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Learn effective tips for engaging the youth in sessions, addressing challenging behaviors, and initiating positive change through motivational interviewing and the stages of change model.
Tips for Engaging Youth And responding to challenging behaviors in sessions
Engaging youth at the intake interview • Be up front – don’t avoid the topic of the youth’s violent behavior. They know when it is being avoided, and youth tell us they don’t like it. • It helps them to hear someone talking about it openly, in a non-judgmental and supportive manner • Talk about how you have worked with youth who are violent in their family and give a sense of hopefulness- It helps them realize they are not the only ones and that the behavior is changeable.
Lay the groundwork for change Begin the change process by: • Describing what the teen will be able to do when they complete Step-Up • You will be able to deal with conflict with your family without being hurtful • You will be able to talk about things when you’re upset or angry in ways that help others understand you better • Both of you will learn how to be respectful even when you are mad – things will be calmer at home • What would you like it to be like when you are finished doing this program?
Begin to engage “Change Talk” • How would you like your relationship with your mom/dad/family to be different? • How would it help you if you were getting along better? • What reasons do you have for trying to make things better at home? • What do you think you can do differently that would help you get along better with your family?
Give the message… • You have knowledge about what you need to do • Your perspective is valuable • We are interested in what you think • This is a collaborative effort • We believe you can make positive change A reflective, supportive manner reduces resistance
Motivational Interviewing • “A method of fostering change by helping a person explore and resolve ambivalence” • Looks for ways to access internal motivation for change- move from external to internal • Particularly suited to resistant or reluctant individuals who are in early stage of change • Internal and external forces work together to facilitate change.
MI is a style of interaction that follows these basic principles: • Express empathy – An attempt to understand the person’s mindset, even though you disagree with the point of view. • Roll with Resistance – Do not argue or debate with the client. Find other ways to respond, or move on in the conversation. • Develop discrepancy – Ask them to identify own reasons for change. • Support self – efficacy – point out personal strengths, past successes, affirm all efforts toward change.
“Motivational Interviewing holds the belief the person already possesses a range of talents, abilities, skills and resources – the goal is to draw out these positive resources.” -Miller and Rollnick, 2002
Stages of Change Model • A theory of behavior change developed by Prochaska, DiClemente and Norcross in 1992 • Describes the process people go through in thinking about change • MI is logically connected to Stages of Change Model
How Step-Up Moves Youth through the Stages of Change • Check-In process raises self-awareness • Listening to others talk about behaviors increases awareness of self and effects of behavior on others • Weekly goal setting elicits ‘change talk’ • Self evaluation process invites reflection • Input and support from group members • ‘Helper Principle’ • Increased competence to change with skills • Experiencing the positive effects of the behavior change
Step-Up Stages • Stage 1 and 2- Pre-contemplation and Contemplation • Raise awareness and build motivation for change • Begin learning skills • Stage 3- Preparation • Continue skill building • Set goals and evaluate progress • Stage 4, 5 – Action and Maintenance • Continue learning and using skills • Continue setting goals and evaluating progress • Stage 6 – Relapse • Self evaluation- what happened, what do I need to do? • Revise Goals, continue skill building
Purpose of Check-In • Raises awareness of behavior • Provides neutral facilitation to invite engagement and reflection • Safe and supportive environment for talking about difficult behaviors during the week • Opportunity for empathy and ownership of unhelpful behavior
Purpose of Check-in • Re-frames accountability as something that shows strength • Re-frames parent as supporter / helper • Attention to positive behaviors and strengths • Opportunity to think through “how could I have handled that differently”, “what skills could I have used?” • Provides ‘teachable moments’, real life situations to apply new learning • Set weekly goal and self evaluation
Check-In What behaviors on the Wheels have you used during the past week? Abuse Wheel- What could you have done instead that was not hurtful? What skills could you have used? Respect Wheel- How were able to do that? What did you do differently? What skills did youuse? HOW DID THAT FEEL FOR YOU?
Goal Setting • Questions on Goal Sheet help teen through process of thinking about their behavior and specific steps they will take to change it • Elicits ‘change talk’ • Goals should be ones the youth believe they can do- or make steps toward • Break into small steps • Worded as what they willdo
Self-Evaluation of Goal ‘How did I do?’ questions are MI inquiry which invites reflection about • If I accomplished my goal (or made some progress), how did I do that? What helped me? What did I do differently? How did that feel? • If not successful, what got in the way? What were the barriers? What can I do next week to overcome those barriers and make more progress toward my goal?
More Tips… • Ask, don’t tell • Encourage them to think for themselves • Give them the space to figure it out, and if they can’t, ask the group for help • Give them the message you believe they are capable and have lots of knowledge about themselves • If it goes astray, let it go and move on….
Engage Group Support • Invite other group members to help out • Ask: “How have others in group handled this problem?” or “Is there anyone who has been through this before that can share ideas for dealing with this?” • “Let’s brainstorm a list of ideas that might help- who wants to write on the board?” • Most teens enjoy helping
Foundation for Change: A Safe Environment A climate of safety must be in place for engagement approaches to succeed • Clear boundaries and expectations • Discuss and post ‘Communication Agreement’ • All language must be on ‘Respect Wheel’ • Any abusive or unsafe behaviors are interrupted immediately • Give youth a chance to change behavior before having him or her leave room
Abusive behavior in group or session • Opportunity to have them stop and use their ‘Safety Plan’ • Opportunity to: • Learn how to make a shift in the moment, and change it up • For parents to learn how to respond in an effective way- facilitator models options: • Can you say that again staying on the Respect Wheel? • How about saying that in an “I” statement? • Can you tell your Mom your feeling, instead of acting out your anger? • Look at the Communication Agreement on the wall- let’s have you start over, and see if you can continue talking, but follow the agreement
If parents are disrespectful to their teens… • Ask to re-phrase on Respect Wheel • Model for them by re-phrasing • Invite them to use skills learned – “I” statement, Assertive Communication • If angry and escalated- ask them to take a break • Notice skill deficit and select parent session for following week that addresses this • Ask if you can step outside with them to talk, or talk later • Awareness of impact on teen is important – addressing parenting in presence of teen can undermine their leadership
Contact Information • Lily Anderson: lily.anderson@kingcounty.gov • Greg Routt: gbroutt@yahoo.com • Phone: 206-296-7841 • Website: kingcounty.gov/courts/step-up