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Approaching to a common and legally binding Marine Spatial Planning in Adriatic area

Approaching to a common and legally binding Marine Spatial Planning in Adriatic area. Roberto Bertaggia Direzione Progetto Venezia Regione del Veneto.

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Approaching to a common and legally binding Marine Spatial Planning in Adriatic area

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  1. Approaching to a common and legally binding Marine Spatial Planning in Adriatic area Roberto Bertaggia Direzione Progetto Venezia Regione del Veneto MEDITERRE 2012 – Bari, 1st February - SHAPE Project International Conference Roberto Bertaggia - Direzione Progetto Venezia - Regione del Veneto Approaching to a common and legally binding Marine Spatial Planning in Adriatic area

  2. Maritime Spatial Planning (MSP), together with maritime surveillance and a comprehensive and accessible source of data and information, is a horizontal tool and therefore a key instrument for the implementation of the Integrated EU Maritime Policy MEDITERRE 2012 – Bari, 1st February - SHAPE Project International Conference Roberto Bertaggia - Direzione Progetto Venezia - Regione del Veneto Approaching to a common and legally binding Marine Spatial Planning in Adriatic area

  3. The main objective of MSP is to allocate marine space in a rational manner and thus to arbitrate between different sectoral or user interests. MSP is reaching beyond managing and protecting the marine environment MEDITERRE 2012 – Bari, 1st February - SHAPE Project International Conference Roberto Bertaggia - Direzione Progetto Venezia - Regione del Veneto Approaching to a common and legally binding Marine Spatial Planning in Adriatic area

  4. MSP must operate in three dimensions by simultaneously addressing activities that take place: (a) on the sea bed; (b) in the water column; and (c) on the surface. Human activities are also usually not independent from each other but permanently intertwined, in the space and in the time MEDITERRE 2012 – Bari, 1st February - SHAPE Project International Conference Roberto Bertaggia - Direzione Progetto Venezia - Regione del Veneto Approaching to a common and legally binding Marine Spatial Planning in Adriatic area

  5. Maritime spatial planning is a circular process that consists of the definition of development objectives, the assessment of the present situation for which the best available data and information should be used, stakeholder involvement, the transparent and participatory development of a maritime spatial plan, the implementation of this plan, enforcement measures, evaluation and subsequent revision or amendments MEDITERRE 2012 – Bari, 1st February - SHAPE Project International Conference Roberto Bertaggia - Direzione Progetto Venezia - Regione del Veneto Approaching to a common and legally binding Marine Spatial Planning in Adriatic area

  6. Planning Cycle developed by the BALANCE project (Source: Ekebom et al. 2008) MEDITERRE 2012 – Bari, 1st February - SHAPE Project International Conference Roberto Bertaggia - Direzione Progetto Venezia - Regione del Veneto Approaching to a common and legally binding Marine Spatial Planning in Adriatic area

  7. In the European Union, the Integrated Maritime Policy envisages Marine Spatial Planning as an instrument for developing and implementing maritime policy; however, neither of the two actions is binding for States as yet MEDITERRE 2012 – Bari, 1st February - SHAPE Project International Conference Roberto Bertaggia - Direzione Progetto Venezia - Regione del Veneto Approaching to a common and legally binding Marine Spatial Planning in Adriatic area

  8. International Conventions and European Policy framework MEDITERRE 2012 – Bari, 1st February - SHAPE Project International Conference Roberto Bertaggia - Direzione Progetto Venezia - Regione del Veneto Approaching to a common and legally binding Marine Spatial Planning in Adriatic area

  9. With the COM(2008) 791 (Communication on a Roadmap for Maritime Spatial Planning: Achieving common principles in the EU) the Commission aimed“to facilitate the development of Maritime Spatial Planning (MSP) by Member States and encourage its implementation at national and EU level”. MEDITERRE 2012 – Bari, 1st February - SHAPE Project International Conference Roberto Bertaggia - Direzione Progetto Venezia - Regione del Veneto Approaching to a common and legally binding Marine Spatial Planning in Adriatic area

