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Chapter 2. Financial Assets, Money, Financial Transactions, and Financial Institutions. To learn about the channels through which funds flow between lenders and borrowers within the global system of money and capital markets.
Chapter 2 Financial Assets, Money,Financial Transactions, and Financial Institutions
To learn about the channels through which funds flow between lenders and borrowers within the global system of money and capital markets. To discover the nature and characteristics of financial assets – how they are created and destroyed by decision-makers within the financial system. Learning Objectives
To explore the critical roles played by money within the financial system and the linkages between money and inflation in the prices of goods and services. To examine the important functions carried out by financial intermediaries in lending and borrowing and in creating and destroying financial assets. Learning Objectives
The financial system is the mechanism through which loanable funds reach borrowers. Through the operation of the financial markets, money is exchanged for financial claims in the form of stocks, bonds, and other securities, thereby transforming savings into investment so that the economy can grow. Introduction: The Role of Financial Assets
A financial asset is … a claim against the income or wealth of a business firm, household, or unit of government, represented usually by a certificate, receipt, computer record file, or other legal document, and usually created by or related to the lending of money. The Creation of Financial Assets
Financial assets are sought after because they promise future returns to their owners and serve as a store of value (purchasing power). Characteristics of Financial Assets
They do not depreciate like physical goods, and their physical condition or form is usually not relevant in determining their market value. They have little or no value as a commodity and their cost of transportation and storage is low. Financial assets are fungible – they can easily be changed in form and substituted for other assets. Characteristics of Financial Assets
Any financial asset that is generally accepted in payment for purchases of goods and services is money. Currency and checking accounts are forms of money. Equities represent ownership shares in a business firm and are claims against the firm’s profits and against proceeds from the sale of its assets. Common stock and preferred stock are equities. Different Kinds of Financial Assets
Debt securities entitle their holders to a priority claim over the holders of equities to the assets and income of an economic unit. They can be negotiable or nonnegotiable. Examples include bonds, notes, accounts payable, and savings deposits. Derivatives have a market value that is tied to or influenced by the value or return on a financial asset. Examples include futures contracts, options, and swaps. Different Kinds of Financial Assets
To acquire assets, households and business firms may use current income and accumulated savings – internal financing. An economic unit may also raise funds by issuing financial liabilities (debt) or stock (equities), provided that a buyer can be found – external financing. How Financial Assets Are Born
Unit Balance Sheets Following the Purchase of Equipment and the Issuance of a Debt Security
Unit Balance Sheets Following the Purchase of Equipment and the Issuance of Stock
The act of borrowing or of issuing new stock simultaneously gives rise to the creation of an equal volume of financial assets. All financial assets are recorded as a liability or claim on some other economic unit’s balance sheet. Volume of financial assets created for lenders = Volume of liabilities issued by borrowers Financial Assets and the Financial System
For the balance sheet of any economic unit, Total assets = Total liabilities + Net worth where assets = real assets + financial assets For the whole economy and financial system, Total financial assets = Total liabilities So, for the economy as a whole, Total real assets = Total net worth Financial Assets and the Financial System
So, society increases its wealth only by saving and increasing the quantity of its real assets, for these assets enable the economy to produce more goods and services in the future. However, the financial system provides the essential channel necessary for the creation and exchange of financial assets between savers and borrowers so that real assets can be acquired. Financial Assets and the Financial System
Economists John Gurley and Edward Shaw pointed out that each business firm, household, or unit of government active in the financial system must conform to: R – E = FA – D where R = Current income receipts E = Expenditures out of current income FA = Change in holdings of financial assets D = Change in debt and equity outstanding Lending and Borrowing in the Financial System
So, for any given time period, each economic unit must fall into one of three groups: Deficit-budget unit (DBU): E > R, so D > FA (net borrower of funds) Surplus-budget unit (SBU): R > E, so FA > D (net lender of funds) Balanced-budget unit (BBU): R=E, so D=FA (neither net lender nor borrower) Lending and Borrowing in the Financial System
The U.S. Economy in 2003 ($ Billions) Major Sectors of the Economy Net Acquisitions of Financial Assets Net Increase in Liabilities Net Lender(+) or Net Borrower(-) Households $770.9 $912.6 $ - 141.7 Nonfinancial business 709.3 540.1 +169.2 firms State and local 70.0 141.6 - 71.6 governments Federal government - 3.0 421.5 - 424.5 International sector: foreign investors 810.5 234.6 +575.9 and borrowers Source: Board of Governors of the Federal Reserve System, Flow of Funds Accounts Lending and Borrowing in the Financial System
The global financial system permits businesses, households, and governments to adjust their financial position from that of net borrower (DBU) to net lender (SBU) and back again, smoothly and efficiently. Lending and Borrowing in the Financial System
All financial assets are valued in terms of money, and flows of funds between lenders and borrowers occur through the medium of money. Money itself is a financial asset, because all forms of money in use today are claims against some public or private institution. What is Money?
