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Stay updated on upcoming dates and major conferences scheduled for the DØ Collaboration. Learn about ongoing and upcoming tasks, project leaders, and areas needing attention. Discover how you can contribute to addressing manpower challenges.
Closing remarks Harry Weerts Michigan State University/Fermilab
Upcoming dates: 2000: September 28: Enrico Fermi centennial @ Fermilab November 7- 9: Collaboration meeting December 19-21: Muon workshop at Saclay 2001: Proposed Collaboration meeting dates: February 11-15 ( Mo-Friday) April 22-26 June /July workshop (< July 4) Oct 7- 11 All “on” weeks Will freeze in 2 weeks, unless objections Workshop: Away from Fermilab; have one proposal already Major Conferences & FNAL PAC: April 12-14: FNAL PAC June 16-21 : PAC FNAL June 17-23 :SUSY 02 Hamburg July 24-31: ICHEP Amsterdam
Schedule for past months Status: Sept 14, 2001
Schedule for next few months Status: Sept 14, 2001 Future Outlook: Run 2 will start with serious lum. accumulation
The rest of year 2001 & start of 2002 Done In progress today NOW Done 16 Preparing A challenge to us all! Do not accept this date as unchangeable. Work to make it sooner. Why not January 1? It will be hard, but . . .
Priorities, Effort , Manpower Take a step back and look at global picture of DØ Not a “normal” experiment in classical sense…. • Finishing Run I still • In process of completing Run 2a Upgrade hardware( electronics, trigger) • Commissioning detector we have BIG TASK • Commissioning software, understanding detector behavior, integration of the DØ experiment HUGE EFFORT • Preparing for Run 2 physics (ID & physics groups) • Designing and planning for Run 2b……the next run All of this driven by physics, but nevertheless an ENORMOUS TASK Many steps in parallel instead of doing them serially We are and will always be limited by manpower…………given the above
Spokesmen H. Weerts J. Womersley Speakers Bureau Chair: D. Hedin Advisory Council Chair: J. Hobbs Institutional Board Chair: S. Hagopian Technical Manager J. Kotcher Software and Computing K.W. Merritt, A. Boehnlein Physics Coordinator B. Klima Operations Run Coordinator: D. Denisov Run 2B Project (J. Kotcher, Proj. Mgr.) R. Partridge (Deputy) M. Johnson (Tech. Coord.) Project Office W. Freeman Algorithms H. Melanson Trigger Board Chairs: D. Wood, L. Groer Offline Resources Board Chair: N. Hadley Infrastructure A. Jonckheere, TBA Detector Commissioning M. Begel, L. Groer Electrical Operations: R. Hance Mechanical Operations: R. Rucinski Online S. Fuess P. Slattery SMT Y. Kulik B Physics B. Abbott H. Evans EM ID V. Buescher M. Jaffré Silicon M. Demarteau A. Bean (Deputy) CFT M. Hildreth Global Systems and Production M. Diesburg, I. Bertram, TBA Muon ID J. Butler D. Zieminska Higgs J. Hobbs M. Narain FPD A. Brandt SMT E. Kajfasz, P.Rapidis Global Tracking V. Kuznetsov H. Greenlee Level 1 H. Evans D. Wood Jet/MET ID G. Bernardi V. Zutshi New Phenomena L. Duflot G. Landsberg Lum Mon G. Guerkov, R. Partridge CFT D. Lincoln Data Access and Databases L. Lueking, V. White Vertexing G. Lima, S. Choi Level 2 R. Hirosky J. Linnemann CPS D. Alton Reco program integration Tau ID D. Chakraborty Y. Gerstein DAQ S.Mattingly Calorimeter/PS L. Sawyer A Turcot FPS S. Chopra, A. Patwa QCD J. Krane M. Zielinski Simulation Q. Li, S. Protopopescu Level 3 G. Blazey P. Padley Online S. Fuess, P. Slattery b ID F. Filthaut R. Van Kooten Calorimeter U. Bassler, N. Parua Muon system C. Royon, L. Stutte Top E. Barberis C. Gerber Online S. Fuess P.Slattery Event Generators (S. Protopopescu) Unpacking (C. Leggett) Luminosity M. Begel J. Hauptman Trigger G. Blazey, N. Varelas ICD A. Stone, A. White WZ T. Diehl G. Steinbrueck Installation & Infrastructure (J. Kotcher) Calibration/ Alignment G. Gutierrez T. Yasuda D0gstar S. Kunori Cen Muon T. Diehl Jet Energy Scale A. Goussiou R. Kehoe Fwd Muon (D. Denisov) Fast simulation S. Eno Level 3 filtering M. Souza D. Claes Fwd. Proton G. Alves M. Martens Triggermeisters L. Babukhadia, E Gallas Solenoid R. Smith Trigger Simulation D. O’Neil, S.Protopopescu
