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Shaken Baby Syndrome Awareness and Preparation Guide

Learn about Shaken Baby Syndrome and the costs of having a baby. Complete activities and homework to prepare for exams and caring for a Flour Baby project.

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Shaken Baby Syndrome Awareness and Preparation Guide

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  1. Health With Chief Shannon Excell

  2. Entry #237: Starter 18th May 20180 Days until the Week of Final Exams! Check Shaken Baby Syndrome (Booklet pages 5 and 6) and Notebook Check

  3. Entry #238: Objective 18th May 2018 I will gather information on important numbers to know and how much it will cost to have a baby.

  4. Entry 239: Activity 18th May 2018 Shaken Baby Syndrome PowerPoint Complete Booklet pages 5 and 6


  6. Entry #233: Starter 17th May 20181 Days until the Week of Final Exams! Check Birth Defects (Booklet page 4) and Notebook Check

  7. Entry #234: Objective 17th May 2018 I will understand what Shaken Baby Syndrome is and the causes of it.

  8. Entry 235: Activity 17th May 2018 Shaken Baby Syndrome PowerPoint Complete Booklet pages 5 and 6

  9. Entry #236: Homework 17th May 2018 1) Notebook Check Started Today (Entries 201-228) 2) TAKE CARE OF FLOUR BABY/Email 3) FLOUR BABY BOOKLET

  10. Entry #229: Starter 16th May 20182 Days until the Week of Final Exams! Flour Baby Overview Notebook Check and Birth Certificate Check How to Bath a Baby Overview

  11. Entry #230: Objective 16th May 2018 I will examine a birth defect that my Flour Baby could have been born with.

  12. Entry 231: Activity 16th May 2018 Research assigned Birth Defect and complete Booklet page 4. Congenital heart disease Tay-Sachs disease Down syndrome Fetal Alcohol Syndrome Cleft lip Cleft palate Spina bifida Achondroplasia Club foot Marfan syndrome Phenylketonuria Hemophilia Edwards' syndrome Congenital Hypothyroidism Hypospadias Sickle Cell Disease

  13. Entry #232: Homework 16th May 2018 • ALL MAKE UP WORK DUE TOMORROW! - NO EXCEPTIONS!! 2) Notebook Check Started Today (Entries 201-228) 3) TAKE CARE OF FLOUR BABY/Email 4) FLOUR BABY BOOKLET

  14. Entry #225: Starter 15th May 20183 Days until the Week of Final Exams! Flour Baby Project Presentation and Booklet Overview

  15. Entry #226: Objective 15th May 2018 I will get information on my final exam Project and create my flour baby.

  16. Entry 227: Activity 15th May 2018 Get Gender of Flour Baby Dress and create flour Baby legs and Arms Create Flour Baby Head and Hair Fill out Flour Baby Birth Certificate

  17. Entry #228: Homework 15th May 2018 • ALL MAKE UP WORK DUE WEDNESDAY, MAY 16th - NO EXCEPTIONS!! 2) Notebook Check Starts NEXT TUESDAY (Entries 201-228) 3) TAKE CARE OF FLOUR BABY 4) FLOUR BABY BOOKLET

  18. Entry #221: Starter 11th May 20185 Days until the Week of Final Exams! Copy down your Entries for today.

  19. Entry #222: Objective 11th May 2018 I will become familiar with our new unit vocabulary for our flour baby project.

  20. Entry 223: Activity 11th May 2018 Flour-Baby Project Vocabulary: 1) Infant 2) Toddler 3) Parent 4) Shaken Baby Syndrome 5) Neglect 6) Birth Defect 7) Protective 8) Nurture

  21. Entry #224: Homework 11th May 2018 • ALL MAKE UP WORK DUE WEDNESDAY, MAY 16th - NO EXCEPTIONS!! 2) Notebook Check Starts NEXT TUESDAY (Entries 201-228) 3) Bring 5lbs of Flour to School by Monday

