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Closing remarks. G. Ross: Models of Neutrino Mass S. Abel : Pseudo-Dirac neutrinos and leptogenesis S. Palomares-Ruiz: Resolving the LSND Anomaly S.Choubey: Supernova seismology and sterile neutrinos A.Vacheret: The challenges of the T2K 280m near detector S.Cartwright: ANTARES
Closing remarks G. Ross: Models of Neutrino Mass S. Abel : Pseudo-Dirac neutrinos and leptogenesis S. Palomares-Ruiz: Resolving the LSND Anomaly S.Choubey: Supernova seismology and sterile neutrinos A.Vacheret: The challenges of the T2K 280m near detector S.Cartwright: ANTARES R.Saakyan: Experimental review of double beta decay S.Soldner-Rembold: The COBRA Double Beta Decay Experiment P.Harrison: Leptonic Mixings from a variational principle C.Jarlskog: On quark and lepton masses and mixings Steve King, Nu-Mass Meeting, Durham
10 100 10-1 10-2 10-3 10-4 eV Unravelling the origin of mass….. G.Ross Many possibilities, many parameters… …difficult (impossible) unless we are lucky! Small in quark sector, large in lepton sector? Mixing Non Abelian Structure? Bi-Tri Maximal Mixing … Harrison, Perkins, Scott ansatz
Vacuum alignment& sequential dominance Red terms dominate SFK ’98-
Vacuum alignment& sequential dominance Red terms dominate
SFK hep-ph/0506297 Real vacuum alignment of SO(3) and Pati-Salam
Effect of small charged lepton mixing angles Antusch, SFK ’05 e.g. Tri-bimaximal 35.26± If 13 angles are small have SUM RULE : q12+q13cos(d -p)¼qn12 q13and d then come from the charged lepton sector e.g.
d is predicted e.g. tri-bimaximal neutrino mixing plus quark-lepton unification leads to gives prediction for q12 as function of d Current 3s experimental range Tri-bimaximal value predicts maximal CP violation! (NOT zero CP violation!)
S.Abel Alternatively can get small Yukawa couplings directly from asymmetric compactifications of string theory Antusch, Eyton Williams,SFK
3+1 model with a decay option… • …but LSND explained by decay SPR, S. Pascoli and T. Schwetz, JHEP0509:048, 2005 S.Palomares-Ruiz: Resolving the LSND Anomaly • With and without sterile neutrinos • With one and with more than one sterile • With and without neutrino oscillations • With and without CPT violation • With non-standard and with standard processes • With and without extra dimensions • With problems and with problems • Those we like and those we don’t like • Those we have proposed and those we haven’t proposed • No solution
Dark matter search in mSUGRA models S.Cartwright • Sun is best “standard” source • up to several thousand muons per km2 per year mainly WW and ZZ mainly tt SuSpect + DarkSUSY, Nezri et al
R.Saakyan: Experimental review of neutrinoless double beta decay Theory: recent developments in NME calculations e.g. Rodin et al nucl-th/0503063 Mo100 ME to 20%! Experiment: two approaches to detect electrons: source=detector, or separate calorimeter Heidelberg-Moscow: <m>=0.1-0.9eV (due to NME) @2.5\sigma Current experiments: NEMO-3, Cuoricino <m>=0.2-0.6eV by 2008 Current NEMO-3: <m>=0.3-2.8eV Future experiments:incl. UK expts. SuperNEMO, COBRA GERDA (approved) Ge-76 phase I confirm/rule out Klapdor in 3-years GERDA phase III (possible merger with Majorana) <m> =.03-.09eV CUORE (approved) 0.03-0.1, EXO / SuperNEMO <m>=0.04-0.08ev
S.Soldner-Rembold: SuperNEMO (UK R&D) SuperNEMO = extrapolation of NEMO-3 by an order of magnitude Mo100Se82 (PPARC R&D approved 05) Challenges: energy resolution (thin wires), choice of isotope, background (photone+e-) Sites: Boulby mine (low background from potash), Gran Sasso… Can see event by event B. Morgan: COBRA (UK R&D) COBRA Cadmium –Tellurium 0-neutrino Beta decay Research Apparatus Semiconductor source=detector, CZT crystals, clean, good energy resolution Test facilities in Gran Sasso to study background 64-array under construction
P.Harrison: Lepton mixings from a variational principle • Dirac masses • Jarlskog covariance – MNS is invariant under a change of basis • Write everything in terms of basis invariants e.g. CP violating observable J • NuSM : attempt to explain lepton mixing by extremising a flavour-symmetric Jarlskog invariant • Promote Yukawa couplings to dynamical variables • Not yet a theory
C.Jarlskog: on quark and lepton masses and mixings Invariants of mass matrices are the only reliables Texture zeros, Input: texture zeroes, Output: predictions An important discovery should be expressible in an invariant form A new parametrisation of a unitary matrix – generalisable to nxn, convenient if there is a hierarchy There may be a preferred basis if there is a broken family symmetry– determined by vacuum alignment (the most convenient basis to work in)
Experimental Summary Seven experimental challenges for neutrino physics: #1. Count the number of neutrinos #2. Measure the neutrino mass scale #3. Determine the sign of the mass ordering #4. Measure the deviation of q23 from maximal #5. Measure q13 #6. Measure d #7. Measure the deviation of q12 from tri-bimaximal mixing MiniBooNE - soon (bb)0n and KATRIN Nufact/beta/super Hyper-K LBL Reactor Nufact/beta/super Nufact/beta/super
TOE (M-theory) Theory Summary GUT+Flavour theory See-saw model Leptogenesis No direct link (need to go via see-saw model) RGE Neutrino masses and mixings Muon flavour violation
Future of UK Neutrino Network • Next meeting – in April at RAL after ISS meeting? • Grant expires in Spring 06 – should we continue? • Jointly with experimentalists?