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Moorefield Station Kindergarten Report Cards and Assessments

Discover important information about your child's progress, assessments, and conferences at Moorefield Station Kindergarten. Stay informed about phonological awareness, literacy screenings, reading assessments, and more.

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Moorefield Station Kindergarten Report Cards and Assessments

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  1. Moorefield Station Kindergarten Teachers: Courtney Amazeen Edit Grof-Tisza Shirley Pedersen Rachael Urbaniak Kathy Rather Nicole Erny Kindergarten Curriculum Night

  2. We will be sending home a copy of the report card and parent guide • B- Below P- Progressing M- Meets • A bullet means the learning objective was not assessed/graded during that quarter or at that point in time • Any questions you have regarding the report card will be discussed at conferences • We will have a report card webinar in January Report Cards

  3. Standards scores will carry across marking periods meaning if they have already mastered a skill we will not assess them formally. We will still check in to make sure they still understand the concept. Report Cards

  4. Phonological Awareness Literacy Screening • We will be conducting the assessment in October • If your child’s conferences are in November, we will be sharing the results with you • The benchmark for the Fall is 29/102 • Watch for more information in the newsletters you receive from your child’s teacher • There is no preparation needed for this assessment PALS

  5. Developmental Reading Assessment- used to determine a child’s reading capabilities • Will take place January and in the Spring • More information regarding the assessment dates will be coming home in the newsletters • There is no preparation needed for this assessment DRA

  6. A mandatory conference is scheduled at the end of the first quarter. You will be scheduling this conference with your child’s teacher. • PLEASE MAKE SURE YOU SIGN UP! • We ask that you arrive on time for your conference as we have them scheduled back to back lasting 20 minutes. • If more time is needed, another conference will be scheduled Conferences

  7. LCPS Spelling Program in which all grades participate • We will complete the sort in the classroom and we will also send home an extra copy for the week • You will receive a letter attached to the first sort • Initial sorts will serve as routine practice and feed into other sorts completed during the year • We plan to begin these sorts at the end of September. The exact date will depend on the readiness of your child’s class Word Study

  8. To increase basic sight word recognition • There are 2 sets, each with 20 lists • For the first 20 lists, the students will read each word. Once they make it through the first 20, they will go back to the beginning and spell the words • After reading and spelling the 20 lists in the first set, the student will move to the second set of 20 lists, reading the lists first and then spelling them • You will be receiving the first list with a letter attached by the end of the week Word Club

  9. One of the folders you provided will be designated for Fast Start • Inside you will find a list of the poems and a copy of the poem you and your child are working on with follow up activities on the back • These are activities to do at home to help improve early literacy skills • More information will be given at conferences Fast Start for Early Readers

  10. A rotation of stations during our reading block • The stations include: read to self, work on writing, word work, listen to reading, guided reading, computers • The daily 5 stations focus on building reading and writing skills. • Students will work in groups of 4-5 and rotated through each station by the end of the week • Students will be able to work with all of their peers by the end of the school year • We have thematic units we use to guide our activities Daily 5

  11. The students rotate through various math stations each week • The students will visit 1-2 stations each day lasting about 15 minutes • The stations will focus on math skills we are working on or review the skills already taught and go along with our themes • We will be using the GO Math program in combination with other math resources Math Stations

  12. We cover this part of our curriculum mostly in a whole group setting • The activities may occasionally be incorporated into a station during our daily 5 rotation • Some of this curriculum will also be incorporated into our PBLs Science, Social Science, Health

  13. We will be using a curriculum by Second Step that incorporates Social and Emotional Learning into our daily routine. • We will cover 5 competencies throughout the year which will focus on self-awareness, self-management, social awareness, responsible decision-making, and relationship skills. • You will receive parent information through a link sent by e-mail each time a new lesson is introduced. Social Emotional Learning (SEL)

  14. Loudoun County Public Schools began the implementation of learning through One to the World 2 years ago. One to the World is a type of learning in which students will solve authentic problems and make real world connections. • We will be using this model again in our classrooms this year through Project Based Learning. Project Based Learning is very similar to One to the World in that students will be empowered to make meaningful contributions to the world by solving an authentic challenging problem. Students will exhibit persistence and passion while learning significant content and importance competencies as they focus on authentic problems in our world. • Students will have the opportunity to critique, revise, and reflect throughout their project and will create a public product. • We will need your support during our projects as we will be conducting four projects that align with various SOL’s (Standards of Learning) this year. Project Based Learning

  15. As discussed at Back to School Night, this year your child will be learning how to code using the program Scratch. • We have a designated time block of 30 minutes each day for coding. • We will be co-teaching with a Code to the Future coach who will be assisting us once a month in the classroom. • We are in the middle of our first project and we will be having our Epic Build once it is completed. You will be invited to our Epic Build showcase so that you can see what your child has done. • PLEASE DO NOT USE YOUR CHILD’S SCHOOL LOG-IN TO ACCESS SCRATCH AT HOME. You are more than welcome to create a new account for home use but we want the projects we are working on at school, to remain at school since there is a curriculum and guidelines for us to following while teaching each step of the project. Code to the Future

  16. Incorporates math, science, social science, health, language arts, reading, and writing across our curriculum • We base our stations, read alouds, and shared reading around these themes Thematic Units

  17. LCPS framework for reading/writing curriculum • Includes: shared reading, guided reading, read aloud, writer’s workshop, and independent reading • We recite various charts to help develop reading and writing skills Pathways

  18. Guided reading-leveled reading groups • Shared reading-focus on one piece of text a week and practice a variety of reading skills each day. • Read aloud-Teacher reads a book to the class and uses a variety of strategies to engage students • Choral reading-reading together • Buddy reading- reading with a friend • Independent reading-a designated time to read quietly • Reading Buddies- reading with a peer from another grade level Reading

  19. Introduces students to book writing and kid spelling (bubble gum writing) • At the beginning of the year we would like to encourage you not to correct your child’s spelling Writer’s Workshop

  20. Along with pathways, we will be teaching the alphabet and writing using a program called Recipe for Reading. • Studies have shown that teaching the alphabet using this systematic approach leads to successful reading and writing. Recipe for Reading

  21. They will be sent home through e-mail unless you request a hard copy to save paper  • Important information regarding your child’s classroom activities and dates to remember will be included so please be sure to read them! • You can also find a copy of our newsletters on our website under the Kindergarten section http://www.lcps.org/domain/13862 Newsletters

  22. Thank You for joining us for the Curriculum Night Webinar

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