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Report of the Disaster Medicine section of the European Society for Emergency Medicine . Steve Photiou , MD , MSc (DM) Chair , DM Section London, March 9-10, 2012.
Report of the Disaster Medicine sectionof the European Society forEmergency Medicine Steve Photiou, MD, MSc (DM) Chair, DM Section London, March 9-10, 2012
MissionStatement - Topromote and disseminate Disaster Medicine knowledge in termsofresearch, education, preparedness and training. - Tocreate a Disaster Medicine ‘culture and language’ throughoutEurope, thusenabling a uniform, trans-boundaryresponseto mass casualtyevents. - TosensitiseemergencyphysicianstoDisaster Medicine education, preparedness, prevention, mitigation and rehabilitation. - Toencouragetheirinvolvement and toraise the levelofeducation, training and care.
Goalsand Objectives (1)- Tobe the pointofreferenceforEuSEMmembersinterested in cooperating in the development and the disseminationof the Section’sgoals. - ToencouragephysicianswhopracticeDisaster Medicine toparticipate in EuSEMactivities. - Tostimulate and implement the cooperationamongEuSEM and its DM section on the onehand and otherstakeholders, suchas ‘groupsofinterest’ (WHO-Europe, CivilProtectionAgencies and EuropeanHealthMinistries, International Societies), and internationalbodiesspecificallydedicatedtoDisaster Medicine on the other. - Tobefullyresponsiblefor the academicprogrammeofDisaster Medicine withinscientificeventsorganised or endorsedby the EuSEM. - Toinitiate, promote, and disseminate educational activities in Disaster Medicine throughcourses, projects, establishment ofclinicalguidelines.
Goals and Objectives (2)- To serve aspeerreviewersforpapers on Disaster Medicine submittedto the European Journal ofEmergency Medicine. - Toactively help in the developmentof common, trans-nationalprotocolswhichcouldbeextremelyusefulthroughout the Europeancontinent in case ofnatural or man-madedisaster, withdisasterspecialists and operatorsspeaking a common ‘language’. - Tofoster the culture ofDisaster Medicine, especiallyamongemergencyphysicians, ascorehealthcaregivers in case ofdisaster. - To elaborate and promote a common curriculum in Disaster Medicine forMedicalSchoolundergraduates, asnaturalrecipients, aswellas future healthcaregivers and Emergency Medicine residents, as future EM specialists. - Toestablishanoverviewof the differentMedicalSchoolscurricula and EM residencies. - Toseekdialogue and interactionwithotherscientific EM/DM societiesthroughoutEuropetobetterunderstandlocalproblems and conditions.
DISASTER MEDICINE SECTION MEMBERS 1. Alexakis, Lykourgos (Greece)2. Anseeuw, Kurt (Belgium)3. Azzaretto, Massimo (Italy)4. Bachtis, Costas (Greece)5. Barletta, Cinzia (Italy)6. Bortolin, Michelangelo (Italy)7. Codreanu, Tudor (UK/Australia)8. Della Corte, Francesco (Italy)9. Delooz, Herman (belgium)10.Halpern, Pinny (Israel)11.Houser, Christine (Netherlands)12.Jakubaszko, Juliusz (Poland) 13.Khoury, Abdo (France)14.Kursatz, Kai (Germany)15.Lampakis, Stelios (Greece)16.Molloy, Mick (Ireland)17.Mortelmans, Luc (Belgium)18.Pereira, Irene (Portugal)19.Photiou, Steve (Chair; Italy)20.Politis, Karen (Greece)21.Revello, Alessandra (Italy)22.Rodoplu, Ulkumen (Turkey)23.Ruter, Anders (Sweden)24.Shemesh, Assaf (Hungary)25.Zeitouni, Florentia (Cyprus)
RequirementisActivemembership:Activepartecipationin theSection’s worksFulfillmentofobligationstowardsthe Society (dues)
Onepersonaskedtobecomememberbutnevershowed upTwopersonswere “maintained” (alias: were “given a chance”) asmembersnotwithstanding the facttheynevermade a formalstatementOnepersondeclareddesiretoparticipate “passively”OneaskedtobememberofbothGOIsAs usual (…) notallmembersparticipateactively in the works (tobe “pulled in”…)
