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Contains ‘animated ‘overlays’: Please download and save to your hard disk, then use F5 key to run the presentation! (Scrolling through this presentation without actually running it will SURELY be very confusing!). OPMS Workshop for Computer Society of India -- ---, 2012.
Contains ‘animated ‘overlays’:Please download and save to your hard disk, thenuse F5 key to run the presentation!(Scrolling through this presentation without actually running it will SURELY be very confusing!)
OPMS Workshop for Computer Society of India-- ---, 2012 1. Brief Self-Intro by Participants(also please tell us what you hope to get out of this workshop) 2. The Workshop Background +developing an OPMS Action Plan 3. Your Feedback
OPMS – The Presentation: 2012 OPMS (‘One Page Management System’) is a tool to help people effectively work with and (perhaps) realize all their productive ideas... Any kind of Idea!-- Small or large, at any level…-- Belonging to an individual or to a group or groups…-- Individual, organizational or societal Missions (c) GS Chandy OPMS General Presentation
The OPMS story, very briefly: Jot down your ideas Construct models showing inter-relationships between your ideas Implement appropriately OPMS General -2012
Presentation for CSI Workshop Ideas and what to do with them-SYSTEMS CONTENTS Choosing a Mission - Examples Ideas to Accomplish your Mission ‘Action Planning’ your ideas! - ISM This is a very ambitious agenda and we may not be able to complete it: there is sufficient background material available here and in the ‘Handbook’ that should enable you to work on your own in the areas not completed… (ISM: Interpretive Structural Modeling) More on how to use ISM How to view a ‘system’ - FR Method (FR: Field Representation) Why FR ??? More on how to use FR The ‘whole system’: OPMS (OPMS: ‘One Page Management System’) Useful Background More, next slides OPMS General Presentation 5
CONTENTS 2 OPMS Deliverables Some Benefits of using OPMS Some difficulties you may encounter in using OPMS Some Useful Background • The OPMS Trigger Questions • The individual and the organization • About ‘systems’Ashby’s Law of Requisite Variety • (Late) John N. Warfield • Prose + ‘Structural graphics’ (p+sg) V. USEFUL! Contents-3 CONTENTS More
An illustrative example for CSI Workshop: CONTENTS 3 “To understand and practically use OPMS” • Services offered • What we’re looking for Some suggestions and exercises to help make ‘system’ and OPMS more concrete to follow Interpretive Structural Modeling (without computer assistance) to follow CONTENTS Contents-2 Background
Good ideas are very ‘slippery’ and can be quite difficult to work with (effectively) But all too often, our good ideas just disappear from the mind, leaving only a thought that there was something worthwhile or required to do still remaining undone … But it’s only through the good ideas we get that we can change or improve things around us, for ourselves or for others Try out The ‘One Page Management System’ (OPMS) There are any number of reasons why ideas may fail. Here is the sure-fire way to enable you to understand your good ideas and thereby, perhaps, really get them going! Sometimes, people pushing ‘bad ideas’ may block the progress of the good ideas… At other times, one just cannot get hold of the needed resources to DO what’s needed even to start out at the time the idea comes - and then one is forced to give up on something that could be very fruitful… Often, one person’s good ideas may conflict with someone else’s good ideas – and none of the good ideas can progress… Anything we wish to accomplish can only be done through our good ideas about it… Next: quick definition of a ‘general system’ along with a picture; some useful background needed to understand and use the OPMS…
Simple definition: ‘System’: a collection of interdependentparts, working together for apurpose ENVIRONMENT The OPMS is a practical way to put this definition to work on any issue of current interest, specifically for some identified purpose Simple sketch of ‘system’ OPMS General -2012
