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Studies in Colossians. The Structure of the Book. 1v1-2 Introduction 1v3-14 Paul’s Prayer 1v15-23 The Supremacy of Christ 1v24-2v5 Paul’s Labour for the Church 2v6-7 The Danger of Seductive Teaching 2v8-15 Know Your Enemy – Part 1 2v16-19 Know Your Enemy – Part 2
Studies in Colossians Presentation 05
The Structure of the Book 1v1-2 Introduction 1v3-14 Paul’s Prayer 1v15-23 The Supremacy of Christ 1v24-2v5 Paul’s Labour for the Church 2v6-7 The Danger of Seductive Teaching 2v8-15 Know Your Enemy – Part 1 2v16-19 Know Your Enemy – Part 2 2v20-23 New Teacher’s Bondage 3v1-17 Sanctification 3v18-4v1 Christian Households 4v2-6 Further Instructions 4v7-18 Personal Greetings Presentation 05
Danger of Seductive Teaching Chapter 2v6-7 Presentation 05
Introduction Despite the simplicity of verses 6-7, it is easy to miss their significance. They contain more than a call to faithfulness and perseverance. We do not learn from error by merely exposing its folly. We also need to ask, ‘what heart-longings does it seek to find resonance with?’ Let me suggest the following: a. Fullness of spiritual life and experience. b. Freedom from the stain and tyranny of sin c. A zeal for spiritual things and challenge to complacency. d. Encouragement to leave the kindergarten of the faith for its university. Clearly we cannot find fault with such heart longings. And this is why false teaching can initially appear so reasonable. Presentation 05
The Heart of Paul’s Appeal Paul holds two truths before us and insists they be kept in balance: 1. ‘Receiving Christ’ is not the end but the beginning of life... Foundations are for building on. 2. Progress in the Christian life must be consistent with its beginnings. To this end Paul gives 3 guiding principles each referring to a different aspect of Christian development, though they are similar in form: a. As you received...so live b. As you were rooted... be built up. c. As you were taught... be established in truth. Presentation 05
The Heart of Paul’s Appeal As You Received...so Live Receiving Christ is intended to introduce us to a new way of life, a life of righteousness cf. Titus 2.14 The balancing truth is that the walk of the Christian should be consistent with his spiritual beginnings. We received Jesus into our hearts by faith and we are to continue to live by faith and that involves working out those graces that God has worked in. What does it mean to ‘receive Christ’. It means much more than receiving Jesus into our hearts. When the earliest Christians received Christ, they also received ‘a body of apostolic truth’ cf 1 Cor.15.1-3. Faith Unbelief Presentation 05
The Heart of Paul’s Appeal As You Were Rooted ...Be Built Up. This is a summons to grow in Christ. We are to make the building up of one another our chief concern. For Paul many questions can be decided by the simple rule of 1Cor14.26 ... All things must be done for ‘the strengthening of the church’. This time the balancing truth is the phrase 'in Christ'. Our growth takes place in relation to him. To be in Christ is to occupy the richest possible environment for growth. Beware of thinking that growth for a new convert is impossible unless he is transplanted into another ‘more spiritual’ church fellowship. Presentation 05
The Heart of Paul’s Appeal If in Christ alone all treasures are to be found, we must resist the argument that says: ‘Christ cannot fully be enjoyed and known except within the circles of a particular denomination or church fellowship, or where peculiar doctrines are accepted and taught!’ No denomination can claim to hold Christ within its own borders and so demand submission to its authority and teaching as the price to be paid for full incorporation into the deep things of God. Presentation 05
The Heart of Paul’s Appeal As You were Taught...be Established in the Truth Without a mature understanding of truth there can be no satisfying Christianity. The hallmark of the Spirit's work is an unquenchable thirst to learn. Paul’s balancing caution is that any ‘new learning’ must be consistent with the apostolic truth. Further enlightenment must not contradict the saving truths first taught. Some have said they have, "grown out of simple gospel truths and have become more “intellectually enlightened”. But this does not produce spiritual growth – it produces a spiritual barrenness! Presentation 05
Know your Enemy Chapter 2v8-19 Presentation 05
Introduction After Paul has taken us to the heart of his concern for the Colossian church, which was under the influence of seductive teachers he publishes three warnings. These are designed to fill out our understanding of how our enemy operates and can be viewed under these headings: Don't let anyone capture you...v8 Don't let anyone condemn you...v16 Don't let anyone disqualify you....v18 Presentation 05
Three Warnings: No.1 Don’t Let Anyone Capture You Someone was out to capture the heart-allegiance of the Colossians. The language is that of a slave-trader carrying off his victims, or that of booty plundered by pirates from a cargo ship. The ‘new teachers’ claimed to bring spiritual freedom. Paul says, ‘If you value your spiritual liberty stay away from them’. Their ‘freedom teaching’ was a ‘hollow and deceptive philosophy.’ A new human tradition was seeking to displace the tradition of apostolic truth. What do you do when the traditions of men clash with the word of God? cf Mk7.1-13.... Presentation 05
Three Warnings: No.1 The Greek word ‘stoicheia’ in v8 has been translated as "basic principles of this world." or as “elemental spirits of the universe”. The latter which speaks of ‘spiritual beings’ best fits the context here. It was used in ancient Persian and Jewish documents to refer to powers of darkness. Paul’s point is that the inspiration for the false teaching can be traced to demonic powers. It may also be the case that these new teachers were unduly preoccupied with demonic powers which clearly do exist. They may have claimed a unique power over them. These claims would appear to give authority to their ministry and so hoodwink the gullible. Presentation 05
Three Warnings: No.1 Paul rejects their credentials for they 'are not according to Christ'. Christ alone is conqueror over evil powers that seek to tyrannise the world. He dealt them a decisive blow on the cross. These new teachers had nothing to add to Christ's victory. Once the Colossians understood that they shared in Christ’s victory, it is inconceivable that they would want to look elsewhere for help. And so in v9-15 we are led into an invaluable summery of what it means to be in Christ. v9-10 Fullness in Christ v11-12 Fellowship with Christ v13-15 Freedom through Christ. Presentation 05