Priorities, Effort , Manpower (2) How to address the shortage of manpower ? ( which has been clearly identified this week) Two ways ( and already started): • Set priorities ( which to some extent is happening) • Take hard look at collaboration and identify manpower not used efficiently
What can you do? • Difficult to speed up completion of the very technical items like Level 2 and Level 3 • one or two people may be approached to help with the CFT electronics endgame • BUT there’s a great deal you can do to speed up the start of “physics running” • start looking at data within one of the existing efforts • don’t wait for someone else to solve the problems • don’t wait to be asked to help
Priorities • Just to make it clear where we stand: • Everyone in DØ should be working on tasks related to making the detector and the software work, and understanding its performance • For example: shifts, AFE installation, development of reco, alignment software, trigsim, Monte Carlo samples • Not for example studying the reach in the m0 -m1/2 plane, optimizing cuts for future analyses (when we don’t yet understand even basic detector performance) • Obviously there will be some exceptions (Run I students, work towards the Run 2b detector TDR, etc.) but exceptions are not the rule • This is the priority of the physics and ID group leaders and these groups are pushing in this direction
Commissioning and hardware needs IB meeting voted to make this a requirement • Shifters needed • especially postdocs and students resident at Fermilab who can become immersed in the control room, as DAQ and subdetector experts, and take 6-8 shifts per month for 4-5 month “tour of duty” • both SMT and Calorimeter are short! • many institutions have not responded • contact Dmitri Denisov (denisovd@fnal.gov) • every one of the subdetector commissioning teams could use a couple more people • best if each university group could align themselves with one or two subdetector efforts so as to provide a cohesive team effort • Trigger commissioning and FPGA programming • Close-to-the-detector software • online monitoring and controls, calibration, database applications. . .
Software and Computing needs • We shortchanged the software effort for a couple of years to give priority to getting the hardware ready. Now, with data to process and a detector to understand, there are a lot of areas that need increased manpower. • See Harry Melanson’s survey of algorithms group manpower athttp://www-d0.fnal.gov/computing/algorithms/reports/august01.html • Extracts: • Level 3 filtering urgently needs more people:10 FTE’s • Global tracking needs ~ 3 FTE’s to work with real data • SMT, CFT, muon, vertex software all short 1 or 2 FTE’s each • Alignment: 10 FTE’s needed to understand problems in present data, CFT alignment, calorimeter alignment, muon system RCP files
Software and computing needs(2) • Need someone to define/implement the DST and microDST data tiers. • Streaming • Need ~ 1-2 people to work with Greg Landsberg to implement • Luminosity • Need ~ 2 people to work with Michael Begel and John Hauptman on immediate luminosity goals: identified • ID groups Bottom Line: > 40 FTE’s are needed Talk to the computing and software leaders, to the spokespeople, or directly to the subgroup leaders
Summary We are struggling and we will keep struggling BUT We are making progress in a steady way. It may not seem like that every day, but it is very clear on a monthly time scale
Here is a short announcement about the meeting in Saclay: We will have a meeting focussing on muons in Saclay on the 19th (afternoon), 20th and 21st of December. The aim is to discuss the first physics data involving the muon system. The proposed agenda will be as follows: - Wednesday afternoon: status of muon detector (barrel and end-caps) L1 status / efficiency L2 status - Thursday morning: L3 reconstruction status and performance Calibration and alignment status - Thursday afternoon: offline reconstruction status (hit, segment, local muon track reconstruction, global tracking, performances) - Friday morning and afternoon: Physics channels involving muons. We expect first analysis reports on W, Z, J/Psi, top, b physics, new phenomena The details will be sent around later on. Thanks Cheers Christophe