1. Bringing Microfinance to ScaleLessons from the Compartamos IPO An ACCION InternationalWeb Conference
June 27, 2007
2. Host and panelists
3. Agenda Compartamos
Why an IPO?
A closer look at the IPO process
ACCION’s investment
- Investing through Gateway
Results of the IPO
Use of proceeds
Implications for the industry
4. Evolution of Compartamos
5. Compartamos at a glanceDecember 31, 2006
6. Why issue an IPO? Investors seeking liquidity for own missions
- ACCION, IFC freeing capital for riskier-edge programs
Local and international investors signaling keen interest
Demonstrated ready market potential of sale
Maintaining continuity of governance
Avoiding disruptions in governance, management, direction
IPO promised diversified holdings
Integrating Compartamos more fully into mainstream
Integrating microfinance into traditional financial sector
Attracting private investment
- Proving viability of microfinance as asset class
7. The offer: A closer look
8. A closer look…cont.
9. The offer: Why so successful?
10. Why so successful? cont.
11. How ACCION invested in Compartamos Gateway Fund: Mission-driven equity fund created as LLC in ‘96
- $5.2m funding from bilateral and multilateral organizations
Early entrant in MF equity investments
- To expand equity in MF, test best practices in equity investing
Actively seeks to reduce participation as MFIs mature; avg. hold of 4.85 years
Investment made to demonstrate commitment to Compartamos
- $1m investment through Gateway in 1999
Needed to guarantee voice in governance through investment
Motivation: Support strength, efficiency of T.A. with board-level strategic advice
Not every investment a success…
Lessons learned
Enter early, when markets are under-served
Good management, governance key to MFI success/fund performance
12. ACCION’s participation in the IPO
13. What it means for ACCION as an NGOGoals and initiatives
14. A major milestone for microfinance
15. Q&A
16. Further information… New InSight: ‘The Banco Compartamos Initial Public Offering’ – available for download at http://www.accion.org/insight
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