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SMP 2 & 6 Standards of Mathematical Practices 2 & 6. Objective: CWBAT observe various indicators being demonstrated by Fellows and students to understand what Mathematical Practices 2 & 6 look like in action. Do Now. Silently, solve the following 4 th grade sample PARCC question:
SMP 2 & 6Standards of Mathematical Practices 2 & 6 Objective: CWBAT observe various indicators being demonstrated by Fellows and students to understand what Mathematical Practices 2 & 6 look like in action
Do Now Silently, solve the following 4th grade sample PARCC question: Maria’s father gave her a piece of rope 16.5 meters long and told her she could cut it to make jump ropes for herself and her friends. Maria and her friends are in 4th grade. How many jump ropes do you think Maria can make? (3 min) (4 min) Share-out
Video SMP6- Attends to Precision (Set and Maintain High Academic Expectations) Place a checkmark if you see the indicator Which indicators do you see the Fellow exhibit? Fellow communicates lesson with accuracy, clarity, and academic language Fellow models, expects, and encourages precise language from all students Fellow models, expects, and encourages precise written explanations in student work Communication, both oral and written, is careful, accurate and incorporates units when necessary Which indicators do you see thestudentsexhibit? Communication, both oral and written, is careful, accurate and incorporates units when necessary Communication, written and verbal includes precise academic language Students check their work for accuracy What evidence do you see in the environment? Student work includes precise language, labels, units, etc. Exemplar charts model appropriate use of symbols, units, signs, etc. Sentence starters support precise student discourse Word walls supports academic language and key concepts with visual representations http://vimeo.com/album/2323240/video/62903415 (password: mindthegap) • (2 min to read thru indicators) • (4 min-video watch 0:00-4:00) • Choose 1 indicator from each section you felt was the strongest demonstrated • (4 min- 2 min per partner to turn & talk) • (5 min share out)
Video-Christina SMP2-Reason Abstractly and Quantitatively (Emphasize Conceptual Understanding) Which indicators do you see the Fellow exhibit? • Fellow explains and emphasizes the understanding of a concept, before teaching a procedure or algorithms • Fellow probes students to identify the relationship of quantities in problem situations • Fellow requires students to justify their responses whether numerical, pictorial, verbal, and/or written • Fellow encourages student to give examples and counter-examples of their reasoning • Fellow uses students’ answers, both right and wrong as opportunities to stretch students’ thinking • Fellow encourages productive student discourse around abstract and quantitative reasoning by: • Providing a positive, respectful environment Error is normalized, all students have equal opportunity to share, students receive precise praise and questions are encouraged • Modeling productive discourse Proper language usage, active listening skills, turn-taking, utilizing wait time, questioning and respectful disagreement • Scaffolding to support dialogue Providing sentence starters for explaining a thought process Which indicators do you see the students exhibit? • Students explain the relationship between quantities in problem situations • Students share, justify, and question their mathematical conceptions • Students represent situations using symbols, such as written expressions or equations • Students adjust their thinking based on mathematical information gathered through discussion and responses to questions • Evidence • Example problems with coherent representation • Student work samples explain the relationship between quantities in problem situations • Visual models and representations align with problems http://vimeo.com/album/2323240/video/62894855 Watch from 1:57-5:57 (2 min to read thru indicators) (4 min-video) Choose 1 indicator you felt was the strongest demonstrated (4 min- 2 min per partner to turn & talk) (5 min share out)
Exit Task Example Using SMP6 Fellow Indicators To the left, are the 4 “Fellow Indicators” for SMP 6 Notice how the cognitive levels of the questions gradually increases so you can see where your students begin to struggle Then, begin hypothesizing about why they struggle at that level. Is it the vocabulary? Is it their written explanations? Did they struggle verbally during the lesson? Is there an obvious misconception? What proficiency level are they demonstrating relating to the lesson objective? (3 mins)
Exit Task Please rate this session (1-10) and write any lingering questions on your Note Catcher/Rating Sheet