Sketch of a system and its environment – showing ‘structure’ Warfield’s simple but profound ideas make it possible for anyone, at any level, to put the powerful idea of ‘systems’ to work on any issues of current interest… Y ‘A’, ‘B’, ‘C’, ‘D’, ‘E’: our ideas about ‘elements’ within the system: factors or subsystems of the system. ‘P’, ‘Q’, ‘R’; ‘X’, ‘Y’, ‘Z’: ideas about elements, systems or objects in the environment (outside the system under consideration). Arrows represent ‘directed relationships’ Everything in the OPMS develops from the definition and this simple sketch (…and from John Warfield’s seminal contributions to ‘systems science’!) In the conventional view of systems, the inter-relationships between factors are not adequately seen or understood To understand a ‘system’ effectively, we need to understand: the elements in it; the inter-relationships between elements in the system; as well as the inter-relationships between the system and certain systems or objects in its environment. X D ENVIRONMENT P A R B Q C Z E BOUNDARY
So: ideas - the thoughts that may come to mind when we think of ‘doing something’ with the world around us (or within us) - are very important. These ideas serve as the ‘factors’ or ‘elements’ of the system. Generally, we’ll need to put these ideas into some kind of appropriate format, depending on the issue we are trying to tackle
To handle any idea effectively, we need to work with the following ‘simple’ facts: Every idea is dependent on a host of other ideas! The OPMS is designed to enable us to explore relationships between our ideas about any system of interest The relationships of each idea to a whole number of other ideas MUST be understood clearly if we want to use any of them effectively… Even our mistaken ideas can be useful – often it is by exploring our mistakes that we develop the right way to tackle a tricky problem: the OPMS is designed to use this capability of the human mind In fact, these conventional processes may even hinder us from exploring the relationships that can help us understand the systems we work in… Conventional processes barely explore the relationships between ideas… (c) GS Chandy OPMS General Presentation 12
Grab hold of all good ideas available about the problem or issue … Record the ideas generated … ‘Structure’ or ‘organize’ ideas in the right kind of usable order – this is what enables effective action planning Modify ideas to reflect the environmental reality … ‘Integrate’ every relevant issue that might come up … To tackle any kind of issue, resolve any kind of problem effectively, these are the main things that need to be done: From people involved Conventional management processes know very little about the ‘structuring’ and ‘integration’ that are required to ensure effective utilization of ideas …all of these things have to be done continuingly! The‘One Page Management System’ (OPMS) is a model that enables you to do ALL of it – in the simplest and most effective way possible! OPMS illustrated, next... 13
This is actually a ‘system model’, but for the moment just look at it as a simple picture… “To reduce attrition to ------, within 1 year” Mission: “Effective Governance for India” “To get myself a challenging job” System dimensions: all ‘subsystems’ needed to help accomplish Mission effectively Or any other Mission of interest… Conventional ‘Project Planning’ ‘System’ Dimensions (below ‘System Tie-line’) Linked to Action Planning model in: …individual, organizational, societal Missions… A Mission is any challenging objective that may require the sustained efforts of one or more stakeholders to accomplish it This is a picture of a ‘general system designed for the purpose of exploring the Missions we set for ourselves’ which can be applied to any Mission whatsoever! THINGS TO DO BARRIERS/DIFFICULTIES/ THREATS ‘System Tie-Line’ will be explained in due course (with ‘FR’) STRENGTHS OPPORTUNITIES WEAKNESSES EVENTS/ MILESTONES The Action Plan - appears in THINGS TO DO dimension - continuingly developed to suit the background situation In various dimensions, you see models showing how to utilize STRENGTHS, avail OPPORTUNITIES, etc, etc, so as to accomplish the Mission most effectively… Models showing how the BARRIERS, WEAKNESSES, etc, may “hinder” or “prevent” accomplishment the Mission – AND HOW TO OVERCOME THEM! In each of the Fundamental Dimensions, you will see all the ‘elements’ in that dimension and all models constructed from those elements showing interactions between elements Conventional project planning fails because it does not give you an ‘integrated view’ of the Mission and everything connected with it OPMS contains something like a ‘S-W-O-T’ analysis, but this is a SWOT linked with an Action Plan to apply to the realities confronted The ‘Fundamental Dimensions’ of any system(above ‘System Tie-Line’) Questions? Doubts?? OPMS General -2012