  10. It sets out 10 key principles for MSP and seeks, by way of debate, to encourage the development of a common approach among Member States: 1 Using MSP according to area and type of activity 2. Defining objectives to guide MSP 3. Developing MSP in a transparent manner 4. Stakeholder participation 5. Coordination within Member States. Simplifying decision processes 6. Ensuring the legal effect of national MSP 7. Cross-border cooperation and consultation 8. Incorporating monitoring and evaluation in the planning process 9. Achieving coherence between terrestrial and maritime spatial planning. Relation with ICZM 10. A strong data and knowledge base MEDITERRE 2012 – Bari, 1st February - SHAPE Project International Conference Roberto Bertaggia - Direzione Progetto Venezia - Regione del Veneto Approaching to a common and legally binding Marine Spatial Planning in Adriatic area

  11. The regulation n. 1255/2011 of the European Parliament and of the Council of 30 November 2011, establishing a Programme to support the further development of an Integrated Maritime Policy, approved € 40M budget for the Integrated Maritime Policy that incorporates transport, tourism, fisheries and environmental protection. It stresses that the policy should contribute to the development of the EU’s coastal areas MEDITERRE 2012 – Bari, 1st February - SHAPE Project International Conference Roberto Bertaggia - Direzione Progetto Venezia - Regione del Veneto Approaching to a common and legally binding Marine Spatial Planning in Adriatic area

  12. Marine sustainable management in the context of European policies and legislative tools MEDITERRE 2012 – Bari, 1st February - SHAPE Project International Conference Roberto Bertaggia - Direzione Progetto Venezia - Regione del Veneto Approaching to a common and legally binding Marine Spatial Planning in Adriatic area

  13. The Marine Strategy Framework Directive (MSFD) is binding for Member States and supports the implementation of MSP through the requirement that Member States have to achieve or maintain Good Environmental Status (GES) of the marine environment by 2020 MEDITERRE 2012 – Bari, 1st February - SHAPE Project International Conference Roberto Bertaggia - Direzione Progetto Venezia - Regione del Veneto Approaching to a common and legally binding Marine Spatial Planning in Adriatic area

  14. One of the most notable changes brought about by the MSFD to the regulation of the marine environment is the introduction of the new concepts of “marine region” and “marine sub-region” into EU law for the first time MEDITERRE 2012 – Bari, 1st February - SHAPE Project International Conference Roberto Bertaggia - Direzione Progetto Venezia - Regione del Veneto Approaching to a common and legally binding Marine Spatial Planning in Adriatic area

  15. European Sea Basins, according to the European Atlas of the Sea sub-division MEDITERRE 2012 – Bari, 1st February - SHAPE Project International Conference Roberto Bertaggia - Direzione Progetto Venezia - Regione del Veneto Approaching to a common and legally binding Marine Spatial Planning in Adriatic area

  16. Each Member State - cooperating with other Member States and non-EU countries within a marine region – is required to develop strategies which must contain a detailed assessment of the state of the environment, a definition of "Good Environmental Status at regional level and the establishment of clear targets and monitoring programmes MEDITERRE 2012 – Bari, 1st February - SHAPE Project International Conference Roberto Bertaggia - Direzione Progetto Venezia - Regione del Veneto Approaching to a common and legally binding Marine Spatial Planning in Adriatic area

