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https://www.youtube.com/watch?feature=player_embedded&v=MQzF4o3qM14. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=GSSdDR5BnEA&feature=player_detailpage. Mardi le 28 mai. May 27 th -31 st BRING BOOKS ALL WEEK . F 2 R & F 2 PreAP. All late/absent work in! AB, BL, CS Board games-practice verbs
https://www.youtube.com/watch?feature=player_embedded&v=MQzF4o3qM14https://www.youtube.com/watch?feature=player_embedded&v=MQzF4o3qM14 http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=GSSdDR5BnEA&feature=player_detailpage Mardi le 28 mai
F 2 R & F 2 PreAP All late/absent work in! AB, BL, CS • Board games-practice verbs (You must say the verb-conjugated correctly to advance or win). Once a winner has been declared in your group, leave that game table, so that the next group can rotate to it. Once the entire class has played all the group’s verb games, vote on best game for a prize! 2. Anyone who owes me late/absent work: See me!
F 2 Exam guide for R & PreAP F 2-R: If you are taking your spring exam: please start studying units 3, 4 & 5. Unit 3-la nourriture, Vouloir/Pouvoir/Devoir, le partitif, Acheter/Préfèrer/Payer. Unit 4-Loisirs/spectacles, Les pronoms (me, te, etc.), Lire/Dire/Ecrire, Savoir/Connaître Unit 5-Le sport/la santé, les verbesréfléchis PreAP: Study units 3, (Add: tout/ilfaut), unit 4 (all), unit 5 (add Y & En) & know unit 6 vocabulary and also the imperfect tense.
F 3 • AS & HT: LATE oral grade! • Skits-5 min. run through, then present • Start song presentations Wed: Finish songs & skits, start “Le Petit Nicolas” or finish “Les Miserables” Thurs.: review & movie. Fri: Review & Movie & LAST DAY TOGETHER!!! LUNDI: L’examen! Your exam will comprise units 3,4,5 & parts of 6. Know: Past/Imperfect, future, conditional tenses, vocab: shopping, travel, hotel, grammar: DOPS/IDOPS, Y & EN
F 1-lundi • Tues. book work=ZERO. Wed. work not accepted unless you were absent, & it’s only a 50% • Thurs. work only in for a 50%, unless absent (100 if you were out on Friday & have it now). • Flashcards units 5 & 6 for 80%. Tomorrow is the last day for them!!! • Borrowed words “F” for the 70% today. LAST DAY! Your final quiz over them is tomorrow. • TODAY: Over answers to Tues/Wed/Thurs book work. • FIRST-See: Review powerpoint-UNIT 5 VOCAB. www.classzone.com unit 5 pg. 196-200, 210 F 1 unit 5 ville places house bedroom Quelques endroits.ppt 3. Start “MOI” presentations • H/W: STUDY for borrowed words “F” quiz!Units 5 & 6 Flashcards are due for a 70 tomorrow…last day!
F 1 Book work from Tuesday ANSWERS-to be checked Tues. 5/28 7. Il y a uneplage. Il s’appelle Galveston. 8. Il y a un supermarché. Il s’appelleKroger. 9. Il y a un hôpital. Il s’appelle Tomball medical. 10. Il y a un parc. Il s’appelle Meyer Park. 11. Il y a un stade. Il s’appelle Klein Memorial stadium. 12. Il y a un musée. Il s’appelle MFAH: Museum of Fine Arts Houston. 13. Il y a un hôtel. Il s’appelle Embassy suites. 14. Il y a une piscine. Il s’appelleSplashtown. 15. Il y a un théâtre. Il s’appelle TUTS: Theatre under the Stars. Pg. 198 ex. 3 Il y a un restaurant. Il s’appellePappadeaux. Il y a un cinéma. Il s’appelle Movie Tavern. Il y a uneéglise. Il s’appelleFaithbridge. 4.Il y a un centre commercial. Il s’appelle Woodlands mall. 5. Il y a un bibliothèque. Il s’appelle Barbara Bush. 6. Il y a un café. Il s’appelle Euro bakery café. • Tuesday’s Book work: Pg. 198 ex. 3,pg. 199 ex. 5, pg 201 ex. 8, pg. 207 ex. 2. pg. 209 ex. 6
F 1-Asking/giving directions…. • Pg. 199 ex. 5 • Pardon, mademoiselle(monsieur). Oùestl’hôtel Continental? L’hôtel Continental…ilestdansl’avenue Victor Hugo. Oùest-ce? Tournez à droite! Merci, mademoiselle. • Pardon mlle/m. Oùest le café “Le Bistro”? Le café “Le Bistro”…ilestdans la rue Sully. Oùest-ce? Tournez à gauche! Merci mlle/m. 3. Pardon mlle/m. OùestL’hôtel Terminus? L’hôtel Terminus…ilestdans la rue Moliere.Oùest-ce? Tournez à gauche! Merci mlle/m. 4. Pardon mlle/m. Oùest le restaurant “Chez Jean”? Le restaurant Chez Jean…ilestdansl’avenueBelcour. Oùest-ce? Continuez tout droit! Merci Mlle/m. 5. Pardon mlle/m. Oùest le cinémaLux? Le cinémaLux…ilestdans la rue Massena. Oùest-ce? Tournez à droite! Merci.