The OPMS process requires that ‘major problems/ issues’ are transformed into a ‘Mission’, for example: Underlying OPMS: ‘Smaller’ problems/issues will appear as “BARRIERS”, “WEAKNESSES”, etc relating to specified Mission A great many ‘individual Missions’ have been successfully accomplished using OPMS; as have several ‘organizational Missions’; NO societal ‘Missions’ thus far have been worked as we have not ever been able to get together the right groups for these ambitious goals If the problem is “IAC Lokpal effort getting stuck”, the Mission could be: “To get the IAC Lokpal effort moving again – most effectively” If the problem is “New organization in a competitive market”, the Mission may be: “To grow our organization to become a leader in its field” In this workshop, we shall demonstrate how you can choose a Mission of current interest and – from your own good ideas – develop an effective Action Plan to accomplish it! If you (an individual; a group) are interested in a Mission – any Mission – you WILL surely have some ideas that could help you accomplish it… If there is interest, there MUST be ideas! (If there are no ideas, that is an indication that there’s no interest) If the problem is “unhappy at work”, an appropriate Mission might be: “To get myself a good and satisfying job” Yes, we’ve had some ‘failed Missions’ too! Work on those ideas – and the OPMS process will surely help you get many more ideas… (c) GS Chandy OPMS General -2012 15
We have to start by choosing a Mission to consider at this Workshop! Choosing a Mission Let’s first look at some instances of Missions of various kinds… choosing a Mission is the start of effective Action Planning for anything you want to accomplish OPMS General -2012
Choosing a Mission A: Some Example Missions B: Some Guidelines C: Choosing A Mission(form)
Example Missions ‘Organizational’ Missions ‘Societal’ Missions ‘Individual’ Missions Missions for consideration
‘Organizational’ Missions • “To increase, within three years, our annual turnover to Rs 2000 crores - XX profitability” • “To develop ‘e-Choupals’ for districts where we wish to focus” • Interactive LogicWare (ILW): “To develop OPMS software and market OPMS” • GSC + ILW Board: “To run ILW as a successful commercial venture” Very brief listing follows. There have been Missions tackled successfully as well as Missions that we failed to tackle successfully… Partially successful – but development (and most everything else) stopped after prototype! Failed Mission There are a great many other Missions (many successful as well as several failed), to which OPMS has been or can be well applied…most organizational applications are confidential
‘Societal’ Missions All Missions are ‘proposed’ – and/or ‘ongoing’ … no real action on any of them to date. (The last item here was a definite failed Mission). ALL of the ‘ongoing Missions’(and many others!) are searching for appropriate groups to take them up A good bit of work has been done on ‘educational Missions’ (by Warfield in the USA – though not as part of OPMS; by others elsewhere) This has been the case for decades! It’s not just some few children whose fathers are drunkards … it is FORTY-TWO PERCENT OF ALL INDIAN CHILDREN WHO GO TO BED HUNGRY EVERY NIGHT!!!! • “To get the IAC (Anna Hazare) Lokpal effort moving again – most effectively” • “To ensure effective governance of our nation” • “To develop truly world-class educational systems that will effectively serve the real needs of most Indians” • “To change the thinking that allows this national shame of malnourishment of 42% Indian children to continue in the midst of plenty” • “To rescue Bangalore from crooked politicians, lawless lawyers and other miscreants” • “Bushout!” Earlier, needed tools did not exist … I claim they are now readily available Most of our leaders and most bureaucrats in government are unlikely totake up such a Mission willingly – it will have to be groups of us citizens who will have to force our leaders to take it up – and then we’ll have to enforce it! Could some of you like to get some genuine groups interested? I shall be happy to provide my services (and OPMS) free to any such group OPMS could be an ideal tool for any such worthy purpose… And yet, just a year or so ago, it became known that several thousands of tons of foodgrain were destroyed because we did not care to store it properly!! Recent happenings here should have generated interest in such a Mission! Any societal Mission is likely to take years to accomplish! Claim: One big benefit is that, if we are able to demonstrate even small success on any one worthy societal Mission – then everysocietal Mission will soon follow suit! A failed project, alas And this too has been happening, quite regularly, for decades!!! It failed before it even get started!
