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“20 Million Litre Powder Milk Plant”. Introduction. Location Stakeholders Environmental protection agency Building and installation Planning process. Proposed 1 Million Litre Lakeland Dairies 75000 tons of powder milk per year Turnover €401 million Profit €4.5 million
Introduction • Location • Stakeholders • Environmental protection agency • Building and installation • Planning process
Proposed 1 Million Litre Lakeland Dairies 75000 tons of powder milk per year Turnover €401 million Profit €4.5 million Counter 20 Million Litre Example
Location (with respect to the marketing area.) Availability of suitable land. Transport facilities. Availability of labours. Availability of utilities (Water, Electricity). Environmental impact and effluent disposal. Local community considerations. Taxations and legal restrictions Location
Stakeholders • Government • Environment • Shareholders/owners • Management • Local community • Consumers
Responsible for regulating activities that have significant polluting potential. The Environmental Protection Agency (E.P.A)
The E.P.A is responsible for licensing enforcement, monitoring and assessment activities associated with the environment in Ireland and its protection. Before a large plant like for example, a 20 million litre powder milk plant can be approved to be built, it needs a licence from the E.P.A. What does it do?
(IPPC) Licensing • Waste Licensing • Waste Water Discharge • Emissions Trading • Genetically Modified Organisms (GMOs) • Volatile Organic Compounds (VOC) permits • Dumping at Sea (DaS) permits What other types of licenses do the E.P.A cover?
These conditions are monitored closely by the E.P.A and are important considerations in the early stages of planning for the powder milk plant. It is an offence to carry on a licensable activity without a licence from the EPA. E.P.A
Minerals and Other Materials. • Energy. • Metals. • Mineral Fibres and Glass. • Chemicals. • Intensive Agriculture (poultry and pigs). • Food and Drink. • Wood, Paper, Textiles and Leather. • Fossil Fuels. • Cement. • Waste (recovery or disposal in a facility connected or associated with an IPPC activity). • Surface Coatings. • Other Activities (includes testing of engines, manufacture of printed circuit boards, production of lime in a kiln and manufacture of ceramic products) Who does this license affect?
“A person or company, that undertakes a contract to provide materials or labour to perform a service or do a job”. Hiring contractors
Acontractor is responsible for day-to-day oversight of the construction site, management of vendors and trades. The contractor has the skills and experiences to undertake the task to the highest standards. Contractors
In order to pick the main contractors, the plans for the Plant are put out to tender. This will go out to all contractors, who will come back with an estimate of cost and time. The contractor is responsible for supplying all materials, meeting production deadlines and supplying all plant and engineering vehicles. How are the main contractors chosen?
The contractor is responsible for supplying all materials, meeting production deadlines and supplying all plant and engineering vehicles. They are also charged with providing all trades and tertiary services to the project. In a lot of cases the main contractor project manages the build as they are “on the ground” and have a real time view of proceedings. Contractors
All development of property requires planning permission. Some small extensions or conservatories may not need planning permission. • You apply for planning permission to the local authority of the location that we want to build. • It is an offence to carry out work before planning permission is granted. Planning Permission
Full Permission • Granted • Outline Permission • which will require you to produce only the plans and particulars that are necessary to enable the planning authority to make a decision in relation to the siting, layout or other proposals for development. • Permission Consequent • Terms and conditions are involved in the Permission 3 Types of Planning Permission
It is useful to talk to the local authority before you apply for planning permission, to see if the development fits in with the towns development plan. • A public notice of the proposals must be made before making the planning application. • This is done by placing an advertisement in the local paper and erecting a site notice • The application must then be made within 2 wks of the notice appearing in the paper. • The site notice must remain for a minimum of 5 wks after the receipt of the application is received Before Apply for Planning permission
You apply for planning permission by filling in a planning application form(posted on the blog). • The following documentation must accompany the form • A site location map (6 copies). • Site and layout plan (6 copies). • Other plans elevations and section (6 copies). • Copies of the public notices. • The appropriate fee. How to apply for Planning Permission
Generally, the local planning authority makes a decision on the planning application within 8 wks. Planning permission normally lasts 5 years. If the local authority refuses an application. The applicant has 4 wks to appeal to An BordPleanala. The copy of the planning permission application forms are open to the public. Outside parties are able to make a written submission or observation on a given planning permission at a cost of €20. Information on Planning Permission
Once a developer (like Ourselves) has applied for planning permission it is decided by the local council to grant planning permission, sometimes with condition, or reject it. These conditions must be met for the development to proceed. Appeallinga planning decision made by a local authority to An BordPleanála. After Planning Permission
The appeal must be made in writing to An BordPleanala. • The Appeal must include the following • Name and address. • The full grounds of appeal, with documentation. • The correct fee. • The appeal must be within 4 weeks of the decision by the local authority. Appeal Process
"To play our part as an independent body in ensuring that physical development and major infrastructure projects in Ireland respect the principles of sustainable development and are planned in an efficient, fair and open manner.“ Mission Statement An BordPleanala
The membership of the board is determined by the Planning and Development Acts 2000-2006. The board is made up of a Chairperson and 9 other members. The Chairperson is voted in. The 9 other members are selected by the Minister of the Environment. One board member is a civil servant appointed by the minister. The Board of An BordPleanala
As I said earlier it is an impartial appeals board, so it is an offence to try to influence the decision of any of any member of the board in relation to a planning appeal. The Minister of the Environment has the authority to make decisions about general planning and the board must take this into consideration when making there decison. But the minister may not influence the board in an appeal process. Appeals
Most decisions of appeal are decided between 3 members of the board If a particular case is sensitive or complex, all the members of the board will be involved. The board will make a decision after all the evidence is investigated. Mostly the board will follow the inspector outcome but not all the time. If the board does not agree with the inspector, they must give reasons for there decision. The board can dismiss an appeal if they decide that the appeal is not based on non-planning considerations ,,, ie personal issues Once the decision is reached by the board, that decision is final. This decision can only be challenged by the judicial system in the High court. Decisions
You may requsest an oral hearing on payment of an additional fee. An bordPleanala will normally only grant an oral hearing if the case is complex or if national od local issues are involved. Some hearing are held to understand the motives of the appeal. The hearings themselves are usually quite informal. Oral Hearing
All appeal files can be viewed by any member of the public. Public Access
Site that we chose is in a good location • Close proximity to the m8 • Jobs Created • Construction • Employees • Economy of the surrounding Area • The above example shows that this is a viable Project and Industry • Powder milk is a growing industry Worldwide Conclusion