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Studies in Colossians. Presentation 08. The Structure of the Book. 1v1-2 Introduction 1v3-14 Paul’s Prayer 1v15-23 The Supremacy of Christ 1v24-2v5 Paul’s Labour for the Church 2v6-7 The Danger of Seductive Teaching 2v8-15 Know Your Enemy – Part 1
Studies in Colossians Presentation 08
The Structure of the Book 1v1-2 Introduction 1v3-14 Paul’s Prayer 1v15-23 The Supremacy of Christ 1v24-2v5 Paul’s Labour for the Church 2v6-7 The Danger of Seductive Teaching 2v8-15 Know Your Enemy – Part 1 2v16-19 Know Your Enemy – Part 2 2v20-23 New Teacher’s Bondage 3v1-17 Sanctification 3v18-4v1 Christian Households 4v2-6 Further Instructions 4v7-18 Personal Greetings Presentation 08
Sanctification [2] Chapter 3v1-17 Presentation 08
Introduction We have already noted that in Chap 3 Paul shows that Christian living flows out of the believer’s union with Christ. The ‘old man’ is to be put to death and the ‘new man’ that is ours through Christ is to be put on. We have seen that the Christian life involves ‘putting off and putting on’. Hence being united to Christ in his death and resurrection is the foundation on which our sanctification is to be built. Paul points back to what Christ has done for us on the cross and then forward to what that should mean for us in our daily lives. Paul’s instruction follows a twofold pattern which we have described as 1. Gospel Indicatives: What Christ has done for us. Gospel Imperatives: What we ought to do as a result Presentation 08
Sanctification: Putting Off And Putting To Death What incentives can encourage us to pursue a holy life? Paul’s approach is not designed to produce frothy human emotion. Attempts to stir up people at a purely emotional level have no lasting value. Paul does not think that the louder he shouts the more ready people will be to obey the will of God. And so in v5, he points back to v1-4. Clearly, our devotion to CHRIST will be eroded by the evil practices mentioned in v5. cf 1 Jn.3:2-3. Paul then goes on to warn of the day of God’s appearing v6. We must not lose sight of the fact that the judge is coming. And so promise and warning go hand in hand here. Presentation 08
Sanctification: Putting Off And Putting To Death Today there are many who claim that we must fit the teaching of the Bible into a modern world with all of its needs. But wait a minute, Paul’s teaching makes it clear that human nature and human society has never substantially changed. As the power of Christian truth declines the list of evils mentioned in v5 reasserts its influence in the way in which contemporary society is moulded. They become increasingly the forces by which people, who have rejected God, rule their lives. Presentation 08
Sanctification: Putting Off And Putting To Death The full force of what Paul is saying can be felt in two propositions. a. The old way of life is to be decisively challenged. b. The old way of life is to be decisively changed. In other words old habits, conventions and manners are to be challenged. This is unpopular. Today Christian missionaries are being criticised for having upset the social structures and religious customs of primitive peoples in many parts of the world. They are asked, “By what authority have you challenged these lifestyles....” Presentation 08
Sanctification: Putting Off And Putting To Death People will never face a bigger moral revolution than when they first acknowledge CHRIST as Saviour. What is it that Christians are to put away so decisively? cf v8... [‘abusive language’ is a better translation than ‘filthy language’]. These are all sins of speech, which if not relinquished make harmonious human relationships impossible. Such evils lie at the heart of every pagan society. Control of our tongue is the foundation upon which we are able to build harmonious relationships within the household of God. As we genuinely seek CHRIST and fellowship with him and seek to avoid that which displeases him then we discover the possibility of real fellowship with one another. Presentation 08
Sanctification: Putting Off And Putting To Death The transition between our relationship with CHRIST and that of fellow Christian centres upon the tongue. cf v9 ‘Do not lie to each other...’ Again we are provided with an explanation as to why such a change in lifestyle should be evident. The church is a new society, a society of men and women made new through their union with CHRIST. They have discarded a former sinful worldly lifestyle and adopted a new lifestyle. Presentation 08
Sanctification: Putting On The Virtues Of Christ Having discarded their former way of life, all that previously held men and women apart should no longer exist v11. National, traditional, tribal, cultural, geographical and social divisions should not be allowed to divide the church. If we see CHRIST and our union to him as supremely important, if we see CHRIST as all in all, then we will not make a big issue out of the things that make us different from other Christians. The old nature with all its prejudices and hatreds is put off and the new nature put on. Presentation 08