‘Individual’ Missions You will actually be convinced that it is well worth all the effort to learn and use OPMS on complex issues when for a start you successfully use it on an ‘individual Mission’ of personal interest to you… …and there WILL be effort required!! This is a ‘sub’-Mission of a larger Mission developed for this CSI Workshop – a couple of the models constructed are shown, for illustration, here and at the ‘Handbook’ on the CD-ROM Except for one Mission on this list, OPMS has actually been applied, by various individuals, to all Missions listed – and to many others (more or less successfully!; though there have been several failures) • “To get myself a good and satisfying job” • “To understand all topics of my math syllabus thoroughly and THEREBY to get excellent results in my math exams, tests and quizzes” • “To use my time to study in the most effective way” • GSC: “To develop a PowerPoint presentation especially for the CSI Workshop” • GSC: “To develop the OPMS software” • GSC + friend: “To launch Interactive LogicWare (ILW) for developing OPMS software & marketing OPMS” • “To become a top-rate s/w developer, within 1/3/5/7 yrs” • “To become a leading consultant, in my field of interest” • GSC: “To get ‘XYZ’ to use the OPMS” • “To get myself out of the smoking habit” …if, in three months’ time, I see at least one case study of an individual Missionfrom each of you participantsthat I could potentially use for my plannedbook on OPMS then I shall be able to claim, justifiably, that this workshop has been 100% successful! These two were the first Missions to which OPMS was successfully applied by ‘other individuals’ – and both were done long before the OPMS software became available! …a success - but recall failed organizational Mission:“To run ILW as a successful commercial venture” After this workshop is done, I do hope each of you would take up at least one challenging individual Mission … …but NOT as a s/w developer! A challenge set to all ILW s/w people – about 60% have achieved ‘fair’ success; none has become world-class as yet A number of failures here! … it would be very useful for you – AND it would also serve as an excellent measure of success for this workshop! But some successes as well! Not tried CONTENTS Choosing a Mission
OK, we now know what a ‘Mission’ looks like… …so let’s choose a SPECIFIC Mission for consideration during this workshop… (which we shall use as THE MISSION for which we shall initiate development of Action Planning here) Questions? Doubts?? OPMS General -2012
Some Guidelines for choosing a Mission • Each participant should please suggest a Mission that you (and others) would be interested to consider, in some depth, during this Workshop • Be as clear and concise as possible • You would vote on Missions offered as suggestions (by other participants only!), and we’ll take up one Mission to work on – the one receiving the most votes • The Mission should be interesting enough for you (along with other participants) to give it serious and intensive consideration for the next few hours of this Workshop • We shall initiate development of an Action Plan to accomplish the selected Mission - from the good ideasprovided by participants
Guidelines (continued) • We would NOT be able tocomplete Action Planning for the chosen Mission by end of this Workshop – but we should all have a pretty good idea of how it’s done • We would also gather some basic idea of the kind of subsystems needed to enable effective implementation of Action Planning for the chosen Mission • Not to worry if your specific suggestion is not taken up for active consideration right at this Workshop – you will have the OPMS prototype software with you so that you can work on any Mission of interest to you! • (Suggestion: You would get the most realistic and satisfyingly developed model by the end of this Workshop if you choose a ‘Societal Mission’ of real interest to you…) Also feel free to seek GSC’s suggestions (on how to apply OPMS to ***ALMOST ANY MISSION*** of specific interest to you!) Because both ‘individual’ & ‘organizational’ Missions are likely to be too ‘specific’ for a mixed group like this
Please take a couple of minutes to write down a Mission of specific interest to you… we can conduct a simple ‘brainstorming session’ … Example
Esc and go to OPMS s/w to enter chosen Mission - also slides 32 + slide 58 + CONTENTS OPMS General -2012
You’ve chosen a Mission, so we shall ask you the ‘first trigger question’ to ‘generate’ ideas relative to the chosen Mission – and we shall record your responses to the question… CONTENTS OPMS General -2012
Before that, let’s look at an example of some very simple ideas or ‘elements’ relating to a specific Mission already undertaken: GSC’s ongoing Mission • “To propagate and apply OPMS, in India and worldwide” (Mission ‘M’) First ‘Trigger Question’:“What, in my opinion, are the THINGS TO DO to accomplish this Mission (in specific context of CSI invitation to conduct workshop)?” OPMS General -2012
…and here are some ‘elements’ that were my responses to the first ‘trigger question: “To demonstrate OPMS to this group” (P) “To convince members of thisgroup that they should use OPMS for their work (and play)” (Q) “To demonstrate OPMS – effectively” (R) “To respond to all doubts and difficulties expressed” (S) In due course, we shall illustrate some aspects of the models made with these and other elements Right now, we shall record your ideas about your chosen Mission! OPMS General -2012
