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Building Strong Home-School Partnerships for Student Success

Discover practical tips to connect with teachers, support learning, and foster a positive relationship for academic achievement. Learn why communication is key and how to show appreciation.

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Building Strong Home-School Partnerships for Student Success

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Presentation Transcript

  1. Building Home /School Partnerships Presented by Lynne R. Farlough

  2. What are we learning today? • How parents and families can connect with the teacher before the school year starts • Maintaining the connection during the school year • Recognizing the teacher is a person first • Why it’s important for teachers to communicate with parents and families • Ways a teacher should communicate with parents and families • Ways for teachers to encourage parents and families

  3. Connect Before the School Year Starts • Let your child’s teacher know you look forward to working with them • Exchange email addresses • Share information about your child • Share how your child learns • Share positive stories and anecdotes about your child

  4. Maintaining the Connection During the School Year • Stay involved • Share important information that your child has shared with you, with your teacher • Be positive and prepared for school activities and meetings • Volunteer • Consider donating classroom supplies • Use a home/school communication book; a good example can be found at the following links: www.iidc.indiana.edu/styles/iidc/defiles/IRCA/Handouts2_6-2009.pdfand www.iidc.indiana.edu/styles/iidc/defiles/IRCA/Handouts6-2009.pdf

  5. Remember the Teacher is a Person First • Send cards for special events in the teacher’s life • Don’t forget to say “thank you” for the big and little things • Saying “thank you” can be more than just words • Respect the teacher’s schedule • Don’t forget to acknowledge the teacher’s co-workers

  6. Sharing Your Appreciation with Others • Let the administration know how much you appreciate your child’s teacher • Nominate your favorite teacher for Teacher of the Year

  7. End the School Year on a Positive Note • Send handwritten notes of thanks to all of your child’s teachers • Keep in touch

  8. Tips for communicating about instructional practices used with your child • Listen carefully when a teacher describes problems with aspects of your child’s learning • Track how well your child is doing with the instructional practices • Ask about research on the effectiveness of the of the instructional practices or behavioral programs being used • Discuss whether there are cultural factors that might make a difference • Try to understand the way your child learns, so you can better communicate with your child’s teacher • Find out if supplementary educational services are available at your child’s school • Find out if your school provides online access to your child’s school assignments and grades

  9. Communication From the Teacher

  10. Why is it important to communicate with parents? • Parents and families will have a better understanding of how you are helping prepare their children for success in school • They will learn how well their children are progressing in developing the building blocks of learning • They will learn ways in which they can help their children at home • The teacher will have a better understanding of the background and experience of the children • The children will see that the adults in their life care about them

  11. Ways to Communicate with Parents and Caregivers • Talk with parents and families as they deliver and pick up their children • Send home newsletters, notes, or emails • Use the home/school communication book • Schedule regular meetings

  12. Ways to Encourage Parents and Caregivers • Encourage parents and families to talk with children during daily routines • Encourage them to help children to name objects in their environment • Encourage parents and families to read and reread stories • Encourage parents and families to have children recount experiences • Encourage parents and families to visit libraries and museums with their children • Share with parents and families ideas about activities that can be done at home • Invite parents and families to visit your classroom

  13. Resources • Early Childhood Learning & Knowledge Center (ECLKC) www.eclkc.ohs.acf.hhs.gov/hslc • Indiana Resource Center for Autism www.iidc.indiana.edu/ • National Center for Learning Disabilities www.ncld.org/

  14. Pyramid Contact Information 504-899-1505 www.pyramidparentcenter.org Pyramid is funded in part by the U.S. Department of Education, Office of Special Education Programs

  15. Please use your chat pod at this time if you have any questions

  16. We will launch a brief survey for you to complete • If the survey does not appear (due to your pop up blockers), you can visit http://www.surveymonkey.com/s/pyramid3_11_13 • After you have completed the survey, you may exit the webinar • Thank you for your participation! We want your feedback……

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