  17. In determining their good environmental status, as requested by art. 9 of the Directive, Member States, shall determine a set of qualitative descriptors (Annex I of the Directive): Descriptor 1: Biological diversity Descriptor 2: Non-indigenous species Descriptor 3: Population of commercial fish / shell fish Descriptor 4: Elements of marine food webs Descriptor 5: Eutrophication Descriptor 6: Sea floor integrity Descriptor 7: Alteration of hydrographical conditions Descriptor 8: Contaminants Descriptor 9: Contaminants in fish and seafood for human consumption Descriptor 10: Marine litter Descriptor 11: Introduction of energy, including underwater noise MEDITERRE 2012 – Bari, 1st February - SHAPE Project International Conference Roberto Bertaggia - Direzione Progetto Venezia - Regione del Veneto Approaching to a common and legally binding Marine Spatial Planning in Adriatic area

  18. Member States shall take into account also an indicative list of elements concerning physical and chemical features, habitat types, biological features and hydro-morphology, as well as identify pressure and impacts of human activities (Annex III) MEDITERRE 2012 – Bari, 1st February - SHAPE Project International Conference Roberto Bertaggia - Direzione Progetto Venezia - Regione del Veneto Approaching to a common and legally binding Marine Spatial Planning in Adriatic area

  19. SHAPE Project aims at the sustainable development of the Adriatic Region strengthening the protection and enhancement of the marine and coastal environment, setting-up of a multilevel and cross-sector governance system, assuring the rational use of the Adriatic Sea and its resources and able to solve conflicts among different uses MEDITERRE 2012 – Bari, 1st February - SHAPE Project International Conference Roberto Bertaggia - Direzione Progetto Venezia - Regione del Veneto Approaching to a common and legally binding Marine Spatial Planning in Adriatic area

  20. Work Package 4 aims at addressing MSP in the Adriatic sub-region, creating an ad hoc methodology for maritime planning and to test MSP at local scale by common data processing, mapping and developing pilot actions MEDITERRE 2012 – Bari, 1st February - SHAPE Project International Conference Roberto Bertaggia - Direzione Progetto Venezia - Regione del Veneto Approaching to a common and legally binding Marine Spatial Planning in Adriatic area

  21. To reach this objective WP4 in articulated in 5 actions addressing the following issues: Action 4.1 an holistic approach for a common Maritime Spatial Planning; Action 4.2 ecosystem assessment as the basis for MSP; Action 4.3 major issues analysis and maps creation for MSP; Action 4.4 Pilot Project for ICZM/MSP integration; Action 4.5 Development of a common methodology for MSP. MEDITERRE 2012 – Bari, 1st February - SHAPE Project International Conference Roberto Bertaggia - Direzione Progetto Venezia - Regione del Veneto Approaching to a common and legally binding Marine Spatial Planning in Adriatic area

  22. Action 4.1 is focused on the application of an holistic approach for a Maritime Spatial Planning implementation and as a first step addresses the comparative and integrated analysis of the policies and legal framework concerning IMP, MSP and MSFD at European, Regional and sub-regional sea level (Mediterranean and Adriatic sea), in order to develop a complete picture of the Adriatic sea highlighting synergies, gaps and conflicts among different legislative and planning tools in order to successfully implement MSP at the sub-basin scale MEDITERRE 2012 – Bari, 1st February - SHAPE Project International Conference Roberto Bertaggia - Direzione Progetto Venezia - Regione del Veneto Approaching to a common and legally binding Marine Spatial Planning in Adriatic area

  23. In conclusion, this work will provide a useful reading frame to define a set of recommendations for the implementation of MSP in the Adriatic and useful indicators to represent the results obtained through an Integrated Maritime Policy in the light of changing economic, social and environmental conditions MEDITERRE 2012 – Bari, 1st February - SHAPE Project International Conference Roberto Bertaggia - Direzione Progetto Venezia - Regione del Veneto Approaching to a common and legally binding Marine Spatial Planning in Adriatic area

  24. Thank you for your attention and I hope to see you at Venice’s Shape meeting on next may 2012 MEDITERRE 2012 – Bari, 1st February - SHAPE Project International Conference Roberto Bertaggia - Direzione Progetto Venezia - Regione del Veneto Approaching to a common and legally binding Marine Spatial Planning in Adriatic area

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