Your Chosen Mission: “To …” “What in your opinion, are the THINGS TO DO to accomplish your Mission?” (For any Mission whatsoever, start by asking this ‘first trigger question’!!) Please gather your ideas to respond to the above trigger question – we shall enter them into the record, using the OPMS software…
We now go to the OPMS software to record your ideas about THINGS TO DO to accomplish your chosen Mission Esc (go toOPMS software for recording your ideas) CONTENTS
Show ideas generated on screen Provide copies of printed list of ideas to participants OPMS General -2012
‘Modeling’ Our Ideas! I: Interpretive Structural Modeling (ISM) OPMS General -2012
You’ve generated some good ideas about your Mission… …so we illustrate one type of model that we recommend would help you accomplish any of your complex Missions: The ‘Action Planning Model’(using ISM)
We demonstrate a process that could help you precisely to identify and do the things that may contribute to your Mission! This may appear entirely trivial – but we do assure you that it’s the heart of EVERY successful Mission!!! Please participate with us while we develop a specific instance of this idea in some detail as background to your own modeling… CLAIM: If we are able to do, effectively, things that may contribute to accomplishing our Mission,then that Mission will be accomplished! The general ‘Action Planning Model’ in abstract: The ‘Mission’ “should contribute” “may contribute” “does/do contribute” Various THINGS TO DO to accomplish a Mission OPMS General -2012
Our specific example: Such a model is called an ‘Interpretive Structural Model’ (ISM) To propagate and apply OPMS (M) To convince members of this group that they should use OPMS for their work (and play) (Q) To demonstrate OPMS to this group (P) Prose Translation:“To demonstrate OPMS to this group MAY CONTRIBUTE To propagate and apply OPMS” To demonstrate OPMS to this group – effectively! (R) To demonstrate OPMS to this group (P) To translate these models into ‘prose’, just read in direction of arrow, substituting “MAY CONTRIBUTE” (in this case)whenever you encounter an arrow! “may contribute Prose translation: “… …” (Just read upwards, substituting “MAY CONTRIBUTE” whenever you encounter an arrow!) Prose translation: “To demonstrate OPMS to this group MAY CONTRIBUTE To convince members of thisgroup that they should use OPMS for their work (and play) which in turn MAY CONTRIBUTE To propagate OPMS” MOST IMPORTANT!The relationship used has this special property: P Q & Q M forces P M To demonstrate OPMS to this group (P) These models are constructed by asking the stakeholders questions about their perceptions of relationships between selectedelements, taken two-by-two… Let’s add a few more elements to the model PRQM IMPLIES:PQ & PM ; RM Prose translation: … … …
If, by workshop end, most of you are NOT convinced “to use OPMS at work and play”, it is probable that I’ve not adequately responded to your doubts, difficulties expressed, questions asked… Why is it important to do this translation? The Action Plan that would develop is a ‘process flow chart’ showing how the various things you can do today, tomorrow and every day could “CONTRIBUTE TO” the things you want to achieve over time – and to your overarching Mission As humans, we are able to see some subtleties here that the computer cannot see: “P may contribute to S --- which should contribute to R, which should contribute to Q, which should contribute to M” To propagate and apply OPMS (M) Questions? Doubts?? To convince members of this group that (Q) they should use OPMS for their work (and play) IMPORTANT QUESTION:Why do I call this a ‘developing Action Plan’??? “What, in my opinion, are the THINGS TO DO to accomplish lowest-level element(s)?” We started with “‘P’ MAY CONTRIBUTE TO ‘’M’” – and the process has been able to help us increase the certainty of parts of our model! These subtleties are NOTaccessible to a computer – onlyhuman beings in the situation can extract these subtleties… (but sometimes we may not clearly and correctly understand the subtleties of some situations!! – this has happened to me… example later) Also, P R,Q,M; S Q, M;R M To demonstrate OPMS to this group – effectively! (R) “may contribute A response that came to my mind was: “To develop a presentation that could make sense to CSI group”(N) …(along with other elements) To respond to all doubts & difficulties expressed (S) (Keep in mind that the ‘interpretation’ of a model is different from a ‘translation’ of the model into prose) As you get used to reading such structures, all of these implications and subtleties become almost instantly clear as you see and mentally translate the structures! However, keep always in mind that correctly INTERPRETING the models constructedis THE key to success! Wrong interpretations could lead to undesired results – sometimes even disastrous results!! Formal translation: “…” To demonstrate OPMS to this group (P) Translating models into standard prose is VERY important!
