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VeganLifestyle-ADetailedGuideonVeganism bodybynaturesupplements.com/vegan-lifestyle A Well DetailedGuideonVeganism Veganism is on the rise. This group of people is often regarded as unconventional eaters withanunnaturalpassionforanimalrights.Itistruethatveganshaveanunfathomable relationshipwithanimalsbutthereismore toveganismthanthat.Vegansfollowa healthyandbalanceddietthatenablesthemtoexperienceahostofhealthbenefits.Inthis post,we takea look atthe history andhealth benefits ofveganism. TheHistoryof Veganism Every first of November marks World Vegan Day. We use this day to celebrate the hordes of people who don’t eat animal products such as meat, eggs or honey. They also don’t use anything that comes from animals or is associated with animal cruelty. Vegans also don’t useclothingoraccessoriesmadefromanimals.Thismeanstheydon’tuseleathershoesor woollen sweaters. The world first celebrated Vegan day in the year 1994 which coincided withthe 50th anniversary ofthe Vegan Society.
For those who don’t know, veganism can be best described as the superlative form of vegetarianism. The term was first introduced in the year 1944 to describe people who avoided all forms of meat. The term can be traced back to ancient Indian and eastern Mediterraneandialect.Beforeveganismcaughton,peopleusedvegetarianismwhichwas first coined by Greek philosopher Pythagoras of Samos in 500 BCE. The philosopher was famousforhismaththeoremaboutright triangles.Hewasanactiveadvocate forall speciestocoexistincludingbothanimalsandhumans.Apartfromhim,supportersand followers of Buddhism and Hinduism also advocated vegetarianism. These two sects follow a set of beliefs that guide them to coexist with animals without inflicting pain on animals. AlthoughveganismwaspopularintheAsiancountries,thelifestyleneverpickedupinthe west.Americanswouldeveryonceinawhiletry outveganisminordertoavoidhealth scares or during religious revivals. In the early 1730’s, a religious sect known as the Ephrata Cloister advocated for veganism in Pennsylvania. The sect also advocated for celibacy. Not long after, philosopher Jeremy Bentham advocated for animal rights on the basisthatanimalsufferingwasjustasseriousashumansuffering.Helikenedhisideology tohuman superiority to racism. Fastforwardto1847andthefirstvegetariansocietywasestablishedinEngland.This promptedRev.SylvesterGrahamtoco-foundtheAmericanVegetarianSociety.The American was a Presbyterian minister who instructed his followers (Grahamites), to live a virtuouslifethroughveganism,celibacyandregularbathing.Inlate1944,DonaldWatson was not pleased with the fact that vegetarians ate dairy products and eggs. He coined the term “vegan,” which was used to describe people who completely avoided animal products.HeusedtheTuberculosisoutbreakthatwascausedbydairycowsinBritainasa launching point for his new philosophy. He encouraged his followers to stick to the vegan lifestyle which would protect them from contaminated and disease-tainted food. He went on further to explain to people how they should pronounce the word vegan. Watson died in2005 at the age of 95. Veganswhostaytruetotheveganwayscompletelyavoidusinganimalproductsasfood orevenclothing.This hasprompteda fewindividualsto strayfromtheirbelief. Healthwise,veganswhoavoidanimalproductslackvitaminB12.Thisvitamincanonlybe foundinanimalproductsbuttheriseofvegansupplementssuchasthoseofferedbyBody by nature. These vegans may also opt to eat fortified food to get this vitamin. In America, those who identify as vegetarians, don’t suffer from the stigma by which the lifestyle choice came to be. It is accepted as a healthy choice. It is easy to come across restaurants that offer vegetarian options. This, however, doesn't apply to vegans. Veganism is still associated with animal-rights movements which haven't been fully accepted by the confinesof social standards. Source https://news.un.org/en/story/2006/11/201222-rearing-cattle-produces-more- greenhouse-gases-driving-cars-un-report-warns
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