Three Warnings: No.1 Fullness in Christ We are reminded that all that God is can be found in Christ. The idea of ‘dwelling’ in this context refers to where God becomes accessible to us. God was accessible to the patriarchs at the alter of sacrifice, and to Israel through a mediator at the tabernacle /temple. But now to believers God is accessible in Christ. Through our union with Jesus, God is at home to us. And we have direct and immediate access to the power of God through Christ. As a result it is said of Christian people: "You have come to fullness of life in him". This is a present and not merely a future blessing. Presentation 05
Three Warnings: No.1 Fullness in Christ Note this blessing can only be found in our faith union with Christ for it is here alone that God has given himself fully to us. This means, as far as Paul is concerned, that when a person receives Christ, he is filled with Christ. Forgiveness and redemption are part and parcel of that gift of fullness. When we come to Christ for salvation we find in him, fullness of life. And that involves Christ's victory over all rule and authority. There is therefore no need for Christians to fear demonic powers – we share in Christ’s authority over powers of darkness. Presentation 05
Three Warnings: No.1 Fellowship with Christ Paul introduces his remarks on baptism by speaking first of circumcision. He draws upon the OT teaching about the ‘circumcision of the heart’. Jer4.4. In Paul’s mind is the idea of putting off our sinful nature. When we come to faith in Christ we are circumcised in heart - we say goodbye to a selfish sinful lifestyle. Did the new teachers claim that a physical circumcision was necessary to show one’s consecration to God? - a second initiation after baptism to bring the believer into his full inheritance. Many holiness teachers have seen the body as a drastic hindrance to a higher spirituality. But the sinful nature literally, ‘the body of flesh’ is not dealt with by harming the body. Presentation 05
Three Warnings: No.1 Fellowship with Christ The ‘flesh’ is part of our Christian experience until death. Every Christian grieves over his own carnality cfRom 7.14.... These new teachers appear to have been offering the Colossians an instant solution to fallen human nature which was very appealing! In reply, Paul speaks of an inward experience of circumcision made without hands. This inner work of purification is a process of putting to death all that is opposed to Christ’s rule. In this present life the ‘flesh’ continually requires to be mortified cf 3.5. Presentation 05
Three Warnings: No.1 Fellowship with Christ Being baptised into Christ means sharing the benefits of his death as well as of his resurrection. Because Christians are united to him they have died with Christ and have been buried with him in his death. Paul is not suggesting, that the evil principle of sin has been rooted out and effectively neutralised. But in Christ, our old unregenerate man, has been judged, condemned and finally sentenced. In Christ, we have newness of life which is free from condemnation. We are still aware of our carnality but praise God not of condemnation. Presentation 05
Three Warnings: No.1 Fellowship with Christ Then too, at conversion Christians were raised with Christ. Paul is speaking of present experience. New life in the Spirit. The risen life which is celebrated in 3.1. It was their initial faith in God, which led them to experience God's mighty power. The Christian has therefore already shared with Christ in his resurrection. This is important; Paul wants them to recognise the greatest manifestation of divine power, which raised Jesus, is the same power which raised them to newness of life. Included in this newness of life is a share in Christ’s authority over the realm of evil spirits. How could these new teachers claim to improve upon this? Presentation 05
Three Warnings: No.1 Freedom Through Christ In v13-15 we see that the blessings of God are initiated by him and are not something a human teacher can supply. God, by making us new creatures and bringing us into his kingdom, makes us his free-men. Paul uses dramatic terminology to explain how at the cross the authority of sin and evil have been overthrown. 1. The blessings of the gospel were perfectly won for us on the cross. 2. The demands of the law were nailed to the cross and so cancelled. 3. The evil principalities were disarmed and overthrown at the cross Presentation 05
Three Warnings: No.1 Freedom Through Christ The bond was cancelled. Think of the bond as a promissory note which says we are bound to keep God's laws and satisfy his demands. Our plight is brought home to us, when like the young Martin Luther we try to balance our spiritual and moral account. Not only have we broken God’s law but we cannot pay the debt we owe, the bond stands against us. Wonderfully, Christ has cancelled the bond, he has wiped it out just like wiping chalk from a blackboard. Presentation 05
Three Warnings: No.1 Freedom Through Christ The bond was set aside or taken away. God has set aside its claims against us by nailing it to the cross. In Roman crucifixion a written accusation was placed above every condemned criminal for all to see. The accusation nailed above Jesus was a mockery and yet there was an accusation nailed there by the invisible hand of God. As our substitute the sin for which we deserve to be punished was written down - the accusation against us! But it was borne by Christ cf Gal 3.13. Therefore, when the Christian is accused of sin it is as though God says ‘wipe it off’ for it has already been paid for by another. Presentation 05
Three Warnings: No.1 Freedom Through Christ Satan is the accuser of the brethren. He points to our sin and says, “these sins must be punished”. The power of the accuser may seem strong but Paul tells us he has been disarmed. The powers of hell are stripped of their weapons [including their accusing power]. Picture a Roman triumphal procession... prisoners defeated in battle were shamed when, exposed to public gaze, they followed the warrior general into Rome. The people could see that there was nothing to fear from these once powerful enemies. Similarly, Jesus has defeated all the powers of darkness the cross and now parades his enemies before his people. Presentation 05