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Mardi le 20 mai 2014

Mardi le 20 mai 2014. Textbook Collection. Collection of all books through ENGLISH Classes on below dates Wednesday, May 28 7:25 – 12:30 Thursday, May 29 7:25 – 2:25 Friday, May 30 7:25 – 2:25 Tuesday, June 2 7:25 – 2:25 Book Collection 7:00 – 2:25 6/3

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Mardi le 20 mai 2014

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  1. Mardi le 20 mai2014

  2. Textbook Collection Collection of all books through ENGLISH Classes on below dates Wednesday, May 28 7:25 – 12:30 Thursday, May 29 7:25 – 2:25 Friday, May 30 7:25 – 2:25 Tuesday, June 2 7:25 – 2:25 Book Collection 7:00 – 2:25 6/3 7:00 – 10:45 6/4 6/5 6/6 w/teacher permission

  3. May 19th-23rd week

  4. May 26th-30th week

  5. F 3 Mon. • 1. Future & Conditional tense review: PP & review pg. 201-207 tonight! • 2. Turn in songs & skit rough drafts today for 70%-unless absent (Tues. for 50%). Songs/skits-typed up final copy, printed & attached to rough drafts! Show madame & then practice it. It must be the same material on skit/song that I graded---it cannot be new material. • 3. www.classzone.com take practice quizzes & see your scores & what you have problems with unit 5. IF you did not do your flashcards, then go through the flashcards online first (units 5 & 6) • Paris Photostory is due today for 105% in Blackboard by 7:30 a.m.! (100 on Tues., 90 Wed. etc. ) • Test is Tuesday: approx. 65 questions---all multiple choice. Know unit 5 and hotel words from 6 plus all grammar in 5 (negative words/future & conditional).

  6. F 3 Tues. • TEST • Skits/songs in for 50% (unless absent 1day: 70%) • Paris Photostory is due TODAY for 100% • Tomorrow: Songs/skits-typed up final copy, printed & attached to rough drafts! Make sure you have a copy also to practice it. It must be the same material on skit/song that I graded---it cannot be new material. • BONUS VOKI/Voicethread/Photostory is due tomorrow! Paris packet bonus is due next Tues. • WED: Rehearse songs ½ class, finish Fairy tale presentations ½ class. • Thurs-practice song & skit • Fri: Sing! Finish film!

  7. F 3 les 5 phrases (B) (L’interro la semaineprochaine) LAST ONE!!! 1. Mon dieu! C’estincroyable! My goodness, That’s incredible! 2. Sans blague..no joke! 3. Fais gaffe…watch out Laissez-moitranquille!-Leave me alone! 4. J’enaimarre…. I’m fed up, I’ve had it Laissetomber! ….Let it drop! Forget it! 5. Tiens! (gosse/mec/nana) Hey! Kid, dude, girlC’estinterdit! It’s not allowed/it’s forbidden

  8. F 3 mercredi • Bonus voki/voicethread/photostory due in blackboard today! • Oral grades: Last 5 expressions: Ivone, Bridget, Shannon, Ben, Carlos & Kathy (ALL: Make sure you have last expressions copied) • Rehearse songs • Present any leftover fairytales: _____ Thurs: Practice song & skits Fri: SONGS (props/backgrounds) & finish film Next week: Skits, painting, final oral grade-5+ expressions Paris Bonus packet due Tuesday!

  9. F 2 Reg Mon 1. Finish oral skit grades. 2. Late work? Games to still check in? 3. DUE: Flashcards for 100 today-70 tomorrow! Must have all unit 4 words and Reflexive verbs of unit 5. 4. Review of DOPs/IDOPs-powerpoint **F 2 DOPS & IDOPS REVIEW.pptx 5. Take book test-end of unit 4-use your own paper. Pgs. 248-49 ex. 1-4. Write word/verb only! H/W: Finish book test-end of unit 4, get late flashcards done by tomorrow for a 70. Test is Thurs.