GOI “ DisasterPreparedness in Europe” (DPEU)Convener: Alessandra RevelloAbdoKhouryCinzia BarlettaMichelangelo BortolinTudor CodreanuIrene PereiraKaiKursatzKurt AnseeuwLuc MortelmansMick MolloyPaula EgiptoSteliosLampakisUlkumenRodopluSteve Photiou
GOI “Common Curriculum in DM forMedSchoolundergraduates and EM residentsthroughoutEurope” (CCDMEU)Convener: Massimo AzzarettoLykourgosAlexakisFrancesco Della CorteHermanDeloozMichelangelo BortolinJuliuszJakubaszkoGurkanErsoyPinnyHalpernSteve Photiou
GOI Disaster Preparedness in Europe (DPEU)ObjectiveThe creation of a European common platform of information/education about disasters, differentiated by age groups, working categories, and/or social groups (clubs, etc)Two meetings were held over-the-Web, in order to define methods, procedures and prioritiesIssue: Education/information in DM, if any, differs, among the different EU countries - and also within the same countrySome countries do have an information/education program about disasters, usually in school; progam is held by the teachers
A multinational survey recently performed by many of us within EMDM Alumni, evidentiatedalmost complete lack of information/education/behaviors in disasters in last-year compulsory school education students
Decisiontostart withjunior-high and high-schoolteens(in the meantime “pushingahead” Disaster Medicine culture in other social groups)
Roadmap(to start with)Survey (Web-based) for the EuSEM National representativesabouthowdeveloped DM culture is in their countries(now in elaborationby Alessandra Revello,Tudor Codreanu and Steve Photiou)Aimelaboration and presentationofresultsto EU authorities, tosensitize the importanceofeducation in disasterspreliminary data and furtherdevelopmentstobepresented in EuSEM 2012 - Antalya
GOI Common Curriculum in Disaster Medicine in Europe (CCDMEU) roadmap- internationalsurvey (seebelow) throughcontactswithEuSEMnationalrepresentatives and continentalinstitutionscommited in Disaster Medicine -elaborationof the data obtained-creationofanarticulatedframework (involving the national EM and DM Societies)- presentationof the data and framework in Antalya- effortaiming at the creationof a common, shared curriculum in Disaster Medicine
GOI CCDMEUSURVEY concerningDisaster Medicine throughoutEurope:1) Are thereanycourses in Disaster Medicine in yourcountry?Y/N2) If so, pleaseprovidedetailsofeachcourseavailable:-coursename-duration ( hrs & months, full time/part time, e-based)-organizer/ supervisor' sname and type (e.gunivesity, private institution, civilprotection, ministry, clubetc)-entry criteria-level ( undergraduate, postgraduate, notaccredited)-providedautonomously or as part ofotherstudies ( eg. 6yearsmedical curriculum , partofa master course, or anyoneinterested can attendetc)- topicstaught (& howmanyhrseach)-teachingmethodologyused ( lectures, smallgroupseminars, table top exc. , practicaegin hospitals, computer simulations...)
3) Isthereanyexpressedinterest in thistopic in your countries? Y/N4) If so:- amongstudents?- in academicinstitutions?- in goverment?- in scientificsocieties?- in researchcenters?- other?
Suggestion n°1Affiliationwithacademia and institutionswhich are commited in Disaster Medicine
Rationale1) enrichculturally the DM section (thus the Society)2) increasemembership3) create chancestoparticipateactively in projects4) creationof a poolof DM academia
Suggestion n°2 EuSEMAntalya, October 2012 1-day precongresscourse in DM (tbd) 1-full dayDisaster Medicine track (runthoroughlyby the EuSEM DM section)
Rationale1) EuSEM (asSociety and asVenue) is the right vehicle, giventhatDisaster Medicine isanintegral part ofEmergency Medicine 2) Turkeyis the “perfect” terrain (DM expertise, disasters) toenhance DM culture