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How we started with Industry Group. Our company has always had a very strong position in artison but for us it wasn’t enough . We knew that if we want to make bigger volume and be on the top we have to do something .
How we startedwith Industry Group Our company hasalwayshad a verystrongpositioninartison but for usitwasn’tenough. We knewthatif we want to make biggervolume and be on the top we have to do something. We understoodthatsmallcompanies do not allowus to achivemore and morethevalue of sales. Se we decided to focusourattention on thelargecompanies, hencethedecision to createthe industrial group. Thebeginningwasn’teasy. We try to launchnewuntypical products but itwasn’talwaystherightdecision. So we look for the products which we knowthebestfromourportfolio and we canoffer to thebiggestcustomer. The most of thiscompaniesareworking on themachineryequipment so the first step was to changeourrecipe and attitude. Thenext step was to preparethebakery for thecustomers, so thedecision to start cooperatewith Fortuna, Fritsh, Intertech, Ilapak, Gami, Wieshou. Let’slookatitnowhowitgoes…
Training Centre atCredin Polska - we providetrainings for Business Ourtrainingsarewellrecognized in business sector, alsoattractingpressattentionwhichresulted in several of our Training Events to be underpatronage by Press.
Promotion in Press Promotion in Press Promotion in Press Machines for ConfectioneryIndustry
Training for IndustryatCredinin cooperation with Fortuna • Traditional rolls on an Improvers Credin • Rolls of different taste based on CredinMixes • „Soft” rolls based on Multisoft, Flyt-x Butter Flavoured • Special rolls is based on Credi Pizza Koncentrat 50% DetailedRecipes in clear and concise form PersonalizedInvitations for Training events
Training for Industry atCredinin cooperationwithFortuna We areorganizingtwotimes a yearthetrainingsCredin – Fortuna We invitedaprox. 50 companies We provideourguestssomeattractionlike: howcan we make sandwiches, how we them packaging, how we preparecoffee etc. We alwayspresentimprovers and breadmixes Besidesthosemeetingss we organizeindividualtrainings for them • Let’sseehowitlooks
Training for IndustryatCredinin cooperation with ILAPAK • We areonlythe one whoorganizetheprofessionaltrainingswith packaging because we belivethattheclientshavegottheopportunity to seethebestquality of final products withthe long shelf life
Training for IndustryatCredinin cooperation with INTERTECH • Different kind of cookies based on • CrediKrucheMultidrop: • - Coconut cookies • - Small Biscuits • - Choux products • Ginger Cookies • HB fillings
Training for IndustryatCredinin cooperation with INTERTECH In this segment we aredefinitelythebest Thisisthe most popular traininginour company We try to show ourproductfromthebegining to packaging throughthecoveringby chocolate • Let’sseehowitlooks
Training for IndustryatCredinin cooperation with FRITSCH PersonalizedInvitations for Training events DetailedRecipes in clear and concise form
Training for IndustryatCredinin cooperation with FRITSCH - Thisisthehardesttraining - Itrequires of knowlegetheequipment and product Ittakesthe most time 6-8 hours Thisis a veryattractivepresentationbecauseduringthistraining we can show a widerange of our products inthe same time (fillings, margarine, breadmixes, topping) Let’sseehowitlooks
Our work did not have to make sense were it not for the commitment of all our colleagues, especially KATwho belong to industrial group and has the specific region of the actions and cooperate with regional technologists, as well as it looks on the map Regions Coverage
Conclusions • We thinkthat to succeed we need: • People • Attitude • Products • Idea • Relationship