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The Disaster Medicine department

The Disaster Medicine department. Lecture 1. The Civilian Protection as a system of prevention and liquidation extraordinary situation consequences in peace and war-time Arsen Gudyma, MD, prof. Vasyl Demianenko, MC , as. prof. May Ukraine be involved in nuclear conflict ?.

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The Disaster Medicine department

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  1. The Disaster Medicine department Lecture 1 The Civilian Protection as a system of prevention and liquidation extraordinary situation consequences in peace and war-timeArsen Gudyma, MD, prof.Vasyl Demianenko, MC, as. prof.

  2. May Ukraine be involved in nuclear conflict?

  3. Could be any winner in the nuclear war ?

  4. What ought the State to set of threaten for an average citizen?

  5. against any action that really threatens life and health of every of us...

  6. What really threatens our life and health with ? In Ukraine we have: 1. Extraordinary technical overload the territory. 2. Considerable mental and physical threadbare of base industrialequipment of the majority of enterprises. 3.Becoming worse of material-technical measurement of enterprises, reducing of working and technology discipline. 4. Unsatisfactory preservation, utilization and buryingof the heavy toxic, radioactive waste materials and taken from life litters.

  7. What really threatens our life and health with ? In Ukraine we have: 5. Ignoring of oecological factors, requirements and standards. 6. Inadequate attention leaders ofstate administrating organs to the taking measures, directed for prevention and reducing wrecks and catastrophes consequences.

  8. Wreck, Damage destroying of the edifices, buildings, equipment,transport means, and destruction of industrial or transport processes with next breaking out some threatens for the people life and health on the object. Catastrophe suddenrapid influence due to calamity or manmade action, that caused the enormous people losses, injured the people and created threaten with their health and life, destroying or abolishment the great number of the objects and other material valuables and harmed losses of the environment.

  9. Wreck, Catastrophe Calamity It’s the situation on the objector territory, where the people and material losses are happened or may be happened, when the normal conditions of the people’s life are destroyed due to wrecks, calamity or catastrophes. Extraordinary situation:

  10. By the reasonextraordinary situation may be: 1. Technogenous (man-made) These are transport accidents, damages (catastrophes), burns, unprovoked explosions or its threatens, wreckswith emanation (itsthreatens) danger chemical, radioactive, biologicalsubstances, rapid collapse the constructions and buildings, mishaps on engineering edifices and objects of vital guarantee, hydrodynamic accidents on the dykes.

  11. By the reasonextraordinary situation may be: 2. Calamity – nature events They mean danger geological, meteorological, hydrologicalsea and riverevents, degradation soilsor erosion of earth, natural fire, becoming worseness of the air space, infecting morbidity of the people and cattle, the mass damage of plants with diseases and vermin, destroying water resources and biosphere.

  12. By the reasonthe extraordinary situation may be: 3. Social and political These are unlawful terrorist and unconstitutional actions or real threaten with terrorist acts, kidnap or attempt to do it, abolishment the ships, capturing of prisoners, putting the explosivesin populous places, stealing out or taking possession of weapon, uncovering out of date ammunition.

  13. By the reasonextraordinary situations may be: 4. War time They connected with use of Ukraine Military Forcesin local military conflicts, in the fight against gangster groups.They may be attended with mad-made catastrophes as a result of enemy attacks on objects in Ukraine.

  14. Classification of extreme situations Levels of extreme situations the state level The object’s level The local level The region level after scale territorial spreading, the great number of the injured and extent of acted or waiting for an opportunity economic losses

  15. - It appears on the territory of two or more regions of our country (Autonomous Republic Crimea, the town of Sevastopol and Kyiv)or • threatens with transportation over the cordon of the contiguous country or • mishap’s sequelae needs a great number of the material and technical resources – much more than the region has got. • The number of the injured exceeds 300 people; • the amount of the people with changed for the worse their life condition exceeds 3000 people; • the number of the lost people exceeds 5. ESof the state level:

  16. ESof the region level: • It threatens with transportation over the cordon of the proximate region of Ukraine, or • Mishap’s sequelae need a great number of the material and technical recourses – much more than the district has got. • In these events the number of the injured - 50-300 people; the amount of the people with changed for the worse their life condition for the long time - 100-300 people; the number of the lost people - 3-5.