Sanctification: Putting On The Virtues Of Christ We turn now to the positive side of the business of sanctification. Described here as putting on the new self. How do we do that? By affirming our new identity v10. Illustration: A recently married man is invited by a former girlfriend to go with her to a party. How should he reply? He says, 'I'm now a married man I can no longer behave in that way'. He affirms his new identity with the new heart loyalty which that involves. 2. As we recognise that Christ is God's great blueprint for humanity we see how our lives should be lived. If God’s image in man was vandalised as a result of the fall then we are engaged in giving God his picture back. True spirituality doesn't make us inhuman, it makes us more truly human. Presentation 08
Sanctification: Putting On The Virtues Of Christ 3. We develop a new sense of self-worth cf v11… We are all equally valuable in God's sight. Jesus loves us as much as the Father loves him. Is that not incredible? ‘As the Father has loved me, so have I loved you. Now remain in my love’. John 15.9 4. We learn to become what God has made us. We are already chosen, holy and loved, and therefore we are to display the family likeness - a Christ-like character - in the new life that is ours as a result of our union with Christ. Presentation 08
Sanctification: Putting On The Virtues Of Christ What are these Family Characteristics: Compassion: When we are no longer self-centred and self-preoccupied but moved by the distress of others. Kindness: Bearing with and ministering to the deficiencies we find in others. The family motto is - "be kind to one another". Humility: Seeking to see ourselves as God sees us. This involves a realistic estimation of ourselves. Gentleness: There is a brashness and harshness which is a characteristic of sin. Gentleness does not attempt to crush or destroy those around us. Presentation 08
Sanctification: Putting On The Virtues Of Christ What are these Family Characteristics : Patience: An attitude of heart which develops from the recognition that God is in control and in charge of both our personal history and of world history. Forbearance and forgiveness. Men and women, because of their fallenness, have the capacity for rubbing us up the wrong way. We are called upon to bear with their weaknesses and forgive the wrong they do us. Think of the generous forgiveness of God towards us. Love: This is the grace which binds the whole parcel of graces together. Indeed it encourages their growth and development. Presentation 08
Sanctification: Putting On The Virtues Of Christ Notice two things: 1. This list of graces is nothing less than a portrait of Christ. Look at each one again and you will be able to recall incidents in the gospels where these qualities shine clearly out and through in Jesus’ life. 2. We are not told to acquire any of these graces. They all come with Christ. They are part of his wardrobe. We simply have to put them on! Presentation 08
Further Instructions How are we to understand the command to ‘let the peace of Christ rule in our hearts’ v15? Paul is continuing the theme of unity in the body of Christ which he introduced in v14. He is therefore not so much urging inner peace, though that is a part of what he is referring to, but harmony within the body. The church belongs to the realm of the new man where peace is to preside. Peace is to characterise our dealings with one another. Presentation 08
Further Instructions b. The peace which Christ has won for us has been embodied in our lives. We have peace with God and with oneanother.cf Eph.2 14-18 c. If we are truly reconciled to the Father then we will be reconciled to one another. There should be no barriers separating us. It is inconceivable that there should be hatred or contempt in our hearts for fellow Christians. When Christ rules in the heart, his peace will rule in the church fellowship. Whenever there is discontent and discord in a church fellowship then surely that says something about the quality of Christ’s rule in the hearts of its members. Presentation 08
Further Instructions 2. We are further exhorted to let the Word of Christ dwell in us richly/abundantly. What is the significance of that and how is it accomplished? The Word of Christ is the message of the gospel, which must have a central place, if there is to be spiritual health in the body. The fellowship meets together primarily to sit under the word as it is preached and expounded. Men and women will bow to the authority of the Word of Christ and there will be reciprocal teaching and admonition as the Word does its deep and enriching work in their hearts. Presentation 08
Further Instructions c. Where the word has this kind of centrality and importance there will be living fellowship and living worship. d. Paul sees the church as a body where each part is ministering to the other. This does not invalidate the teaching/preaching gifts possessed by some but compliments them. Presentation 08
Further Instructions e. The Word of Christ dwells in us richly not just through the preached Word but through the singing of psalms, hymns and spiritual songs. That should tell us something about the subject matter of hymns [whether ancient or modern]. They are to be scriptural and focus on the fundamentals of the faith. They are thankful and heartfelt expressions of gratitude to God for his redeeming love f. Christian praise, which allows the Word of God to dwell in us richly, will not be primarily man-centred but God-centred. It will not be an expression of our spiritual aspirations and experiences, so much as a celebration of God's great and mighty redemptive act in Christ. Presentation 08