Important: To add this last element to the model, the ONLY questions that had to be asked were: “Does ‘N’ ‘P’?” (YES)and “Does ‘P’ ‘N’?” (NO) - everything else (i.e. ‘N’ ‘Q’; ‘R’; ‘S’; ‘M’ – and “NO” in reverse direction) came out because of ‘transitivity’! To propagate and apply OPMS (M) To convince members of this group that (S) they should use OPMS for their work (and play) To demonstrate OPMS to this group – effectively! (R) To respond to all doubts & difficulties expressed (Q) “may contribute To demonstrate OPMS to this group (P) To develop a presentation that could make sense to CSI group (N)
The ‘modeling relationship’ chosen is key to understanding systems! To propagate and apply OPMS (M) As we read our models, we are able to take into automatic consideration all the ‘subtleties’ and ‘implications’ contained in the structures! For instance, if AT THIS STAGE we were to choose “PRECEDES” as the relationship of interest, we’d get a pretty useless structure To convince members of this group that (S) they should use OPMS for their work (and play) There are HUGE benefits available if you construct your initial models for any Mission using “CONTRIBUTES TO” – the first being that you can get real Action Planning from the process! Linked by SPECIFIC relationship To demonstrate OPMS to this group – effectively! (R) In conventional management sciences, the transitive relationship “CONTRIBUTES TO” is barely ever used formally– and only the relationship “PRECEDES” is used for what they choose to call ‘Action Planning’ or ‘Project Management’! Our ideas, in our natural language… To respond to all doubts & difficulties expressed (Q) “may contribute Continuing development of any ‘CONTRIBUTION structure’ will lead to elements at the bottom of the structure that we know how to accomplish today - linked up, step by step, with what we wish to accomplish – an ACTION PLAN! NEVER!!!! The “PRECEDENCE” relationship cannot lead to real Action Planning! A useful learning exercise (for you, independently, later): ‘Translate’ and then ‘interpret’ this model for yourself! When you do this correctly, you will also be able to understand the improvements needed in this workshop! This subtlety has not yet become clear to the gurus of the conventional management sciences To demonstrate OPMS to this group (P) At next slides, we add a couple more elements to this structure … ONLY ONE single “transitive relationship” isused right through the model! To develop a presentation that could make sense to CSI group (N)
To propagate and apply OPMS (M) To convince members of this group that (S) they should use OPMS for their work (and play) To demonstrate OPMS to this group – effectively! (R) To respond to all doubts & difficulties expressed (Q) “may contribute The elements we shall add are:-- “To be in a position to demonstrate OPMS to any individuals or groups” -- “To launch a company for developing & marketing OPMS” -- “To develop the OPMS software” To demonstrate OPMS to this group (P) Earlier elements To develop a presentation that could make sense to CSI group (N)
To propagate and apply OPMS To convince members of this group that they should use OPMS for their work (and play) To demonstrate OPMS to this group – effectively! To respond to all doubts & difficulties expressed “may contribute To demonstrate OPMS to this group To develop a presentation that could make sense to CSI group To be in a position to demonstrate OPMS to any individuals or groups
One more useful feature of this modeling process: HUGE Compression! To propagate and apply OPMS (9) Something else has been demonstrated: If the ideas in such a model come from different people in the system, then this modeling is helping them – by articulating how the ideas“CONTRIBUTE TO” each other – to ‘integrate’ their different ideas. That is, it is helping them to arrive at a ‘consensus’ on how to act! For instance: On this single page, we have, directly AND by inference, the following sentences:1 2; 3; 4; 5; 6; 7; 8; & 92 3; 5; 6; 7; 8; 9 3 5; 6; 7; 8; 9 4 5; 6; 7; 8; 9 5 6; 7;8; 9 6 7; 8; 9 7 8; 9 8 9 What has been demonstrated:how the plain and simple ideas that we all have about what we wish to do towards an objective can be integrated into a productive Action Plan! To