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APM Best Practice: i3 FocalPoint and Performance Warehouse

Learn about the evolution of i3 FocalPoint and Performance Warehouse, along with best practices for planning and optimizing your FocalPoint setup. Discover hardware requirements and tips to enhance performance.

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APM Best Practice: i3 FocalPoint and Performance Warehouse

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  1. APM Best Practice:i3 FocalPoint and Performance Warehouse Steve CunnewAPM Specialist

  2. Best Practices Agenda • FocalPoint Evolution • FocalPoint Planning • FocalPoint Maintenance • Customer Case Study • Summary • Optimising your FocalPoint • Q&A

  3. FocalPoint Evolution

  4. About The FocalPoint • FocalPoint: the i3 “kernel” • GUI • Datastore • Data processor • FocalPoint: impact • GUI performance • Efficiency of data collection • Scalability of i3 environment • Lets look at how i3 has evolved…

  5. From Precise/SQL & Pulse!… • GUI - ‘Fat client’ • For both the ‘Tuning’ and ‘Alerting’ tools • All data stored on the monitored server • Flat files store ‘Recent’ activity • Alerting managed on monitored server • Performance Warehouse an ‘option’ • Defaulted to storing data in the monitored DB • A remote DB could be specified

  6. To i3 v2… • GUI – mostly ‘fat’ clients • Alerting now using a thin client • Tuning tool still requires fat client • Most data stored on the monitored servers • Flat files store ‘Recent’ activity • Alerting managed by a FocalPoint • Metric data stored in a central DB • Performance Warehouse an ‘option’ • Default to store data in the monitored DB • A remote DB could be specified

  7. Then i3 v6… • GUI – mixed ‘fat’ and ‘thin’ clients • Alerting, I4J2EE and other tools using thin client • Tuning tools still require fat client • All data stored on the monitored servers • Flat files store ‘Recent’ activity • All products managed by a FocalPoint • Performance Warehouse an ‘option’ for I4O • A central DB now used for all products in i3 suite

  8. And finally, i3 v7 • GUI – ‘thin’ clients • All tools web based (but using ActiveX controls) • All data stored in the Performance Warehouse • Data gathered from flat files • All products managed by a FocalPoint • Performance Warehouse compulsory • All data seen in the GUI comes from PW

  9. Load Load Load Load Monitored Server FP/PW Client Monitored Server The ‘Load Balance’ During Evolution Pre i3 v2

  10. Load Load Load Load Monitored Server FP/PW Client Monitored Server The ‘Load Balance’ During Evolution i3 v2

  11. Load Load Load Load Monitored Server FP/PW Client Monitored Server The ‘Load Balance’ During Evolution i3 v6

  12. Load Load Load Load Monitored Server FP/PW Client Monitored Server The ‘Load Balance’ During Evolution i3 v7

  13. The Result of the i3 Evolution • Less overhead in monitoring servers and applications But… • Performance of i3 FocalPoint server now much more significant • Performance of the Performance Warehouse database now much more significant

  14. FocalPoint Planning

  15. Getting the Best from the FocalPoint Rule #1 • Plan the installation. Carefully. • Consider: • How many users will there be? • How many servers/instances are there? • Will the number of servers/instances increase? • Which product FocalPoints are required? • Which product agents are required on each server? • Etc… Rule #2 • Follow Rule #1

  16. Hardware Requirements for the FP • Minimumrequirements for a FocalPoint • On Windows, a CPU of at least Dual Pentium IV 2GHz, 32 bits, memory of at least 2 GB, and disk space of at least 100 GB are required • On Sun Solaris, a CPU of at least Dual Ultra Sparc Illi 1GHz, memory of at least 2 GB, and disk space of at least 100 GB are required • Minimum requirements means suitable for a small installation.

  17. The Ideal FocalPoint Setup • The i3 FocalPoint should be separated from the PW DB server • Ensure sufficient memory to reduce or eliminate ‘swap’ • Faster CPU’s are preferable • 4 x 2GHz CPU’s better than 8 x 1GHz • Ensure disks can handle I/O demands • i3 is handling many log and trace files • Many small files used in data gather/load process

  18. Plan the PW DB Instance • Separate Data/Index (Oracle) or Data/Log (MSSQL) files onto different ‘spindles’ • Install Indepth for Oracle/MSSQL against the PW instance, and Insight OS agent on the server(s) For Oracle: • Place Redo log files on fast disks • RAID 0+1 or 10, not RAID 5 • Settings for init.ora parameters…

