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A lot of women who gave birth opt for a tummy tuck procedure to tone their body after the child bearing years. But what if the patient is still in the age where she can be pregnant anytime? Read this PDF for more information.<br><br>Also visit : http://bodycosmetica.com/tummy-tuck/
Can You Have A Baby After A Tummy Tuck? Having a baby is a gift from God, but what if a patient wants to go through a tummy tuck? A lot of women who gave birth opt for a tummy tuck procedure to tone their body after the child bearing years. But what if the patient is still in the age where she can be pregnant anytime? Some of the pregnancies are unplanned and sometimes women change their mind for certain reasons. It is essential to know that pregnancy after a tummy tuck is not bad at all. It is safe for the baby and for the mother. But, it is highly suggested for the mother to go through a tummy tuck after completing her family. This is after giving birth and once she is finally decided that she do not want to get pregnant at all. Your post baby belly will get back into its normal size just like before you had a child. It will be smooth and young looking again without the sag. But what if a woman gets pregnant after a tummy tuck? You might think that you are done with bearing kids, but months after the tummy tuck, you got pregnant? You will be able to enjoy your pregnancy, since the procedure will not cause problems with the baby and mother. A lot of patients who become pregnant after a tummy tuck never had a problem at all. If your main concern is the effect of the pregnancy to the tummy tuck procedure, then there are patients who come back to their surgeon after giving birth for a touchup. This is because the pregnancy can actually change the results of the surgery. With weight gain and stretch marks, muscle separation and some other factors that may urge the patient to go back to the doctor for a touchup. But still, the doctor will be the one to determine if you need to go through a touchup or not. Every women’s body respond to pregnancy in different manner and so do with surgeries. It is just essential to consult your surgeon and the Ob-gyne when you are expecting a baby. That is to control your weight gain while you are pregnant. It is the best way to keep the results of the tummy tuck intact. You might want to come back to the surgeon for a revision or for a mini tummy tuck. All the pregnancies have possible level of experience at a certain point. Some are known, while some are not. The Ob will let you know about your concerns about the complications of the tummy tuck procedure you have had to your unborn baby. In a lot of cases, the baby went on the delivery healthy after a full term of pregnancy. If the muscles at the abdominal area are tight enough, you may suffer from pain due to pulling of the muscles as the belly grows bigger. This is quite risky. The doctor will tell you what to eat and what not to eat to be able to control your weight gain. You might also feel that the baby is not protruding just as you expected, your baby has a lot of room inside your tummy to grow.