convince members of this group that they should use OPMS (8) A very large amount of information is contained in this simple picture! To demonstrate OPMS to this group – effectively! (7) Remember that several of these relationships are perceived to be “SHOULD CONTRIBUTE” as we learn about the system through exploring the structure To respond to all doubts & difficulties expressed (6) Practice is ESSENTIAL! (The elements have been renumbered for convenience) To demonstrate OPMS to this group (5) The best way to pick up these needed skills is to start with formally translating a good number of such structures – start small and steadily go to larger ones Earlier developments of my ‘Mission model’ – which started in 1983!! -have been automatically ‘synchronized’ with newly constructed model – with no fear of contradictions arising! “may contribute Exercise: Translate and then interpret this model! To develop the OPMS software (4) To develop a presentation that could make sense to CSI group (3) And ALL of these sentences can be understood by a practiced reader almost at just a single glance! To be able to demo OPMS to any group (2) To launch Company for OPMS (1)
In your own modeling, clearly perceiving these “CONTRIBUTIONS” may sometimes be quite tricky! You may well make mistakes – but don’t worry too much about them…so long as you keep developing your models regularly! These models can continue developing – for as long as there is interest in the Mission… see following slides… We continue showing some parts of the models constructed “To propagate OPMS – through this CSI workshop” Model extends over several slides. Don’t worry about reading the separate elements in the pictures that now follow – just try and ‘understand the flow’ The assumption is that ‘key people’ in the system must spend about 5-10 minutes each day doing ‘OPMS work’ on the specific Mission under consideration – that ensures ‘synchronization’ – and needed correction of all errors One more insight: It really does not matter if you make a few mistakes while constructing your model – so long as you KEEP ON DEVELOPING YOUR MODEL, a few minutes each day! …Errors made on any day will soon be corrected as you keep developing your models further! OPMS General -2012
Initial modeling Some stages of the ‘Action Planning’ model constructed using OPMS software shown on 3 slides “may contribute” OPMS General -2012
Page 1 Second model Model constructed using OPMS software “may contribute” OPMS General -2012 Continued…2
Page 2 Some part of the development of this model is presented at the Handbook: “Preparing for CSI Workshop - ISM” & “Preparing for CSI Workshop - FR” Model constructed using OPMS software “may contribute” These are part of the models that finally developed into the Action Plan that was used (and is being used) to guide this workshop… The model appear very complex – but it is in fact very simple indeed to the person(s) who constructed it! OPMS General -2012
Let’s quickly demonstrate two other important features of such models… ‘Focus elements’ means you don’t have to keep track of your list at all! The HOWs? and WHYs? of every element in the structure are clearly understood by all involved! (After you’ve started constructing your workshop model) OPMS General -2012
One crucial feature: ‘Focus Elements’ Because of the chosen relationship in the model, we know our ‘current focus elements’ “CONTRIBUTE TO” accomplishment of all elements linked above them, so we can for the moment ignore ALL of those higher-level elements! • Focus Elements (at this stage): • To develop a presentation that makes sense to CSI group (5) • To prepare an excellent Workbook for CSI Workshop (18) • To develop a good PowerPoint presentation specifically for CSI participants (19) • To brief Suresh Thiagarajan in detail on OPMS s/w and on all background materials (20) • To get all needed preparations done well in time for CSI workshop (21) Because of transitivity of the “CONTRIBUTION relationship” – you need only to focus on the specificfew things that you need to be doing at that time, on that specific day, even though your lists and models may comprise of hundreds or even thousands of such ‘elements’! “may contribute” Current Focus Continued… OPMS General -2012