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Bipolar Items and Emotive Modality. Sumiyo Nishiguchi Stony Brook University snishigu@ic.sunysb.edu http://homepage3.nifty.com/sumiyo_nishiguchi/. Proposal. Both overt and covert factive emotives license bipolar items in their nonmonotonic scope -Explicit emotives in Dutch,
Bipolar Items and Emotive Modality Sumiyo Nishiguchi Stony Brook University snishigu@ic.sunysb.edu http://homepage3.nifty.com/sumiyo_nishiguchi/ Sumiyo Nishiguchi Bipolar Items and Emotive Modality
Proposal • Both overt and covert factive emotives license bipolar items in their nonmonotonic scope -Explicit emotives in Dutch, Serbo-Croatian and Hungarian -Implicit emotives in Japanese, Korean and Chinese Sumiyo Nishiguchi Bipolar Items and Emotive Modality
Proposal Bipolar Items: mo `also/even’ (Japanese) to `also’ (Korean) ye `also’ (Mandarin) is`also/even’-series (Hungarian) (Szabolcsi pc) i `also/even’-series (Serbo-Croatian) ooit `ever’ (Dutch) (van der Wouden 1997) Sumiyo Nishiguchi Bipolar Items and Emotive Modality
Proposal PREDemotive [CP…BPI…] • (+/- PREDemotive)[CP…BPI…] (Japanese, Korean, Mandarin) • +/- PREDemotive[CP…BPI…] (Serbo-Croatian) • -PREDemotive[CP…BPI…] (Dutch, Hungarian) (BPI: Bipolar Items) Sumiyo Nishiguchi Bipolar Items and Emotive Modality
Proposal • BPIs (Bipolar Items) must be licensed in: -Monotone decreasing or anti-additive scope -embedded clause of negative predicateS (van der Wouden 1997) -nonmonotonic (implicit) emotive predicates • BPIs raise at LF Sumiyo Nishiguchi Bipolar Items and Emotive Modality
Bipolar Items show: (van der Wouden 1997) Combined features of NPI and PPI: • Licensed in anti-additive or monotone decreasing environments - medium NPI-hood • Anti-licensed by clausemate negation (antimorphic) - weak PPI-hood Sumiyo Nishiguchi Bipolar Items and Emotive Modality
Monotone decreasingness If XY, then f(Y) f(X) (f: monotone decreasing function) Few↓ (1) Few Romanians dance or sing. ->Few Romanians dance. Sumiyo Nishiguchi Bipolar Items and Emotive Modality
Anti-additivity • f(X U Y) = f(X) ∩ f(Y) (f: anti-additive function) NobodyAA: (Zwarts 1993) (2) Nobody danced or sang. Nobody danced and nobody sang. Sumiyo Nishiguchi Bipolar Items and Emotive Modality
Antimorphic • f(X ∩Y)=f(X) U f(Y) • f(X U Y)=f(X) ∩ f(Y) NotAM : (3) Mary does not sing or dance. Mary does not sing and Mary does not dance. Sumiyo Nishiguchi Bipolar Items and Emotive Modality
Bipolar items in Dutch, Serbo-Croatian and Hungarian • Dutch ooit ‘ever‘ • Serbo-Croatian i-series `also/even' • Hungarian is-series `also/even’ These items demonstrate: 1. NPI-hood licensed in medium and weak negative environments 2. PPI-hood anti-licensed by strong clausemate negation (van der Wouden 1997; Progovac 1994; Szabolcsi pc.) Sumiyo Nishiguchi Bipolar Items and Emotive Modality
Dutch ooit `ever’ (4) (Anti-additive) Geen van de kinderen gaat ooit bij oma op bezoek. none of the children goes ever with granny on visit `Noneof the children ever visits granny' (5) (Antimorphic) *Een van de kinderen gaat nietooit bij oma op bezoek. One of the children goes not ever with granny on visit (van der Wouden 1997: 132) Sumiyo Nishiguchi Bipolar Items and Emotive Modality
Nonmonotonic negative factive emotives (6) Ik betreur (het) dat ik dat ooit gedaen heb. I regret it that I that ever done have `I regret of what I have ever done‘ (den Dikken p.c.) Sumiyo Nishiguchi Bipolar Items and Emotive Modality
