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WWI. Ch 29. Upcoming. Quiz on WWI – Friday 3/11 Midterm – Tues 3/15. AKS. 45a - identify the causes of World War I including Balkan nationalism, entangling alliances, and militarism
WWI Ch 29
Upcoming • Quiz on WWI – Friday 3/11 • Midterm – Tues 3/15
AKS • 45a - identify the causes of World War I including Balkan nationalism, entangling alliances, and militarism • 45b - describe the conditions of total war on the war front for soldiers including the Battle of Verdun, and on the home front of warring nations • 45c - explain the major decisions made in the Versailles Treaty and other treaties including German reparations and the mandate system that replaced Ottoman control • 45d - analyze the destabilization of Europe in the collapse of the great empires including the Romanov and Hapsburg dynasties
EQ • What were the causes of WWI? • How did WWI change the world?
WWI Fast Facts • “The War to End All Wars” • Famous alumni: Ernest Hemmingway, Humphrey Bogart, Walt Disney, Harry Truman …. And Adolph Hitler • 230 soldiers killed per hour for 4.5 years straight! • 58,000 British troops were killed in ONE DAY at the Battle of the Somme • First use of guide dogs by blinded soldiers. • First use of chlorine & mustard gas. • First use of the flame thrower. • First tank battle. • First use of mass airplanes.
What happened? M.A.N.I.A. • Militarism • policy of building up strong military forces to prepare for war • Alliances • agreements between nations to aid and protect one another • Nationalism • pride in or devotion to one’s country • Imperialism • when one country takes over another country economically and/or politically • Assassination • murder of Austrian Archduke Franz Ferdinand
Assassination in Sarajevo “AHHHH” “I want one Slavic state! Get out of Bosnia!”
Assassination of Archduke Ferdinand of Austria-Hungary • Assassinated in Sarajevo by a Serbian National • Reason: • 1908 – Austria-Hungary annexes Bosnia-Herzegovina • Serbian leaders wanted to rule Bosnia-Herzegovina • This is Serbian ________________. • Serbians were OUTRAGED!
Causes of World War I - Assassination GavriloPrincip after his assassination of Austrian Archduke Franz Ferdinand. Black Hand - a secret society committed to ridding Bosnia of Austrian rule.
Triple Alliance Triple Entente Russia Austria-Hungary Declares War Allies Declares War Allies Allies Serbia Declares War France Germany Declares War World War I Allies Allies Declares War Italy Great Britain
Allied Powers: Central Powers: Germany Great Britain World War I France Austria-Hungary Ottoman Empire Russia Italy
Review • Who were the Allies? • Who were the Central powers? • What assassination started the war? • Where did it occur?
Trench warfare • “The men slept in mud, washed in mud, ate mud, and dreamed mud.” • One reason why casualties were so high in WWI • Much of this occurred on France’s border on the Western Front • http://player.discoveryeducation.com/index.cfm?guidAssetId=149E5FF0-1775-48B7-B180-2ECCE5ECF5C4&blnFromSearch=1&productcode=US
The Somme • http://player.discoveryeducation.com/index.cfm?guidAssetId=B43B7A94-5EFD-4667-A660-542BCFD4462C&blnFromSearch=1&productcode=US
Review • What does M.A.N.I.A. stand for? • What nations were in the Triple Alliance? • What nations were in the Triple Entente? • Who were the Allies? • Who were the Central powers? • What assassination started the war? • Where did it occur? • Why were causalities so high in WWI? • On what country’s border did most of the fighting take place?
Total War • Countries devote ALL resources to the war effort • Everyone works to win the war – even at home • Propaganda – one-sided information designed to persuade, to keep up morale and support for the war
The War Ends • U.S. joins in 1917 • Russia pulls out because of problems at home – Revolution on the horizon! • Armistice (agreement to stop fighting) on November 11, 1918 ALLIED VICTORY!!!
The Treaty of Versailles What country ends up getting the worst of it?
Review • Why were casualties so high in WWI? • What is total war? • Where did most of the trench fighting on the Western front take place? • What conditions were placed on Germany as a result of the Treaty of Versailles?