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Advocating for Women's Rights: Your Role in the UPR

Join the UPR Cross Sectoral Steering Group to ensure civil society's voice is heard in the examination of Ireland's human rights record. Contribute to the Your Rights, Right Now project and send your submission to the UN. Learn about the UPR process and its importance in driving social change. Email us at rightsnow@iccl.ie for more information.

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Advocating for Women's Rights: Your Role in the UPR

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  1. www.rightsnow.ie

  2. Summary UPR Cross Sectoral Steering Group What is the UPR? Women’s rights under the UPR How can you get involved and next steps? Why is the UPR important? www.rightsnow.ie

  3. UPR Cross Sectoral Steering Group Collaboration between 17 organisations Ensure the voice of civil society is heard www.rightsnow.ie

  4. UPR Cross Sectoral Steering Group Information & awareness raising Consultation Submission of UPR stakeholder report Lobbying Working with government to implement recommendations www.rightsnow.ie

  5. What is the UPR? UN Human Rights Council Political process between UN countries Examination of a country’s human rights record Every four years www.rightsnow.ie

  6. Human rights issues examined UN Charter Universal Declaration of Human Rights UN human rights treaties International humanitarian law Voluntary pledges and commitments www.rightsnow.ie

  7. What is the outcome of the UPR? Recommendations to the Irish government on how to improve the human rights of people in Ireland www.rightsnow.ie

  8. How does the UN Human Rights Council decide which issues to address? www.rightsnow.ie

  9. UN Compilation Stakeholders Summary National Report www.rightsnow.ie

  10. Preparation for Review (Now – 6 October 2011) UPR Follow-Up: Implementation of Recommendations (2012 – 2016) Deadline to submit Stakeholder Reports 21 March 2011 Ireland 4 Years Ireland Deadline to submit National Report 4 July 2011 UN Human Rights Council adopts Outcome Report: March2012 Geneva UPR Working Group adopts Outcome Report on Ireland: 8 October 2011 Ireland UPR Review: 6 October 2011 www.rightsnow.ie

  11. Wrap up on UPR Process High profile political process between UN countries Examination of a country’s human rights record Other countries highly reliant on information from civil society Output is a list of recommendations Ireland’s UPR on 6 October 2011 Deadline for civil society submissions is 21 March 2011 www.rightsnow.ie

  12. UPR: Women’s Rights Set up a strategic oversight body to ensure greater coherence and more effective protection for women (UK, 2 in total). Further address and enhance combating the root causes of discrimination, particularly of foreign migrant women, by removing legal and systemic obstacles to equal rights (Switzerland, 12 in total). www.upr-info.org www.rightsnow.ie

  13. How can you get involved? Contribute to YourRights, Right Now project Send submission Complete the survey (www.rightsnow.ie) Sign up to the Your Rights, Right Now report Will be circulated early March and sent to the UN on 21 March www.rightsnow.ie

  14. Other UPR activities Government consultations, www.upr.ie Irish Human Rights Commission, www.ihrc.ie Send a report directly to the UN, www.ohchr.org www.rightsnow.ie

  15. What happens next? 4 March 2011 submission to the Your Rights Right Now report 10 March 2011, National Review event, Dublin 21 March 2011 stakeholder report submitted to UN Spring 2012 reporting back with recommendations www.rightsnow.ie

  16. Importance of UPR Ireland’s international obligations Voluntary commitments Peer review process Framework for social change www.rightsnow.ie

  17. Thank you Email: rightsnow@iccl.ie www.rightsnow.ie

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