Serbo-Croatian i-NPIsi (also/even)+indeterminates • No clausemate negation (7) *Milan ikada ne vozi. Milan ever not drives (Progovac 1994:42-43) • Acceptable with clausemate few(monotone decreasing) Sumiyo Nishiguchi Bipolar Items and Emotive Modality
Extra-clausal negation is necessary (8) a.Milan ne tvrdi da Marija ikada vozi. Milan not claims that Mary ever drives `Milan does not claim that Mary ever drives‘ b.*Milan tvrdi da Marija ikada vozi. Milan claims that Mary ever drives (Progovac 1994:42-43) Sumiyo Nishiguchi Bipolar Items and Emotive Modality
Adversative predicates license Serbo-Croatian i-series: (9) Sumnja-m da Milan voli i(t)ko-ga/*ni(t)ko-ga. doubt-1SG that Milan loves anyone-ACC / no-one-ACC `I doubt that Milan loves anyone‘ (Progovac 1994: 64) Sumiyo Nishiguchi Bipolar Items and Emotive Modality
Positive emotive licenses i-series (10) Sretan sam da Milan i(t)ko-ga voli. happy be.1SG that Milan anyone-ACC loves `I am happy that Milan loves anyone' Sumiyo Nishiguchi Bipolar Items and Emotive Modality
Hungarian indefinite pronouns someone/something+is `and/even’ (11)*Nem értettél valamit is not understood-you something also/even (abból, amit mondtam). (of what I said) `You didn’t understand anything’ (12)Nem hiszem, hogy valamit is értettél Not think-I that something also/even understood-you (of what I said) (abból, amit mondtam). `I don’t think that you understood anything’(Szabolcsi p.c.) Sumiyo Nishiguchi Bipolar Items and Emotive Modality
Monotone decreasing scope accommodates valamit is `something’ (13)Kevés ember értett valamit is (abból, amit mondtam).Few people understood something also/even (of what I said)`Few people understood anything’ Sumiyo Nishiguchi Bipolar Items and Emotive Modality
Negative emotives license is-series (14) Sajnálom, hogy valamit is adtam neki. regret-I that something-Acc also/even gave-I to-him `I regret that I gave him anything' (15) ?Baj, hogy valamit is adtam neki. trouble that something-Acc also/even gave-I to-him 'It is a problem that I gave him anything‘ (Szabolcsi p.c.) Sumiyo Nishiguchi Bipolar Items and Emotive Modality
No positive emotives (16)*be happy [CP…valamit is…] (17) *be glad [CP…valamit is…] (18) *want [CP…valamit is…] (19) *be surprised [CP…valamit is…] Sumiyo Nishiguchi Bipolar Items and Emotive Modality
Interim summary • NEG/+-EMOTIVE[CP…i…] • NEG/-EMOTIVE[CP…ooit/is…] • [MON↓…ooit/i/is…] • [ANTI-ADDITIVE…ooit/i/is…] Sumiyo Nishiguchi Bipolar Items and Emotive Modality
BPIslicensed by implicit nonmonotonic emotives • Japanese • Korean • Mandarin Sumiyo Nishiguchi Bipolar Items and Emotive Modality
Japanese mo `also/even’: • usually requires explicit antecedent (20) John-ga ki-te, Tom-mo ki-ta John-NOM come-CON Tom-also come-PAST `John came and Tom also came’ ii) forms the any-type strong NPI/ negative concord item (Watanabe 2003) when it attaches to wh-words (Nam 1994) iii) appears discourse initially out of the blue takes wide scope over a proposition triggers presupposed implicit events (Numata 2000). Sumiyo Nishiguchi Bipolar Items and Emotive Modality
Claim: I argue that • Mo3 is a bipolar item licensed by speaker‘s sentimental emotion which is indispensable. Sumiyo Nishiguchi Bipolar Items and Emotive Modality