  19. Oracle PW init.ora • Current guidelines for a new 9i instance: • db_block_size = 16KB (8KB min) • db_cache_size = 256MB (minimum) • log_buffer = ~1MB • log_checkpoint_timeout = 950 • shared_pool_size = 1/4 of physical memory, up to 450 MB • pga_aggregate_target = 1/8 of the physical memory • session_cached_cursors = 300 • open_cursors = 300 • processes = 300 • These parameters may need to be tuned later

  20. A Few ‘Tips’ for FP Planning • ‘InformPoints’ are only required on the FocalPoint and monitored servers where custom metrics are being used • An installed InformPoint that is not running still places load on the FocalPoint • If installing Indepth/J2EE, use Oracle instead of MySQL if possible • Find out if any patches are required, and apply them during the installation

  21. FocalPoint Maintenance

  22. Techniques for Analysis and Remediation • Evaluate data collection requirements • Are all agents really required? • Look into the usage of the server • Are there any CPU bound processes? • Review PW processes • How long are they taking to run? • Are any of them failing? • Analyse PW DB instance • How much time is spent ‘waiting’?

  23. Real World Experience:Customer Case Study

  24. Customer Case Study • Customer complains about slow GUI response • Initial analysis showed inadequate i3 system: • Slow GUI • PW Loads failing • I4Web FP is 100% CPU bound • 30000 files in the web sum directory • Restarting PW takes 1 hour !! • “Most likely the FP server cannot scale” ??? • Apply the Techniques …

  25. Are All Agents Required? InformPoint is required on FP ?

  26. Information From the OS Agent

  27. Which Java Process is using CPU?

  28. Which PW Processes Are Running?

  29. Examine the PW Processes

  30. Recommendations • Remove unnecessary Inform/points • Change the Daily Maintenance process to run every 3 days instead of every day • Adjust the start time of the Daily Maintenance process The results? • Improvement of Oracle performance

  31. Analyse the DB Instance

  32. Drill into JDBC_Thin_Client (I4J2EE)

  33. Recommendations • Analyse The I4J2EE Schema • Indepth for J2EE schema is not maintained by the Performance Warehouse processes • ‘Analyse’ scripts supplied with i3 • <i3>/products/j2ee/db/oracle/analyzeJ2EETables.sql • <i3>/products/j2ee/db/mysql/analyzeJ2EETables.sql • Run this weekly • Can be setup from within ‘Alerts’ to run as a scheduled job if no other task scheduler available

  34. After Analysis

  35. Drill Into The ‘pw.fp’ Module

  36. Examine The Overview for the instance

  37. Recommendations • Need to reduce ‘Redo Log Buffer Wait’ • Changes to the log files and buffers • Increase redo log files to 1GB • Move log files from RAID 5 storage • Reduce log_buffer in init.ora to 1MB • Reduce commit/rollback activity • I4J2EE aggregate interval changed from 5 to 15 mins

  38. Recommendations (continued) • Change initialisation parameters to reduce I/O and buffer wait • Used Oracle 9i advice features • Several iterations resulted with the following changes: • large_pool = 40M • log_buffer = 1M • db_file_multiblock_read_count = 8 • sort_area_size = 2M • pga_aggregate_target = 1.5 GB • db_cache_size = 1.2 GB

  39. I/O system problem? • Redo waits were reduced by moving redo log files to local devices • Buffer Busy wait • I/O wait • Investigation by the storage team found problem with battery backed cache • battery was dead so no caching!

  40. A Lot Of Application Lock Wait

  41. Number Of Rows Increasing

  42. And We Can See Why

  43. Data Goes Back To Creation Date

  44. So What Happened? • Due to a large number of instances, job runs and errors in the PW Processes, the Job History table grew quite quickly • When the Weekly Maintenance process ran, the rollback segment was too small for the amount of data being ‘deleted’, so the delete failed, and table grew in size each week • A manual ‘truncate’ was performed on the table to resolve the problem

  45. Implemented Recommendations • Altered the Daily Maintenance PW Process • Analysed the I4J2EE Schema • Altered the redo log files • Tuned the init.ora parameters • Cleaned the PW_PWJH_JOB_HISTORY table • What difference has this made?

  46. 6 Hour Period on Oct 5th

  47. Same 6 Hour Period 1 Week Later

  48. CPU Usage Now Looking Better!

  49. The Results Of The Tuning • CPU usage reduced on the server • All PW loads OK • GUI response time much improved • Restarting the PW takes less than 5 mins • Increased scalability • Avoided/deferred hardware purchase • Another happy customer!

  50. FocalPoint Best Practice:Summary

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