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Welcome to Reception! Hambrook Primary School. Pictures of children in Reception. Reception Class Staff. Mrs Rachel Morley. Mrs Abbie Lewis-Williams. Class Teacher I’m currently on Maternity Leave. Class Teacher I’m in class every day. Mrs Sue Cessford. Mrs Sin Wong.
Welcome to Reception! Hambrook Primary School Pictures of children in Reception
Reception Class Staff Mrs Rachel Morley Mrs Abbie Lewis-Williams Class Teacher I’m currently on Maternity Leave Class Teacher I’m in class every day Mrs Sue Cessford Mrs Sin Wong Teaching Assistant I’m in class every day Higher Level Teaching Assistant I’m in class every other Wednesday
The EYFS document combines Early Years and Foundation Stage. This creates a national curriculum for 5s and under 7 areas of learning through areas of provision and directed activities All areas of learning are reflected inside and outdoors. Learning Diaries are kept for every child by their key worker. What is the EYFS?
PSEDPersonal, Social and Emotional Development Making relationships where children learn to take turns, take account of other children’s ideas and where they show sensitivity to others’ needs and feelings. Self confidence and self awareness where children learn to be confident to try, confident to speak in a group, choose their own resources and decide when they may need help. Managing feelings and behaviour where children learn to talk about how we show feelings, talk about their behaviour, understand consequences, follow rules and routines and change their behaviour to suit different situations and accept change in routines.
PSED - How can you help? You can help by encouraging your child to use the toilet independently, wash their hands, put on and fasten their coats. Playing games which encourage sharing and turn taking will help your child to build their social skills. Keep talking- encourage your child to be reflective about their choices and behaviour as we will be asking them to do this.
Physical Development Children learn to show good control in large and small movements Children move confidently Children learn to handle equipment effectively Children understand the importance of exercise, healthy diet and talk about keeping safe. Children show that they can dress and undress independently and manage their own hygiene and personal needs successfully.
Physical Development – How can you help? Give children time to run, jump, climb and play outdoors and encourage them to take sensible and calculated risks Encourage children to practise holding a pencil with a first 2 finger and thumb grip. Practise dressing and undressing and leaving their clothes in a tidy pile!!
Language and Communication Listening and Attention where children learn to listen attentively, they anticipate key events in stories and they respond with questions and comments. Children learn to give attention to what others say and respond appropriately. Understanding where children learn to follow instructions involving several ideas/actions. They answer ‘how’ and ‘why’ questions in response to stories. Speaking where children learn to express themselves, use correct tenses when talking and they develop their own narratives in play
L&C– How you can help? Encourage your child to follow instructions and even try to listen and do something else at times. Model answering how and why questions when sharing a story/ thought. Encourage children to play pretend games and pretend that an object is something else! Lots of imagination please! Encourage your child to ask questions about why things happen and encourage them to have some suggestions. Photos to support
Literacy In Reading children learn to read and understand simple sentences, they use their phonic knowledge to decode words and they understand what they have read. In writing children learn to use their phonics to write words that match the way they say them. They write and read simple sentences.
Literacy – How can you help? Read to and with your child, sometimes pointing to the words. Come and borrow a book from us! They will be available from the office so just pop in! Encourage your child to talk about their stories. Encourage your child to recognise their name and other familiar words. Encourage your child to hold pens/ pencils and make marks- saying what they mean. Photos to support
Mathematics In Number children learn to order numbers to 20 (you will be sent some number cards), they say which number is 1 more/less, they add and subtract and they count on and back. Children will learn to solve problems including doubling and halving. In Shape, space and Measures children learn to talk about size, weight, capacity, position, distance, time and money. They learn to compare objects and explore shapes and their characteristics.
Mathematics- how you can help. • Encourage counting all the time. • Ask questions…Is that enough? How many? More? Less? • Match numeral and quantity • Talk about the shapes of objects and use everyday language-”round, tall, small, long, short, square” • Name simple 2d shapes.
Understanding the world – How can you help? Children learn about difference and cultures. They learn to talk about their environments and make comparisons and they use technology to support their learning. You can help by encouraging your child to celebrate difference, encourage them to observe the environment and enable them to use ‘real’ technology.
Expressive Arts and Design- How can you help? In Exploring and Using Media children learn to sing, dance and make music. They safely use materials and tools while experimenting with design, colour and texture. In Being Imaginative children use their knowledge to represent their own ideas, thoughts and feelings. Parents and carers can help by encouraging children to draw, build and discuss their choices. You can help by encouraging your child to create storylines in their role play.
Website updates-planning/aims/info Text messages Come and see us! Termly Workshops Phonic Workshops Daily learning board School Assemblies News from home WOW vouchers Reading records Whole school events Child of the week Parent voice in diaries Keeping In Touch
General Information School day 8:50-3:15 Breakfast club 8:15-8.40, no need to book School dinners booked at the office approx £9/week Packed lunches clearly labelled with name (put in the dinner hall before school) Come and choose a book time!
Uniform Reminder Uniform and bags need to be clearly labeled with names please! 30 jumpers and 30 t-shirts all look the same when we are getting changed for PE! If you have a spare pair of wellies please bring them in and we can put them on our rack outside so your childcan wear them in the rain and mud. PE kits should be shorts and T-shirt until April and then daps will be needed too- children will all be in an animal team so please see the list and colour t-shirt they should wear.
First week we start back onTuesday 3rd September Home visits/ school visits- 30 minute appointments Monday 9th children start part time- morning or Afternoon- come to classroom or through the main door- sign up for your preference tonight and we’ll do our best. Monday 23rd all children come for morning and stay for lunch Monday 30th all children in full time.
Tonight Let us know your preference for mornings or afternoons. Let us know your child’s nursery provider Pack to take home (return at picnic) Find out animal team Look around Foundation Stage Feel free to ask questions! Thank you!