M3 M2 M1 Institutional money funds and certain managed liabilities of depositories, namely large time deposits, repurchase agreements, and Eurodollars. The most liquid forms of money, namely currency and checkable deposits. Household holdings of savings deposits, small time deposits, and retail money market mutual funds. + + Alternative Definitions of Money
Money Supply Measures 9,000 8,000 7,000 6,000 5,000 4,000 3,000 2,000 1,000 0 September 2004 $9.3 trillion $7.8 trillion September 2001 Euros & Repos $6.3 trillion Institutional MMFs $5.3 trillion Large Time Deposits Retail Money Funds Billions of Dollars Small Time Deposits M2 $1.3 trillion Savings Deposits $1.2 trillion Checkable Deposits M1 Currency M1 M2 M3 Alternative Definitions of Money Source:http://www.ny.frb.org/aboutthefed/fedpoint/fed49.html
Money serves as a standard of value (or unit of account) for all goods and services. Money serves as a medium of exchange, such that buyers and sellers no longer need to have an exact coincidence of wants in terms of quality, quantity, time, and location. Money serves as a store of value – a reserve of future purchasing power. However, the value of money can experience marked fluctuations. The Functions of Money
Money functions as the only perfectly liquid asset in the financial system. It exhibits price stability, ready marketability, and reversibility. The Functions of Money
Inflation refers to a rise in the average price level of all goods and services. Inflation lowers the value or purchasing power of money and is a special problem in the money and capital markets because it can damage the value of financial contracts. The opposite of inflation is deflation, where the average level of prices for goods and services actually declines. The Value of Money and Other FinancialAssets and Inflation
Inflation is commonly measured using price indices, such as: the Consumer Price Index (CPI), the Producer Price Index (PPI), or the Gross Domestic Product (GDP) Deflator Index. The Value of Money and Other FinancialAssets and Inflation
Suppose the U.S. CPI rises from 100 to 125 over a five-year period. Over the five-year period, the cost-of-living index climbed The Value of Money and Other FinancialAssets and Inflation and the U.S. dollar’s relative purchasing power fell to
Financial systems change constantly in response to shifting demands from the public, the development of new technology, and changes in laws and regulations. Over time, the ways of carrying out financial transactions have evolved in complexity. In particular, the transfer of funds from savers to borrowers can be accomplished in at least three different ways. The Evolution of Financial Transactions
Direct Finance – Direct lending gives rise to direct claims against borrowers. Flow of funds (loans of spending power for an agreed-upon period of time) Lenders (SBUs) Primary Securities (stocks, bonds, notes, etc., evidencing direct claims against borrowers) Borrowers (DBUs) The Evolution of Financial Transactions Simple Difficult to match & risky
Semidirect Finance – Direct lending with the aid of market makers who assist in the sale of direct claims against borrowers. Primary Securities (direct claims against borrowers) Primary Securities (direct claims against borrowers) Security brokers, dealers, & investment bankers Lenders (SBUs) Borrowers (DBUs) Proceeds of security sales (less fees and commissions) Flow of funds (loans of spending power) The Evolution of Financial Transactions Lower search (information) costs Risky & matching is still required
Indirect Finance – Financial intermediation of funds. Secondary Securities (indirect claims against ultimate borrowers issued by financial intermediaries in the form of deposits, insurance policies, retirement savings accounts, etc.) Primary Securities (direct claims against ultimate borrowers in the form of loan contracts, stocks, bonds, notes, etc.) Financial intermediaries (banks, savings and loan associations, insurance companies, credit unions, mutual funds, finance companies, pension funds) Ultimate lenders (SBUs) Ultimate borrowers (DBUs) Flow of funds (loans of spending power) Flow of funds (loans of spending power) The Evolution of Financial Transactions Low risk & affordable
