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Summary of statewide homelessness achievements including PIT counts, youth strategic planning, and website launches. Meeting agenda, goals, and meeting recaps for work groups. HUD funding breakdown and ICH meeting information.
Maryland’s Interagency Council on Homelessness Tuesday February 10, 2015
State-wide Homeless Services Accomplishments Since Last Meeting
State-wide Accomplishments Since November • Point In Time (PIT) Counts conducted throughout 16 CoC jurisdictions • Homeless services framework created, feedback from over 100 stakeholders statewide • 3 successful ICH work group meetings held • Baltimore City Homeless Youth and Young Adult Strategic Planning Initiative • Cold weather shelters have been opened successfully across the state • DHR bureau of homeless services website launched as well as the creation of a policy guide for grant recipients for DHR homelessness grants statewide.
Address: http://www.dhr.state.md.us/blog/?page_id=3907 Or by typing “Bureau of Homeless Services and DHR” into your search engine
HUD Funding to MD for 2015 Total: $48,362,263 Renewal contracts: $47,481,049 New Grants: $881,214* *PSH - $235K RRH - $220K CoC Planning - $397K
Meeting Agenda I. How the Homeless Services Framework has evolved • Group Activity “Scripting the Critical Moments” • Updates from our Work Groups • Administrative Updates
The Goals We Will Focus on Today Create more affordable and supportive housing options statewide Create a comprehensive discharge planning process for homeless clients being released from medical facilities Create more “low barrier” options across the state for clients seeking emergency shelter or transitional housing Develop a plan to temporarily subsidize the difference between income and the cost of housing
“Any successful change requires a translation of ambiguous goals into concrete behaviors- We must script the critical moments” Chip and Dan Heath “Switch – How to Change things When Change is Hard”
The Questions We Will Answer Today How do you define success for this goal? What are some challenges we may encounter that might hinder success toward this goal? What are ways we can address these challenges now? Who are some of our usual and “unusual” partners we can bring in to help us achieve success towards this goal? What unique contribution can you provided to ensure we successfully meet this goal over the next year?
GOOD WORK!! Thank you all for your excellent participation! Please come back to your seats.
Youth and Young Adult Work Group Last meeting held January 9, 2015 Tasks Accomplished: • Reviewed results from GOC survey to Local Management Boards • Started compiling Statewide resources • Group priorities – Education/technical assistance for local jurisdictions, identify funding & develop a comprehensive services directory Goals for Next Meeting: • Create a comprehensive inventory of existing efforts aimed at ending youth homelessness in the state • Develop educational/technical assistance materials for local jurisdictions and recommendations for ICH based on identified priorities
Veterans Work Group Last meeting held January 29, 2015 Tasks Accomplished: • Reviewed existing online resource directories, MDCSL, MD211, MDVA website, identified barriers and gaps in housing resources • Received HUD VASH briefing Goals for Next Meeting: • Review compiled recommendations for changes to online resource directories • Review compiled recommendations to address identified barriers and gaps in resources • Triage and organize recommendations based on identified priorities
Thank you! Next ICH Meeting: Monday April 13th, 10am - noon
HUD’s Definition of Homelessness • People who are living in a place not meant for human habitation, in emergency shelter, in transitional housing, or are exiting an institution where they temporarily resided. • People who are losing their primary nighttime residence, which may include a motel or hotel or a doubled up situation, within 14 days and lack resources or support networks to remain in housing. • Families with children or unaccompanied youth who are unstably housed and likely to continue in that state. • People who are fleeing or attempting to flee domestic violence, have no other residence, and lack the resources or support networks to obtain other permanent housing.
What do you commit to accomplish between today and our next meeting?