… Murase SFG and FRB ………………… Totani CALET ………………………. Asaoka AMS ……………………… Chang MAGIC/CTA—LST ……. Noda CTA --- SST ……………… Okumura IceCube / Gen2 … Romero-Wolf NTA …………………………… Sasaki Auger ……………………… Schimp TA ………………………….. Takeda POEMMA / EUSO . Takizawa neutrino SFG and FRB Super Massive BH Particle Theory Compact Binary Merger Fundamental Physics AMS HE Cosmic Particles gamma-ray POEMMA / EUSO CALET NTA Auger CTA-- SST TA MAGIC/CTA---LST Cosmic ray IceCube/Gen2 neutrino
Feb.19 Chair: S.Ogawa 09:15-10:15 Yoshiyuki Inoue Multi-messenger Signals from Supermassive Black Holes 10:15-11:00 Akira Okumura CTA Small-sized Telescopes and Technical Challenges for Wide-FOV Cameras and Optical Systems 11:00-12:00 Koji Noda MAGIC and CTA LST Chair: M.Ibe 13:00-14:00 Tomonori Totani VHE gamma-ray and neutrino emission from star forming galaxies / Some topics on fast radio bursts 14:00-15:00 Masahiro Ibe Dark Matter Models and Neutrino Signals Chair: R.Mussa 15:15-16:15 Pankaj Jain ANITA: Radio Detection of Ultra High Energy Cosmic Rays and Neutrinos 16:15-17:00 Makoto Sasaki Neutrino Telescope Array: PeV-EeV Multi-Messenger Explorer 17:00-17:45 Yoshiyuki Takizawa Overview of the POEMMA mission and the JEM-EUSO sub-missions 18:45-21:45 Dinner at RAKUZO near JR Kashiwa Station. VHEPA2019 Programme Feb.18 09:30-10:00 Tom Browder Welcome Chair: T.Browder 10:00-11:00 KohtaMurase Multi-Messenger Connection of High-Energy Cosmic Particles 11:00-12:00 KoutarouKyutoku Multi-messenger from compact binary mergers 12:00-13:00 Lunch Chair: M.Ibe 13:00-14:00 Yoichi Asaoka Recent Results from the CALorimetric Electron Telescope (CALET) on the International Space Statio 14:00-15:00 Yuan-Hann Chang Latest results from the AMS experiment 15:00-15:15 Coffee Chair: R.Mussa 15:15-16:15 Michael Schimp Multimessenger Astrophysics with the Pierre Auger Observatory 16:15-17:15 Masahiro Takeda Recent results from the Telescope Array experiment Feb.20 Chair: T.Browder 09:30-11:00 All Participants Discussion on Perspective of PeV-EeV Multi-Messenger Astrophysics and Observations 0) workshop summary, 1) sharing data, 2) correlating data, 3) new multi messenger signatures, 4) how to detect nu-tau 5) etc. 11:00-11:30 T.Browder Concluding Remark ...
Dark Matter and Neutrino…. Ibe Super Massive BH……….. Inoue Anita: Radio detection …………… Jain Compact Binary Mergers…Kyutoku HE Cosmic Particles ……Murase SFG and FRB …………………HE CRssTotani CALET ………………………. Asaoka AMS ……………………… Chang MAGIC/CTA—LST ……. Noda CTA --- SST ……………… Okumura IceCube / Gen2 … Romero-Wolf NTA …………………………… Sasaki Auger ……………………… Schimp TA ………………………….. Takeda POEMMA / EUSO . Takizawa Fundamental Physics…. Ibe Super Massive BH……….. Inoue Particle Theory …………… Jain Compact Binary Mergers…Kyutoku HE Cosmic Particles …… Murase SFG and FRB ………………… Totani CALET ………………………. Asaoka AMS ……………………… Chang MAGIC/CTA—LST ……. Noda CTA --- SST ……………… Okumura IceCube / Gen2 … Romero-Wolf NTA …………………………… Sasaki Auger ……………………… Schimp TA ………………………….. Takeda POEMMA / EUSO . Takizawa
other galaxies Such as M31, Cen A Science to be clarified Future of “observations” CR halo around MW Galaxy ≈ at PeV hadronic rad ? From GC Neutrino detection Gamma-ray Cosmic ray Detector / Telescope To exploit new detector , of higher efficiency, sensitivity NTA/Ashra…… cooperation with TA, P.Auger array LAT? IceCube Diffuse ≈ at PeV Point source of neutrino ≈ at PeV extragalactic diffuse neutrino atPeV-EeV Energy spectrum of extragalactic CRs ≈ at PeV Early Universe
CTA, Fermi-LAT and multimessengerobjects MAGIC/CTA CTA small telescope CALET FRB and related physics NTA: どんな話をするか? Auger multimessenger observation TA results MAGIC/CTA IceCube/Gen2 POEMMA mission and the EUSO
arXiv 1005.2620 GZK Neutrinos after the Fermi-LAT DiusePhoton Flux Measurement M. Ahlersa, L. A. Anchordoqui, M. C. Gonzalez-Garcia, F. Halzen, S. Sarkar gamma-ray neutrino Cosmic ray
○ 同じエネルギーのCRs、Gamma-ray, neutrino を観測、直接的に比較 ○ 観測するobjects? B. types of gamma/neutrino emitters “Horizon” の外から飛来する Neutrino? A. Objects of 近距離 遠距離 Fermi のGeV data だけに依存している現状。 脱却できるか! Cascade process in the space of Gamma-rays • point-like objects 1-1 blazar: BL_Lacertae 1-2 Point-like AGN of its beam to “off-direction”: off-axis blazar radio galaxies…. • Extended 2-1 cluster of galaxies, halo of active galaxy 2-2 “(pair) halo” around blazar 2-3 Galactic halo region, nearby galaxy 3. Diffuse “cosmogenic” extragalactic cosmic rays blazar Pairhalo ? Hadronhalo ? off axis AGN Earth galaxy diffuse
Slides ”PEV NEUTRINOS FROM THE PROPAGATION OF ULTRA-HIGH ENERGY COSMIC RAYS” By Esteban Roulet CONICET, Bariloche, Argentina Estimation by other people
Estimation by other people Slides ”PEV NEUTRINOS FROM THE PROPAGATION OF ULTRA-HIGH ENERGY COSMIC RAYS” By Esteban Roulet CONICET, Bariloche, Argentina
other galaxies Such as M31, Cen A Science to be clarified Future of “observations” CR halo around MW Galaxy ≈ at PeV hadronic rad ? From GC Neutrino detection Gamma-ray Cosmic ray 検出器 より精度の高い検出器の開発 NTA/Ashra…… TA, P.Auger arrayとの関係 LATの転用? IceCube Diffuse ≈ at PeV Point source of neutrino ≈ at PeV Intergalactic diffuse neutrino atPeV-EeV Energy spectrum of intergalactic CRs ≈ at PeV こんな idea/view に価値があるだろうか? 間違いのcheck! どんな形で present するか?もしする価値があるなら、 似たようなideaが既に検討されていないか?……
Galacticcomponentof CRs Cosmic ray positron Galactic diffuse gamma-ray E2φGeV cm-2 s-1 sr-1 10-5 Including Galactic sources ? Extragalactic diffuse gamma-ray 10-6 Emission from Galactic disk 10-7 10-8 IceCubeν Fermi bubble extragalactic γ 10-9
“天体源の数” は PeVニュートリノ 天体現象を記述するのに適当な指標ではない? From Jim Hinton 2010 「天体源の探索」 を表す/に代わる 新しい概念・戦略? PeVγ-ray? X-ray binary Ice Cube PeV neutrino?