  10. F 2-QUIZ REVIEW-Unit 4 part A 14. Se souvenir- 15. S’amuser- 16. Se laver- 17. Se brosser- 18. Se réveiller- 19. Unefois- 20. Trouver- 21. Garder- 22. Laisser- A. Write what you see, then Translate into English: • Uneéquipe- • Un billet- • Commencer • Oublier- • Un match- • Libre- • Se lever- • S’habiller- • Se peigner- • Se coucher- • Se promener- • Se maquiller- • Se raser-

  11. F 2 Quiz-Part B-5-write & conjugate! 36. Past participle of DIRE- 37. I know (facts/how to do)- 38. You know 39. He knows 40. We know 41. You (all) know 42. They know 43. Past participle of SAVOIR- 44. I know (people/places) 45. You know 46. He knows 47. We know 48. You (all) know 49. They know 50. Past participle of CONNAÎTRE- PreAP: next slide 2….. 23. I read 24. You read 25. He reads 26. We read 27. You (all) read 28. They read 29. Past participle of LIRE- 30. I say/tell 31. You say/tell 32. He says/tells 33. We say/tell 34. You (all) say/tell 35. They say/tell

  12. F 2 Reg. Tues. • Flashcards for 70% Rowan, Gabby, Roshni • Book tests- TURN in for 100 first, then we’ll exchange & grade • Take self-quizzes on www.classzone.com • REVIEW of Powerpoints on BB & if time, Reflexive Johnny Depp Slides No H/W: Just study! Work on any bonus work!

  13. F 2-Book test answers Pg. 248 ex. 1 • Assister à/voir • Commence • Trouve • Oublie • Occupée • Désolé • Montre • Apporter • Emprunte • Donner Pg. 248 ex. 2 J’écris, écrivez-vous Lit, lisent Dites, dis Connaissons, connaît Savent, sais

  14. Book test answers part 2 Pg. 248 ex. 3 (see pg. 240 first) • Nicolas luitéléphone. Il l’invite au barbecue • Nous leconnaissonsbien. Nous luiavonsrenduvisitehier. • Je lesaiinvités… Jeleuraidemandé… • Les élèvesl’ écoute. Ilsluidemandent des conseils. • Tuluiécris pour son anniversaire. Tu ne lavois pas souvent. • Vousleurparlezsouvent. Vouslestrouveztrèssympathique. • Est-cequetului as écrit? Est-cequetului as donné ton adresse? • Je l’airencontrésamedi. Je luiaiprêtémonvélo.

  15. Book answers part 3 Pg. 249 ex. 4 • E: Dis, tum’invites…. J: Je vaist’inviter. E. Tu invites Nicolas aussi? J. Nicolas…queest-ce? E. C’estmon cousin. Tul’asrencontréhier. J. Ah oui, c’estvrai. Eh bien, donne-moi son numéro. Je vaisluitéléphoner. 2. L. Tuconnais Pauline? T. Bien sûr L. Tusais oùellehabite? T. Oui, j’ai son adresse. Pourquoi? Tuveuxla voir? L. Oui, je luiaiprêtémes notes et elle ne me les a pas rendues. T. Tiens, voilà son adresse. L. Merci.

  16. F 2 Reg. Wed. • Flashcards for 50% • All BONUS voki/voicethread/photostory online work due TODAY only for 100 on quiz • Paris BONUS Packet-due Fri. • Grade verbcharts • Review online flashcards, take online quizzes www.classzone.com H/W: APT pgs. TEST FORMAT:

  17. F 2 Reg. Thurs. • TEST day- NO AUDIO • FINISH APT pages –turn in by end of class for 100

  18. F 2 Reg. Fri. Make up test day APT pages for 50, not done? Don’t see movie! REST: Finish “La Vie en Rose”

  19. F 2 PreAP Mon. • 1. Review Reflex. With Johnny DepppowerpointLes_verbes_reflechis_DEPP_D - Shortcut.lnk • 2. Take book test pg. 248 (1-4) & exchange/grade. Test tomorrow: 100 questions (10 listening-about movies, museums, invitations), rest are mul. Choice). Know your DOPS/IDOPS & Reflexive verbs & pronouns (in present, near future, command forms) & the 5 verbs (lire, dire, écrire, savoir, connaître).

  20. F 2 PreAP Tues. • Test • Flashcards for 50% (online/cards) • Study borrowed words “L” • Work on Bonus & submit into BB • Tonight: Study for borrowed words “L” quiz & work on APT pgs. 93, 94---not due until Tues.

  21. F 2 PreAP-Wed. • Borrowed words “L” QUIZ • Grade verbcharts • Bonus Voki/Voicethread/photostory- online work due-last & only day-for 100! • Paris Packet bonus due Friday! • Dry run of your games-feasible? • Finish watching “La vie en rose” • H/W: APT 93,94

  22. F 2 PreAP Thurs. • Play board games

  23. F 2 PreAP Fri. • Play board games—switch off & then vote on best game for per. 2! Finish “La vie en Rose”

  24. F 1-Mon. • Per. 6-Several take quiz from Friday • REST: Per. 5 & 6: Take book test-end of unit 5 pgs. 236-37 ex. 1-4. USE BOOK & PAPER/BLUEorBlack INK! • Get papers/flashcards back! • TONIGHT: Study review Powerpoints in blackboard! TEST IS THURSDAY!!!