  17. Itcomes out of the potential danger object, threatens with spreading the situation or its consequences on the environment, neighbouring settlements, engineering buildings. It may be appeared on the objects of communal sphere. Mishap’s sequelae need a great number of the material and technical resources – much more than the local district has got. In these conditions the number of the injured - 20-50 people; the amount of the people with changed for the worse their life condition for the long time - 100-300 people; the number of the lost people - 1-2. ESof the local level:

  18. ESof the object’s level: That extreme situations aren’t embracedunder remarked above notions. In these conditions the number of the injured doesn’t exceed 20 people; the amount of the people with changed for the worse their life condition for the long time doesn’t exceed 100 people; the number of the lost people - 1.

  19. Risk factors of breaking out extraordinary situations in Ukraine: 1.Absence of modern leadership systems of danger processes. 2. Unsatisfactoryprofessional readiness of stuff and the population how to act in extreme situation. 3.The deficit skill stuff increment. 4.The law level of use contemporary resources and oecolology’s protecting technology.

  20. What really threatens with life and health each of us... For the first half of 2004 there were 22384 ES in Ukraine.Due to them over 2000 people were lost and 2500 were wounded and damaged. Approximate losses – 600 mln UA.

  21. Extreme situation’s levelsin Ukraine

  22. It really threatens with life and health each of us... The spreading of the manmade catastrophes in regions of Ukraine during 1997-2000 years

  23. What really threatens our life and health with ? Ukraine is the unique country in the world , where the catastrophe of planetary scale has been happened - it is the Chornobyl APS wreck

  24. What really threatens with life and health each of us... 1. There were lost 31 people there 2. Acute disease - 145 people 3. Dose of radiation, that exceed than limited - 150 000 people (a.t. 69000 children) 4. Polluted territory of Ukraine with nuclides - 3420 км2 (more than 17 mln people), territory of Bielarus - 16500 km2, . territory of Russia - 8100 km2. Pollution with Caezium -137 on the territory of Ukraine, Russia and Bielarus

  25. What really threatens with life and health each of us... Radioactive pollution of the North Hemisphere due to wreck on Chornobyl APS on the 6 of May of 1986 Тихий океан А З І Я Чорнобиль Північний льодовитий океан А Ф Р И К А А М Е Р И К А Атлантичний океан After Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory

  26. It really threatens with life and health each of us... Disposition of the Atomic Power Stations in Europe

  27. What really threatens with life and health each of us... Characteristicof APS in Ukraine

  28. It really threatens with life and health each of us... Chemical industry in Ukraine There are 1810 danger objects in Ukraine. Near 290000 ton toxic substances are produced every year, among them 98000 t chlorine, 178000 t ammonium, Total reserve ofoil in Ukraine forms over 6 mln c/м. There is 2350 km pipe-tube in Ukraine (every km pipe-tube has got over 250 c/m oil under the pressure of 90atm.

  29. Even well developed countries of Europe aren’t protected from calamity 14 October 2002 on the Czech chemical syndicate "Spolana Neratovice” in 25 km near Prague the coming out of acid sulfuric oxide was happened The chemical alarm of the III degree was announced

  30. The typical situation for the Union of the Independent States... Coming out the propan-butan mixture on oil-enterprise of the oil-syndicate “Lukoil” in Volgograd 18.04.2003 There were poisoned 28 children there

  31. It really threatens with life and health each of us... The spreading of the calamity in regions of Ukraine during 1997-2000 years

  32. It really threatens with life and health each of us... overflow in trans-Carpathy

  33. Even well developed countries of Europe aren’t protected with calamity Czech, august 2002

  34. Every state ought to protect their people Medical aid for the injured with high water in Czech in the august 2002

  35. All the world ought to protect the peoples of every country

  36. Nobody is protected with calamity... In August 2002 syndicate was harmed with submersion: 90 % of the territory were inundated. Then above 80 t chlorine were got in water and several hundreds kilogram of this toxic substance were spread out in atmosphere. 30,5 ton mazout and above 13 ton other oil products were flew out in river. In water 50 kg cancerogenic dichlorethan and 10 ton of sulfuric acid were got. In air 50 ton of ethylene and 71 ton of carbon dioxide were escaped. There were poisoned 19 patients there