Discourse initial mo `also/even’ (21) Haru-mo takenawa-ni nari-mashi-ta. spring-also peak-Goal become-HON-PAST `The spring has reached its peak’ Mo (also/even) evokes other events that make the speaker feel the change of season (Numata 2000) Sumiyo Nishiguchi Bipolar Items and Emotive Modality
Discourse initial mo (22) Yo-mo hukete-ki-ta. Mo neru-to shi-yo. night-also late-become-Past already sleep-Comp do-will `It grew late (at night). It's time to go to bed' (modified from Sadanobu 1997) (23) Ko-no saifu-mo furuku-nat-t-a. this-Gen wallet-also old-become-Past-be `This wallet has become old' Sumiyo Nishiguchi Bipolar Items and Emotive Modality
(24) Mari-mo kashiko-i. Mari-also smart-be `Mary is smart indeed' (25) Soto-mo hiete-ki-ta. outside-mo cold-come-PAST `It has become cold outside' Sumiyo Nishiguchi Bipolar Items and Emotive Modality
(26) Omae-mo aho-ya-na. you-mo silly-be-EXC `You are silly, I should say' (27) Tabi-mo owari-ni chikazuite-ki-ta. trip-mo end-to approach-come-PAST `The trip is nearing the end' Sumiyo Nishiguchi Bipolar Items and Emotive Modality
Wide scope taking at LF (28) Mo [ yo-<mo> huke-ta] also night grow-PAST • Mo: quantificational element (Kuroda 1969) • Mo evokes the kind of events relevant to the change of season • Mo quantifies over events Sumiyo Nishiguchi Bipolar Items and Emotive Modality
LF: weird movement CP mo CP TP C DP T’ night <mo> vP T v’ VP v <night> grow Sumiyo Nishiguchi Bipolar Items and Emotive Modality
Intervention effect byclausemate negation (29) *Yo-mo sue-ja-nai. world-mo end-be-NEG `This is not the end of the world' Sumiyo Nishiguchi Bipolar Items and Emotive Modality
Extra-clausal negation is better (30) Yo-mo huke-ta -to -iu-koto-wa nai. world-also grow-PAST-COMP-say-fact-TOP NEG `It is not the case that it grew late' (31) Ko-no kaban-mo huruku-nat-ta-to-iu-koto-wa nai. this-Gen bag-also old-become-PAST-say-fact- TOP NEG `It is not that this bag became old' Sumiyo Nishiguchi Bipolar Items and Emotive Modality
Mo licensed in monotone decreasing scope (32) Seizei5-nin-no gakusei-mo tsukare-ta. at most 5-CL-GEN student-also tired-PAST `At most five students became tired' Sumiyo Nishiguchi Bipolar Items and Emotive Modality
Mo sentences are embedded under implicit emotives (33) (Unfortunately,) Yo-mo huke-ta. night-also get late-PAST `(Unfortunately,) it grew late' (34) Fortunately,) Haru-mo takenawa-ni nari-mashi-ta. spring-also peak-GOAL become-HON-PAST `(I'm glad that) the spring reached its peak' Sumiyo Nishiguchi Bipolar Items and Emotive Modality
Covert negative/sentimental emotives are always there (35) (Zannenna-koto-ni) yo-mo hukete-ki-ta. regretful-fact-Goal night-also late-become-Past Mo neru-to shi-yo. already sleep-Comp do-will `(I am sorry) it grew late (at night). It's time to go to bed' (36) (Shimijimi-to) ko-no saifu-mo furuku-nat-t-a. heartful-and this-Gen wallet-also old-become-Past-be (Sentimentally) `This wallet has become old' Sumiyo Nishiguchi Bipolar Items and Emotive Modality
Implicit emotives are indispensable (37) *(Sentimentally/Negatively,) Omae-mo aho-ya-na. you-also silly-be-EXC `You are silly, I should say' Sumiyo Nishiguchi Bipolar Items and Emotive Modality
Positive emotives are licensers Not only negative but positive emotive licenses this mo (also): (38) (Ureshii-koto-ni) haru-mo takenawa-ni nari-mashi-ta. (happy-fact-Goal) spring-also peak-GOAL become-then & happy `(I'm glad that) the spring has reached its peak' Sumiyo Nishiguchi Bipolar Items and Emotive Modality