F 1-What room in a house would you be if you were doing these things: • Pg. 201 ex. 8 • (Nous dînons) Vousêtesdans la salle à manger. • (Turegardes la télé). Je suisdans le salon. • (Antoine et Juliette jouent au frisbee). Ilssontdans le jardin. • (J’étudie le français). (Je suis)Tuesdanstachambre. • (M. Martin préparele dîner). Il estdans la cuisine. • (Henri se lave). Il estdans la salle de bains(la toilette) • (Ma soeurtéléphone à son copain). Elle estdans …. (la chambre/le salon/etc.)
F 1-Pg. 207 ex. 2 & 209 ex. 6. Almost done correcting! 6. Le dimanche, tu ne vas pas en classe. Tu vas à la piscine. 7. Le dimanche, Eric et Lea ne vont pas en classe. Ilsvont à la plage. 8. Le dimanche, mescopains ne vontpas en classe. Ilsvont au stade. 9. Le dimanche, Helene ne va pas en classe. Elle va au centre commercial. 10. Le dimanche, vousn’allez pas en classe. Vousallezdans/aux les magasins. Pg. 207 ex. 2 • Le dimanche, Philippe ne va pas en classe. Il va au café. • Le dimanche, vousn’allez pas en classe. Vousallez au cinéma. • Le dimanche, Celine et Michele ne vont pas en classe. Ellesvont au concert. • Le dimanche, Jerome ne va pas en classe. Il va au restaurant. • Le dimanche, je ne vais pas en classe. Je vais à un match de foot.
F 1 last one! How did you do? • Pg. 209,ex. 6 • Corinne va au musée. • Jean-Francois va au restaurant. • Delphoneva au cinéma. • Marina va à la piscine. • Eric va à la bibliothèque. • Denise va au parc. • Philippe va au concert. • Alice va au stade. • Cecile va au centre commercial. • Lea va au cybercafé.
F 1 Exam. You must know units 4, 5 and some of 6. (Units 1-3 material will be in it, just not tested, but you must know it). • Unit 4 vocab & Grammar: Objects, people, adjectives, AVOIR & articles (le, la, les, un, une, des) • Unit 5 vocab: Places around town, a home, directions, events in town, sports/games Unit 5 grammar: ALLER, VENIR, prepositions to/from, describing a noun, possession with “De” and possessive pronouns 3. Unit 6 vocab: clothing words Unit 6 grammar: IR, RE verbs, Ce/cette/ces-demo adj. and Quel/Quelle-interog. Adj.
Mon. June 3rd • 7:30-8:30--1st Period Class & SENIOR Final Exam (60 min.) • 8:36-9:36--2nd Period Class & SENIOR Final Exam (60 min.) • 9:42-11:12--3rd Period Final Exam ALL GRADES (90 min.) F 3 • 11:18-12:49--5th Period Class • A Lunch (11:12 – 11:37) • B Lunch (11:43 – 12:08) • C Lunch (12:14 – 12:49) • 12:55-1:21--4th Period Class (26 min.) • Seniors dismissed at 1:21 • 1:27-1:53--6th Period Class (26 min.) • 1:59-2:25--7th Period Class (26 min.) • (Buses will run at 2:35)
Tues. June 4th • 7:30 – 9:00 4th period Final exam F 2 R (9-12th) • 9:10 – 10:40 5th Period Final Exam F 2 PreAP (9-12th) • (90 min.) • (Buses will run at 10:50 & senior grades due)
Wed. June 5th • 7:30 – 9:00 2nd conference (Exams for 9-11) • 9:10 – 10:40 1st Period Final Exam F 2 R (9th-11th) • (Buses will run at 10:50)
Thurs. June 6th • 7:30--9:00-6th Period Final Exam F 1 (9th-11th) • 9:10-10:40--7th Period Final Exam F 1 (9-11th) • (Buses will run at 10:50) EXAM WILL COMPRISE UNITS 4-6!