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Resin trap filter is generally installed at the back end of the negative bed, positive bed, and mixed bed of the ion exchanger. When the quality of the resin is poor and the water pressure disturbance is large (especially high pressure disturbance). When the resin is damaged, the resin will enter the back-end desalted water system and affect the normal operation of other equipment in the system, so a resin trap filter screen needs to be installed.
Customized //Free Filyer® MANUFACTURER For sale Resin Trap Filter High-Quality We provide customized production services for wedge wire resin trap filters. sale@bluslot.com 6 technical patents 6 12+ 12 surface treatment methods Free design WWW.FILYER.COM New technology New technology
Resin Trap Filter Wedge wire Product Introduction Resintrapfilterisgenerallyinstalledatthebackendofthenegative bed, positivebed, andmixedbedoftheionexchanger. Whenthe resinisdamaged, theresinwillentertheback-enddesaltedwater systemandaffectthenormaloperationofotherequipmentinthe system. Filyer.com +86 13780308627
Resin Trap Filter Wedge wire Product Introduction Onthewatersystempipelineneartheoutletofequipment containingresinsuchasionexchangers, installaresintrapfilter screenwithaholediametermuchsmallerthanthatoftheresin. It alsohasaflushingfunction. Whentheresinpassesthrough, itcan beinterceptedandcapturedbythefilterscreen. Filyer.com +86 13780308627
Resin Trap Filter Wedge wire Product Introduction Resintrapfilterisusedassupplementaryequipmentoftheion exchangertopreventthetrappedresinfromleakingintothe desaltedwatersystemwhenthewateroutletdevicefails. Toensure thenormaloperationanduseofsubsequentequipment. Ithassmall sizeandhighrecyclingefficiency. Filyer.com +86 13780308627
Resin Trap Filter Wedge wire Product Introduction Ourresintrapfilterusesstainlesssteelwedgewirescreenasraw material. Thestainlesssteeltrapezoidprofilewirefilterscreenhas highcaptureefficiency, largeflowarea, goodmechanicalstrength andlowpressure. Filyer.com +86 13780308627
Filyer Filter Contact sale@bluslot.com