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Oncidiinae Hybrids. The Problem. Many of the Oncidiinae species have been reclassified, rendering the current judging system when dealing with their hybrids largely based on breeding and difficult to administer technically or logically
The Problem • Many of the Oncidiinae species have been reclassified, rendering the current judging system when dealing with their hybrids largely based on breeding and difficult to administer technically or logically • Many plants may appear under 2 or 3 different names all of which were correct at some time. • The solution is to split this alliance based largely on what you see (shape and/or size) and less on its breeding. • The following sections are those that we propose to use at the OSCOV show.
Miltoniopsis • This section would include only hybrids of Miltoniopsis. • Miltoniaswould now be judged under Any Other Oncidiinae
Miltoniopsis MiltoniopsisAlger ‘Lollypop’ MiltoniopsisAndy Easton ‘Banyena’ (Formerly Miltonia Alger) (Formerly Miltonia Andy Easton)
Gomesa Influence • This section is for plants that show a large influence of Gomesa in their flowers. • Gomesas generally are the plants we used to consider Oncidiumvaricosumtype and Oncidiumcrispumtype, along with some others.
GomesaMoonlit Plains ‘Sarah’ GomesaAutumn Splash ‘Boudreaux’(Formerly Oncidium Moonlit Plains) (Formerly Oncidium Autumn Splash) GomenkoaSpotty Burr ‘Highland’ GomesaPokie ‘Luetticke’s Splatter’ (Formerly Oncidium Spotty Burr) (Formerly OncidiumPokie)
OncidesaSungold ‘Stephanie’ GomesaSpecialty's Cameo ‘Sandra’ (Formerly OncidiumSungold)(Formerly OncidiumSpecialty’s Cameo)
BrassiaInfluence • These hybrids will have Brassia in the background producing relatively thin petals and sepals, and star shaped flowers. • Where this influence is not obvious, the plant does not fall into this section.
BrassiaEdvah Loo ‘Hellis’ BratoniaEstrelita ‘Banyena’ (Formerly MiltassiaEstrelita)
BrassidiumKenneth Biven ‘Santa Barbara’ BrassidiumPagan Lovesong‘Lorraine’ (Formerly Odontobrassia Kenneth Biven) (Formerly Maclellanara Pagan Lovesong)
Exhibition Shaped Oncidiinae • These were formerly known as Odontoglossums and are those whose shape is based on Oncidiumalexandrae – Formerly Odontoglossum crispum • Where the shape is not a classic filled in shape they wouldnot get included in this section • It is not necessary that the plant be purely Odontoglossum type as long as the appearance is predominately Odontoglossum type
OncidiumAnna Claire ‘Iankey’ OncidiumBlack Diamond (Formerly Odontoglossum Anna Claire) (Formerly Odontoglossum Black Diamond) OncidiumAviator ‘Beenak Blush’ OncidiumNight Train ‘Beenak’ (Formerly Odontioda Aviator) (Formerly Odontioda Night Train)
OncidiumProud Tiger ‘Beenak’ Oncidium Mahogany Ship ‘Beenak’ (Formerly Odontocidium Proud Tiger) (Formerly Odontioda Mahogany Ship) OncidiumPurple Sparkle ‘Beenak’ OncidiumNar-nar-goon ‘Beenak’ (Formerly Odontioda Purple Sparkle) (Formerly Odontioda Nar-nar-goon)
Any Other Oncidiinae - Large • These would be the larger Oncidiinae hybrids that have not already been covered. It will take some time to be definitive about the size to fit in this section. A guideline would be approximately 80mm and up. • As with judging other classes on size (Cymbidiums, Laeliinea) you need to judge size by experience.
Miltonia Tropic Skies ‘Anurat’ OncidopsisWyatt's Torch ‘Atlantis’ (Formerly MiltoniaCogniauxiae(Formerly Vuylstekeara Wyatt’s Torch) PsychopsisButterfly ‘Bernadette’ MiltoniaGoodaleMoir ‘Golden Wonder’ (Formerly Oncidium Butterfly)
Any Other Oncidiinae - Intermediate • These would be the intermediate sized Oncidiinae hybrids that have not already been covered. It will take some time to be definitive about the size to fit in this section. A guideline would be approximately 45 – 80mm • As with judging other classes on size (Cymbidiums, Laeliinea) you need to judge size by experience.
Oncostele Wildcat ‘Bobcat’ OncidesaUrsula Isler ‘Kangaroo Lake’ (Formerly Colmanara Wildcat or (Formerly Wilsonara Ursula Isler) OdontocidiumWildcat) RhynchosteleBic-ross ‘Christine’ GomoniaMemoriaAthalieThomas ‘Sunset’ (Formerly Odontoglossum Bic-ross) (Formerly MiltonidiumMemoriaAthalieThomas)
Any Other Oncidiinae - Miniature • These would be the miniature sized Oncidiinae hybrids that have not already been covered. It will take some time to be definitive about the size to fit in this section. A guideline would be less than approximately 45mm • As with judging other classes on size (Cymbidiums, Laeliinea) you need to judge size by experience.
TolumniaMemoria Ralph Yagi ‘ Emperor’ OncidiumTwinkle ‘Red Fragrant’ (Formerly OncidiumMemoria Ralph Yagi) OncidiumSolar Landing ‘Hocking’ OncidiumMexico ‘Shirley Bird’