  37. What really threatens with life and health each of us... 100 Kmto the Khmelnitsky APS Danger objects in Ternopil region EPL 750 кВ Gas conduit Zone of probable pollution with chlorine due to the accident on the Kalush chemical syndicate Pipe-line chemical objects

  38. What really threatens with life and health each of us... Calamity and criminal human irresponsibility... Нафтопровід

  39. What really threatens with life and health each of us... The local war conflicts are possible in Ukraine

  40. What really threatens with life and health each of us... The most actual problem of the end ofthe ХХ and beginning of the ХХІ centuries is fight with terrorism Beginning from the possibility of gentle death...

  41. What really threatens with life and health each of us... The most actual problem of the end ofthe ХХ and beginning of the ХХІ centuries is fight with terrorism …ending with attacks of terrorist-kamikadze фільм

  42. What conclusion may be dane? Every country in the world ought to have the population protecting system against extreme situation of peace and war time In our country the protection of the population and the territory against extreme situationof all the types (man-made, calamity and war time)is duty of the Civil Protection System, which is right-successor of the Civil Defense System of Ukraine. It must be transformed in the People Rescue Service.

  43. The right base of the civil protection is the Law of Ukraine The Right Basis of the Civil Protection (№ 1859-ІV, 24.06. 2004 ) Every citizen of Ukraine has the right of protection his own life and healthagainst extreme situation consequences and requirement the guarantees of this right’s realization by the State.

  44. The Civil Protection System’s aim: 1. Realization the State politicin guarantee safety and protection the population and the territory, material and cultural value and environment against negative consequences of ES of the peace and war time. 2. Conquering the consequences of ES in Ukraine, among them - consequences of ES on the territory the neighbouring countries according to international convention of Ukraine.

  45. Notions: Civil protection: System of organizing, engineering and technical, sanitary and hygienic, anti-epidemic and other measures, which are to be provided by state and municipal organs by means of forces and means in order to avoid and liquidate the consequences of the ES in peace time and especial period.

  46. The Basic Notions: The State System of the Civil Protection of the Population and Territory Totality of directive organs, forces and means of the municipal authority, which are to realize the state politics of the civil protection’s affairs. The Civil Protection Service: The State civil protection serviceof the peculiar character is appointed for obtaining of burn safety, prevention and responding of any other manmade catastrophes, calamity and war actions, mishap’s sequaele, protection of the population and territoryagainst their negative actions.

  47. Operative rescuing service of the Civil Protection: The Basic Notions: Special non-military unit, which is obliged to prevent the population and territory in extreme situation due to manmade catastrophes, calamity and war actions, taking part in international actions of mishap’s sequaele and protection of the population and territoryand other humanitarian operations. The Especial Period: The functional period of the State Authority, Military Forces of Ukraine, the municipal authority, the System of the Civil Protection, industrial enterprises, other firms and organizations, which begins from the moment of announcement of the decisionabout mobilization or the moment of martial law in Ukraineor at some separate localities and embraces the mobilization’s time and partiallyrescuing period after ending of war actions.

  48. System of the Civil Protection of Ukraine is based on the principles of international humanitarian law international humanitarian law : Total of international juridical regulation, normative fixed or traditionally adopted whichguarantees superiorityof human personality in event of war conflict.

  49. Chapter2. Main measures of the Civil Protection Service Accomplishment of the population evacuation’s measures The Law of Ukraine of Juridical Bases of the Civil Protection № 1859-IV,24.06.2004 Unemployed in the industry and service’s care, students, pupils, pensioners and invalids from the old-age people refuges, teachers and other personal with their family’s members are evacuated in the first turn.

  50. Chapter2. Main measures of the Civil Protection Service Accomplishment of the population evacuation’s measures The Law of Ukraine of Juridical Bases of the Civil Protection № 1859-IV,24.06.2004 Prevention of panic and non-admission of people’s death due to evacuation is achieved by the way of: • planning of the people’s evacuation ; • definition the new places for living of evacuated ; • notificationof the leaders of the different level and the population about of the evacuation’s beginning; • direction the evacuating;carrying out minimal needed conditions for the evacuated people’s life; • teach of the population for their actions during evacuation.

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