Overt emotive can be licensers (39) Shikuramen-mo karete-ki-te kanashii. cyclamen-also wither-come-CON sad Mo haru-da. already spring-be `I’m sad that the cyclamens have withered. It is already spring' Sumiyo Nishiguchi Bipolar Items and Emotive Modality
(40) Shogo-mo shakaijin-ni nat-te ureshii. Shogo-also adult-GOAL become-CON happy `I’m glad Shogo has gone out into the world’ Sumiyo Nishiguchi Bipolar Items and Emotive Modality
Korean to `also/even’sentence focus (41) Pom-to wat-ta. spring also come-PAST `Spring came’ (42) #Pom-to ochi-an-at-ta. spring also come-NEG-PAST-DECL (wide scope reading) Sumiyo Nishiguchi Bipolar Items and Emotive Modality
Chineseyě `also’ (43) Qiutian ye lai-le. fall also come-PERF `Fall came, too.’ (44) #Qiutian yebu lai-le. fall also NEG come-PERF `Fall has not come’ (45) Ling Lingbu lai-le. Shu ye bu lai-le. Ling Ling NEG come-PERF Shu also NEG come-PERF `Ling Ling did not come. Shu did not come, either’ (additive ye) Sumiyo Nishiguchi Bipolar Items and Emotive Modality
Downward entailment environment (46) Zhangsan zuiduo ye zhi neng he Zhangsan at most also only can drink san bei jiu. three glass liquor 'Zhangsan can drink at most three glasses of liquor (it's a pity).' (Monotone decreasing) Sumiyo Nishiguchi Bipolar Items and Emotive Modality
No overt positive emotives (47)??Wo hen kaoxing qiutian ye lai-le. I very happy fall also come-PERF `I am glad that fall also came’ (48)#Wo hen kaoxing qiutian ye hui lai. I very happy fall also will come `I am glad that fall will also come’ (49)#Wo bukaoxing qiutian ye hui lai. I NEG happy fall also will come `I’m not happy that fall will come’ Sumiyo Nishiguchi Bipolar Items and Emotive Modality
Overt negative emotives can be licensers (50) #Kexi qiutian ye lai-le. sorry/regretably fall also come-PERF `I’m sorry that fall has come’ (51) Kexi qiutian ye likai-le. sorry fall also leave-PERF `I’m sorry that fall is gone’ (52) Bu keqi quitian ye lai-le. NEG sorry fall also come-PERF Sumiyo Nishiguchi Bipolar Items and Emotive Modality
The distribution of BPIs • (+-EMOTIVE)[CP…mo/to/ye…] • NEG/+-EMOTIVE[CP…mo/i/…] • NEG/-EMOTIVE[CP…ooit/is/ye…] • [MON↓…ooit/i/is/mo/to/ye…] • [ANTI-ADDITIVE…ooit/i/is…] Sumiyo Nishiguchi Bipolar Items and Emotive Modality
NPI rescues BPI (53) #Haru-mo ko-nai. spring also come-NEG `Spring does not come’ (54) Haru-momada ko-nai. spring-also yet come-NEG `Spring does not come yet’ Sumiyo Nishiguchi Bipolar Items and Emotive Modality
(55) Ko-no saihu-mo #(zenzen/amari) this-GEN wallet-also at all/much tsukawa-nakat-ta. use-NEG-PAST `I did not used this wallet at all/much' Sumiyo Nishiguchi Bipolar Items and Emotive Modality
Bipolar items escape from factive/veridical scope MODAL P MODAL<NonMonotonic [wP∏wN]> CP mo<Bipolar [wP∏wN∏mN∏sN]> CP TP C[factive] DP NP <mo> T’ yo `night’ vP T v’ VP v Sumiyo Nishiguchi Bipolar Items and Emotive Modality
When under negation NEG P NEG[wN∏mN∏sN] // CP mo[wP∏wN∏mN∏sN] CP TP C[-factive] yo <mo> T’ vP T v’ VP v Sumiyo Nishiguchi Bipolar Items and Emotive Modality
BPI movement and comparative morpheme -er • -er raises alone von Stechow (1984) Heim (2000) Beck et al. (2003) Sumiyo Nishiguchi Bipolar Items and Emotive Modality