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Composition II

Composition II. Intro: Course overview. Instructor: John Palen. Who is this guy, anyway? Office: S053 Phone: 989-631-0644 (home, landline); 989-708-5199 (cell); 989-689-9199 (messages) Email: japalen@aol.com; johnpalen@delta.edu. Office Hours:. T-Th, 3:30-4 p.m. (half hour after class)

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Composition II

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Presentation Transcript

  1. Composition II Intro: Course overview

  2. Instructor: John Palen • Who is this guy, anyway? • Office: S053 • Phone: 989-631-0644 (home, landline); 989-708-5199 (cell); 989-689-9199 (messages) • Email: japalen@aol.com; johnpalen@delta.edu

  3. Office Hours: • T-Th, 3:30-4 p.m. (half hour after class) • Office S053

  4. Required Tools and Materials: • Computer access to World Wide Web, email • Binder or folder of your choice to keep handouts, notes, copies of your work. • There is no required textbook. Readings will be assigned from the Web or given as handouts.

  5. Course Description: • You’ll continue development of fluent, effective and confident writing. • You’ll will work alone, in small groups and in conference with me. • Prerequisites: Eng111 or Eng111A, C or H. • Big project: 1,500-word paper, with documented sources, on a topic of your choice. • You’ll place the issue in context and defend a fact-based and rational position on it while giving fair consideration to opposing points of view.

  6. Approximate Course Schedule • Part I: Exploration, Wks 1-4 • Part II: In-depth Exploration, 5-8 • Part III: Drafts and Revisions, 9-12 • Part IV: Editing and Fine Tuning, 13-16

  7. Part I: Exploration • Choose a topic and begin the exploratory process. • First Writing Assignments: • Four 100-word summaries of magazine articles of your choice dealing with your topic. • Summaries may be turned in during class at any time through Thursday, Sept. 24. • Each summary counts 5 percent of the course grade. • Summaries may be revised for one higher grade.

  8. Part II: In-Depth Exploration • Continue to explore the topic in more depth. • Second Writing Assignment: • A 400-word summary and review of a book of your choice on your topic. • Due in class Thursday, Oct. 22. • The review counts 10 percent of the course grade. • It may be revised for one higher grade.

  9. Part III: Drafts and Revisions • Write and revise several drafts of the paper for group discussion. • Third Writing Assignment: • A complete, working draft of your paper for me to read and evaluate. • Due in class Thursday, Nov. 19. • The draft counts 20 percent of the course grade. • No final paper will be accepted unless I receive a draft by Nov. 19.

  10. Part IV: Editing, Fine-Tuning • Continue revision for group discussion • Pay attention to clear organization, documentation and correct writing (grammar, spelling, sentence structure). • Fourth Writing Assignment: • Final product, a complete, polished paper. • Due in class Thursday, Dec. 10. • The paper counts 50 percent of the course grade. • May be revised for one grade higher. • The paper won’t be accepted if I did not receive a complete, working draft by Nov. 19.

  11. Grading • Each assignment will get a letter/numerical grade (A=4.0, A-+3.7, B+=3.3 etc.), and is also weighted as a percentage of the final grade. • Weighted assignment grades are added to arrive at the course grade • Keep track of your own grade as the course progresses. • I will calculate your grade at any particular point if you are worried about it.

  12. Attendance • Be here. • You will be dropped from the class on the fourth unexcused absence. • Absences are excused at my discretion for illness, family emergency or unavoidable work conflicts. • If you believe you have an excuse to be absent, check with me as soon as possible.

  13. Academic Integrity • Do your own work. • Give credit to others when you use their facts, ideas or language. • Academic dishonesty could result in your failing the course and/or being reported to college authorities.

  14. Students With Disabilities • If you have a documented disability which affects your academic performance and need an academic accommodation, contact the Office of Disability Services in D102. The telephone number is 686-9330. • Mike Cooper is Disability Services Director. His office is in D-WING, D102. His number is 989-686-9322.

  15. Other • My hearing difficulty • Please silence cell phones during class • Be respectful of each other and of me

  16. Looking Ahead • For Thursday, please write 100 words about yourself to share with the class

  17. Questions? • Today’s PowerPoint design is ‘Dad’s Tie’

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