  22. Entry #217: Starter 7th – 10th May 20189/8/7/6 Days until the Week of Final Exams! Monday Starter: “Speak” TEST RACER: Using information from the novel “Speak,” answer the following question. What is one form of bullying you read about in the novel? Restate the question in a statement with the answer. Add additional information about the type of bullying you identify using your notes on types of bullying. Cite from novel (quote/citation with “ ___.”) a sentence or section of the book that addresses the type of bullying you read about. Explain your citation (what does your quote (citation) mean)? Restate your question and answer in a different way… *summarize it! Tuesday- Thursday Starter: Work on Story Boards and Videos

  23. Entry #218: Objective 7th – 10th May 2018 In my groups, we will create a story board/video that addresses the bullying topic assigned.

  24. Entry 219: Activity 7th - 10th May 2018 1) In your groups, create a story board that addresses your assigned bullying topic. - Follow the guidelines provided. - Once finished… get it okayed by Chief Excell and start filming Bully Video Guidelines: 1. Presents accurate information about both the problem and what bullying is2. All students assigned to group participates (in one way or another)3. Shows kids standing up for each other4. Depicts step-by-step resolution, especially reporting to a caring adult5. Is realistic (not canned)6. Has some ethnic diversity 7. Doesn’t depict suicide or attempted suicide 8. Is current (think about whether its message, slogan, call to action are still relevant) 9. Has no agenda – political, religious, etc. – other than preventing or reducing bullying and also doesn’t use political, religious, etc. language.10. Doesn’t label people as “bullies.”

  25. Entry #220: Homework 7th – 10th May 2018 ALL MAKE UP WORK DUE WEDNESDAY, MAY 16th NO EXCEPTIONS!!

  26. Entry #213: Starter May the 4th be with you!10 Days until the Week of Final Exams! FINISH Reading “Speak.”

  27. Entry #214: Objective May the 4th be with you! I will read “Speak” by Laurie Halse Anderson, as well as, watch the made for TV version and analyze the victim of bullying, the type of bullying seen, and the behavior of the bully.

  28. Entry 215: Activity May the 4th be with you! • Finish watching Speak 2) ”Speak” TEST RACER: Using information from the novel “Speak,” answer the following question. What is one form of bullying you read about in the novel? Restate the question in a statement with the answer. Add additional information about the type of bullying you identify using your notes on types of bullying. Cite from novel (quote/citation with “ ___.”) a sentence or section of the book that addresses the type of bullying you read about. Explain your citation (what does your quote (citation) mean)? Restate your question and answer in a different way… *summarize it! SPEAK “RACER” TEST IS YOUR “TICKET OUT THE DOOR!”

  29. Entry #216: Homework May the 4th be with you! ALL MAKE UP WORK DUE WEDNESDAY, MAY 16th NO EXCEPTIONS!!

  30. Entry #209: Starter 30th April – 3rd May 201814/13/12/11 Days until the Week of Final Exams! • Notebook Organization Entry 173: Notebook Quiz #1 Entry 151: Operation Respect Vocabulary 2) Read “Speak” for 15 minutes.

  31. Entry #210: Objective. 30th April – 3rd May 2018 I will read “Speak” by Laurie Halse Anderson, as well as, watch the made for TV version and analyze the victim of bullying, the type of bullying seen, and the behavior of the bully.

  32. Entry 211: Activity 30th April – 3rd May 2018 1) Analyze ”Speak” • Who is the main victim? • What has the victim done to antagonize the bully? • Who is the bully/ are the bullies? • What types of bullying has been read about? • What type of bullying is going on? Why? • What was the outcome of the book? 2) Watch “Speak”

  33. Entry #212: Homework. 30th April – 3rd May 2018 ALL MAKE UP WORK DUE WEDNESDAY, MAY 16th NO EXCEPTIONS!!

  34. Entry #205: Starter 26th -27th April 201816/15 Days until the Week of Final Exams! Read “Speak” for 15 minutes.

  35. Entry #206: Objective. 26th – 27th April 2018 I will read “Speak” by Laurie Halse Anderson, as well as, watch the made for TV version and analyze the victim of bullying, the type of bullying seen, and the behavior of the bully.