  25. F 1 Tues. • Go over quiz answers! F 1 Grammar quiz.docx • Grade book test in class-if not done already* • Review borrowed words “F” **(next slide) • Review ER, IR, RE verb endings*** • DO: APT 75,76-- 79,80 -- 83,84 • H/W: Study borrowed words “F” –final quiz tomorrow! Finish your APT pages! TEST is Thursday!

  26. F 1-borrowed words “F” 12. Fait accompli 13. Pièce de résistance 14. Envoy 15. Au courant 16 Cadre 17. Barrage 18. A propos (or apropos) 19. Avant-garde 20. Bon vivant 21. Chalet 22. Première 23. Chassis 24. Chamois 25. Vis-à-vis • 1. Renaissance • 2. Décor • 3. Cliché • 4. Malaise • 5. Répertoire • 6. Rogue • 7. Ingénue • 8. Détente • 9. Rapport • 10. Liaison • 11. de rigueur

  27. Regular verbs •Verbs ending in -er •Verbs ending in -ir •Verbs ending in -re

  28. Regular Verbs

  29. Regular -Erverbs To conjugate in the present tense . . . •Drop -Er •Add appropriate endings

  30. e ons Nous Vous Ils, Elles JE TU IL, ELLE, ON es ez ent e

  31. Example: jouer - to play Je joue Nous jouons Tu joues Vous jouez Il joue Ils jouent Elle joue Elles jouent On joue

  32. SOME Regular –er verbs we know • manger voyager • étudier inviter • écouterorganiser • regarderhabiter • nager aimer • jouervisiter • parlerdîner • There’s a lot more!!

  33. Regular -Irverbs To conjugate in the present tense . . . •Drop -ir •Add appropriate endings

  34. issons is issez is issent it

  35. --Ir verbs Example: finir(to finish) Take off –ir –FIN and add: is, is, it, issons, issez, issent je finis tu finis il/ellefinit nous finissons vousfinissez ilsfinissent

  36. Example: finir - to finish Je finis Nous finissons Tu finis Vous finissez Il finit Ils finissent Elle finit Elles finissent On finit

  37. List of regular –Ir verbs • finir = to finish • réussir = to succeed (à un examen-to pass a test) • choisir = to choose • grossir = to gain weight • maigrir = to lose weight

  38. Regular -Re verbs To conjugate in the present tense . . . •Drop -re •Add appropriate endings

  39. s ons s ez ent -

  40. --Re verbs Example: vendre (to sell) Take off –re-VEND and add: s,s, -, ons, ez, ent je vends tu vends il/elle vend_____ nous vendons vousvendez ilsvendent

  41. Example: vendre - to sell Je vends Nous vendons Tu vends Vousvendez Il vend Ilsvendent Elle vend Ellesvendent On vend

  42. List of regular –Re verbs • vendre = to sell • rendrevisite à = to visit (a person) • attendre = to wait (for) • perdre = to lose • entendre = to hear • répondre = to answer

  43. Summary-know IR, RE endings for the TEST! Er Verbs e ons esez e ent Ir Verbs is issons is issez it issent Re Verbs s ons s ez -- ent

  44. F 1 Wed. • Borrowed words “F” quiz • Turn in APT 75,76-- 79,80 -- 83,84 for 100%, then we’ll grade them! • Review/study hall day-finish taking quizzes online. www.classzone.com • BONUS due today for 100! • Test format: 75 questions (10 listening) Know places, ALLER, Au, Chez, VENIR, Du, Stress pronouns, Description of nouns with DE, Possession with DE, Possessive adjectives, Ordinal #’s, IR & RE verb endings

  45. F 1 Thurs. • TEST day (CD-listening comprehension test unit 5) • Take any makeup quizzes • Paris Bonus packet is due tomorrow!

  46. F 1 Fri. • Make up tests? • Finish presentations of “Je me presente” from blackboard, if DONE: • If time-New notes on THIS/THAT (Ce, cette) & WHICH/WHAT (Quel/quelle) • If time---Read in textbook after unit 5 or 6?---Tintin! • Next week: read about/see Tintin, prep for exams

  47. FIN

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