Relative Size and Importance ofMajor Financial Institutions Total Financial Assets Held by U.S. Financial Institutions ($ billions at year-end) 1970 1980 1990 2000 2004Q1 Financial intermediaries: Commercial banks $489 $1,248 $3,340 $6,488 $8,044 S&L assoc. and savings banks 252 794 1,358 1,219 1,557 Life insurance companies 201 464 1,357 3,204 3,849 Private pension funds 110 413 1,629 4,587 4,260 Investment co. (mutual funds) 47 64 602 4,457 4,890 State & local gov’t pension funds 60 198 820 2,290 2,303 Finance companies 63 199 611 1,138 1,401 Property-casualty insurance co. 50 174 534 872 1,069 Money market funds –– 74 498 1,812 1,972 Credit unions 18 72 202 441 635 Mortgage companies –– 16 49 36 32 Real estate investment trusts 4 6 13 62 133 Other financial institutions: Security brokers and dealers 16 36 262 1,221 1,725 Source: Board of Governors of the Federal Reserve System, Flow of Funds Accounts
Depository institutions derive the bulk of their loanable funds from deposit accounts sold to the public. Commercial banks, savings and loan associations, savings banks, credit unions. Contractual institutions attract funds by offering legal contracts to protect the saver against risk. Insurance companies, pension funds. Classification of Financial Institutions
Investment institutions sell shares to the public and invest the proceeds in stocks, bonds, and other assets. Mutual funds, money market funds, real estate investment trusts. Classification of Financial Institutions
Portfolio decisions – deciding what financial assets to buy or sell – are affected by: The relative rate of return and risk attached to different financial assets. The cost, volatility, and maturity of incoming funds provided by surplus-budget units. Hedging principle – the approximate matching of the maturity of financial assets held with liabilities taken on. Portfolio (Financial-Asset) Decisions by Financial Institutions
The size of the individual financial institution. Larger financial institutions tend to have greater diversification in their sources and uses of funds and economies of scale. Regulations and competition. Portfolio (Financial-Asset) Decisions by Financial Institutions
Disintermediation refers to the withdrawal of funds from a financial intermediary by the ultimate lenders (SBUs) and the lending of those funds directly to the ultimate borrowers (DBUs). Disintermediation involves the shifting of funds from indirect finance to direct and semidirect finance. Disintermediation of Funds
Primary Securities Ultimate borrowers (DBUs) Ultimate lenders (SBUs) Financial intermediaries Loanable funds Disintermediation of Funds Financial Disintermediation
Some new forms of disintermediation have appeared in recent years. Initiation by financial intermediaries: Some banks sold off some of their loans because of difficulties in raising capital. Initiation by borrowing customers: Some borrowing customers learned how to raise funds directly from the open market. Disintermediation of Funds
Lesser-developed financial systems are often bank-dominated financial systems, in which banks and other similar institutions dominate in supplying credit and attracting savings. The more mature systems today are becoming security-dominated financial systems, in which traditional intermediaries play lesser roles and growing numbers of borrowers sell securities to the public to raise the funds they need. Bank-Dominated Versus Security-Dominated Financial Systems
Bondsonline at www.bondsonline.com Encyclopedia.com at encyclopedia.com Federal Reserve Bank of Atlanta at www.frbatlanta.org Federal Reserve Bank of New York at www.ny.frb.org Moody’s Investor Service at www.moodys.com Markets on the Net
Money Magazine at www.money.com New York Stock Exchange at www.nyse.com Standard & Poor’s Corporation at www.standardandpoor.com The Bond Market Association at www.investinginbonds.com U.S. Bureau of Economic Analysis at www.bea.gov Markets on the Net
U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics at www.bls.gov Markets on the Net
Introduction: The Role of Financial Assets The Creation of Financial Assets Characteristics of Financial Assets Different Kinds of Financial Assets How Financial Assets Are Born Financial Assets and the Financial System Chapter Review
Lending and Borrowing in the Financial System Money as a Financial Asset What is Money? The Functions of Money The Value of Money and Other Financial Assets and Inflation Chapter Review
The Evolution of Financial Transactions Direct Finance Semidirect Finance Indirect Finance and Financial Intermediation Relative Size and Importance of Major Financial Institutions Classification of Financial Institutions Chapter Review
Portfolio (Financial-Asset) Decisions by Financial Intermediaries and Other Financial Institutions Disintermediation of Funds New Types of Disintermediation Bank-Dominated Versus Security-Dominated Financial Systems Chapter Review