  36. Entry 207: Activity 26th – 27th April 2018 1) Analyze ”Speak” • Who is the main victim? • What has the victim done to antagonize the bully? • Who is the bully/ are the bullies? • What types of bullying has been read about? • What type of bullying is going on? Why? • What was the outcome of the book? 2A) Watch “Speak” 2B) GET NOTEBOOK CHECKED BEFORE THE END OF CLASS!

  37. Entry #208: Homework 26th – 27th April 2018 ALL MAKE UP WORK DUE WEDNESDAY, MAY 16th NO EXCEPTIONS!!

  38. Entry #201: Starter 25th April 201817 Days until the Week of Final Exams! Cyberbully Film Analysis: 1) Who is the main victim? 2) What has the victim done to antagonize the bully? 3) Who is the bully/bullies? 4) What types of bullying is seen in the video? 5) What type of bully is Lindsay Fordyce? Why? 6) What was the outcome of the video?

  39. Entry #202: Objective. 25th April 2018 I will read “Speak” by Laurie Halse Anderson and analyze the victim of bullying, the type of bullying seen, and the behavior of the bully.

  40. Entry 203: Activity 25th April 2018 1) Read “Speak” 2) Analyze ”Speak” • Who is the main victim? • What has the victim done to antagonize the bully? • Who is the bully/ are the bullies? • What types of bullying has been read about? • What type of bullying is going on? Why? • What was the outcome of the book? 3) Watch “Speak”

  41. Entry #204: Homework 25th April 2018 Notebook Check Starts TUESDAY ( ENTRIES 168- 204) ALL MAKE UP WORK DUE WEDNESDAY, MAY 16th NO EXCEPTIONS!!

  42. Entry #197: Starter 19th – 24th April 201821/20/19/18 Days until the Week of Final Exams! Finish Cyber Bully Analysis: 1) Who is the victim? 2) What has the victim done to antagonize the bully? 3) Who is the bully? 4) What types of bullying is seen in the video? 5) What type of bully is Lindsay Fordyce? 6) What was the outcome of the video?

  43. Entry #198: Objective. 19th- 24th April 2018 I will watch the movie Cyber Bully and analyze the bullied, bully, bystanders, and outcome of the movie.

  44. Entry 199: Activity 19th – 24th April 2018 1) Read the article “Cyberbullying Crackdown” 2) Answer the Questions from the Article 3) Write a RACER Paragraph answering the following question: What is the central idea of the Article? Reword the question to make a statement and answer the question. Add additional information. Cite from the poem/article/video (quote/citation with “ ___.”) Explain your citation (what does your quote (citation) mean? Restate your question and answer in a different way… *summarize it!

  45. Entry #200: Homework 19th– 24thApril 2018 Notebook Check Starts TUESDAY ( ENTRIES 168- 204) ALL MAKE UP WORK DUE WEDNESDAY, MAY 16th NO EXCEPTIONS!!

  46. Entry #193: Starter 16th - 18th April 201824/23/22 Days until the Week of Final Exams! Monday: What is the Cyberbully law in California? Tuesday: Short Film Analysis (Strain) What type of bullying is happening? What type of bully is seen? Who was the bystander? Wednesday: Grade Print Outs

  47. Entry #194: Objective. 16th – 18th April 2018 I will read chapters from Speak and identify Melinda’s characteristics of being a victim, the bystanders of the novel, and the tactics used by her bullies.

  48. Entry 195: Activity 16th – 18th April 2018 • Read Chapters of “Speak” by Laurie Halse Anderson (15 Minutes) • Bullying Video Assignment

  49. Entry #196: Homework 16th – 18th April 2018 NO Homework

  50. Entry #189: Starter 13th April 201825 Days until the Week of Final Exams! I’m Truly Sorry Short Film Analyzed 1) What form of bullying do you see in this short film? 2) What type of bullies do you see? 3) Who is the main bystander? 4) What does the bystander do to make a change?

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