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Understanding Fourier Analysis: Series, Transform, and Application

Learn the fundamentals of Fourier Analysis, including Fourier Series and Transform, properties, convolution and correlation theorems, Fast Fourier Transform (FFT) algorithm, and practical applications like noise removal and image filtering.

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Understanding Fourier Analysis: Series, Transform, and Application

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  1. Chapter 7: Fourier Analysis Fourier Analysis = Series + Transform ◎ Fourier Series -- A periodic (T) function f(x) can be written as the sum of sines and cosines of varying amplitudes and frequencies

  2. ○ Some function is formed by a finite number of sinuous functions

  3. Some function requires an infinite number of sinuous functions to compose

  4. Spectrum The spectrum of a periodic function is discrete, consisting of components at dc, , and its multiples, e.g., For non-periodic functions, i.e., The spectrum of the function is continuous

  5. ○ In complex form: Compare with

  6. Euler’s formula: 7-6

  7. 7-7

  8. 7-8

  9. Continuous case

  10. Discrete case: ◎ Fourier Transform • Vector-Matrix form

  11. Let 7-12

  12. 。Example: f = {1,2,3,4}. Then, N = 4,

  13. 7-15

  14. Let ○ Inverse DFT

  15. 。Example:

  16. ◎ Properties ○ Linearity: Show:

  17. Application: Noise removal f’ = f + n, n: additive noise It may be easier to identify than n.

  18. ○ Scaling: Show: Assignment : Show

  19. ○ Periodicity:

  20. 7-22

  21. ○ Shifting:

  22. 。 Example:

  23. Compared with: 7-25

  24. ◎ Convolution theorem: Convolution: ◎ Correlation theorem Correlation: * : conjugate 7-27

  25. ◎ Fast Fourier Transform (FFT) -- Successive doubling method Let Assume Let N = 2M. 7-28

  26. 7-29

  27. Let --------- (B) Consider 7-30

  28. 7-31

  29. ---- (C) 7-32

  30. ○ Analysis : The Fourier sequence F(u), u = 0 , … , N-1 of f(x), x = 0 , … , N-1can be formed from sequences u = 0 , …… , M-1 Recursively divide F(u) and F(u+M), eventually each contains one element F(u), i.e., u = 0, and F(u) = f(x). 7-33

  31. 7-34

  32. ○ Example: Input { f(0), f(1), ……, f(7) } Computing needs { f(0), f(2), f(4), f(6) } Computing needs { f(1), f(3), f(5), f(7) } { f(0), f(4)},{ f(2), f(6) } { f(0), f(2), f(4), f(6) } even odd { f(1), f(5)}, {f(3), f(7) } { f(1), f(3), f(5), f(7) } 7-35

  33. { f(2)},{ f(6)} { f(0), f(4)} { f(0)},{ f(4)} { f(2), f(6)} even odd even odd { f(3)},{ f(7)} { f(1), f(5)} { f(1)},{ f(5)} { f(3), f(7)} Reorder the input sequence into {f(0), f(4), f(2), f(6), f(1), f(5), f(3), f(7)} *Bit-Reversal Rule 7-36

  34. ○ FFT Algorithm

  35. 7-38

  36. 。 Time complexity : the length of the input sequence FT: FFT: Times of speed increasing: N FT FFT Ratio 4 16 8 2.0 8 84 24 2.67 16 256 64 4.0 32 1024 160 6.4 64 4096 384 10.67 128 16384 896 18.3 256 65536 2048 32.0 512 262144 4608 56.9 1024 1048576 10240 102.4

  37. ○ Inverse FFT ← Given ← compute i. Input into FFT. The output is ii. Taking the complex conjugate and multiplying by N , yields the f(x)

  38. ◎ 2D Fourier Transform ○ FT: IFT:

  39. ◎ Properties ○ Filtering: every F(u,v) is obtained by multiplying every f(x,y) by a fixed value and adding up the results. DFT can be considered as a linear filtering ○ DC coefficient:

  40. ○ Separability:

  41. F(u,v) = F*(-u,-v) ○ Conjugate Symmetry:

  42. ○ Shifting

  43. ○ Rotation Polor coordinates:

  44. ○ Display: effect of log operation

  45. ◎ Image Transform

  46. ◎ Filtering in Frequency Domain ○ Low pass filtering I FT m IFT

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