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Progression Agreements, what can they add to (vocational) progression?. Jeff Braham, University of Derby, School of Flexible and Partnership Learning July 2009. The workshop. The context Scale and scope of the Derby PA What is a PA? The debate Featuring yourselves!.
Progression Agreements, what can they add to (vocational) progression? Jeff Braham, University of Derby, School of Flexible and Partnership Learning July 2009
The workshop • The context • Scale and scope of the Derby PA • What is a PA? • The debate • Featuring yourselves!
Progression Agreements • Progression agreements provide “the basis of a common commitment to network arrangements for progression” (HEFCE 2005) • Progression Agreements should: • widen access to higher education • enhance vocational progression opportunities between FE and HE and the workplace • provide students a clearer view of progression pathways • develop and enhance relationships between HE and feeder institutions/colleges • Increase understanding of alternate routes into HE and increase collaboration between partners
The Context • National “participation” agenda • The PA project- Range scale and scope • LEAP AHEAD LLN – one of 29 LLNs • 14 FECs HEIs, WBL providers in the Notts Derbys region • 28 PAs as target across network • 0.4 FTE PA Champion post for implementation (x 1 year) • Monthly networking
Regional Context – other players • Regional (East Mids) Aimhigher progression mapping – Your future • Connexions • NextStep (IAG) SSCs • LSC • RDA • Regional E-portfolios being piloted to engage 1000 learners
Progress to date – PAs in: • Motorsports/Motorcycle Sports • Hair and Salon mgmt • Beauty and Spa management • Complementary therapies • Sports massage/Exercise therapy • Countryside management • Built Environment /Construction/Architecture/Civil Engineering
The Derby PA – An example • Which programme/s will form the basis of the progression agreement? • FdSc Motorsport Technology • FdSc Motorcycle Technology • University Certificate in Technical Inspection for Motorsport (Learning Through Work: L4, 30 or 60 credit options)
Who is it for? Type of learner to be the intended beneficiary of progression agreement development, eg. vocational level 3, work based learners, adult returners. • BTEC National Diploma in Motor Vehicle Engineering • Level 3 VRQ Light Vehicle Repair & Maintenance • Work based learners working & studying part-time at Chesterfield College
How will it widen participation? The progression agreement will: • Consolidate progression information and make progression options clearer for college students • Clarify information, advice and guidance given to students from FE/HE staff • Raise awareness of higher level job opportunities in the motor vehicle/motorsports sector for students • Provide a timetable of activities for FE students to help promote and encourage awareness of progression opportunities into HE • Provide both FE and HE teaching staff with a greater awareness and knowledge of L3/L4 curricula
Why do we need it? • FE learners lack of awareness of progression routes into HE engineering and automotive technology programmes • FE learners traditionally thinking that HE programmes will be more academic rather than practically based • FE learners unaware of benefits for employment opportunities after gaining HE qualifications • HE application to FdSc Motorsport programmes for 2008/09 from Level 3 courses at Chesterfield College is less than 10% • No L3 learners have applied in recent years to FdSc Motorcycle Technology
Agenda for development • FE and HE programme leaders meetings regarding curriculum alignment • awareness raising events and activities for learners • Communicating progression routes to FE learners from HE tutors/learners on the programme • Possibility of the need for FE to HE maths bridging course to support this Progression Agreement. FE tutors to dovetail maths units in keyskills element of VRQ Motor Vehicle curriculum • Additional maths classes offered regularly throughout academic year at UoD – open to all learners on the programme • Campus visits for motorsports taster event • Staff awareness raising
Resource implications • Costs (eg bus) for FE visit day to University of Derby • Funding to be sourced for cost of tickets for field trips for FE learners to join HE groups • Costs for paying HE learners to give talks to FE learners on their experiences of progression • Staff time • Costs of funding additional maths bridging course (if applicable)
Potential numbers /targets (notice the wool!) • It is envisaged that there is potential for increasing student numbers accessing HE as a result of the planned activities relating to this Progression Agreement which should raise awareness of the progression routes and higher level opportunities in the motor vehicle/motorsports sector • The aim is to embed the Progression Agreement within the curriculum over the next 3 to 4 years and to raise the numbers of learners who may access HE as a result of this agreement to 20-25% of the level 3 cohort.
Bridging curriculum Is it likely to involve enhancement/development of curriculum/bridging provision? Is this progression agreement likely to accompany a bid to LLN for curriculum development funding? • Only curriculum/bridging enhancement needed is the embedding of some elements of the FdSc maths in Keyskills - Application of Number for FE learners progressing to the FdSc Motorsport or Motorcycle Technology
General properties of the Agreement • Enhanced regular communication between FE and HE programme leaders and learners • A timetable of relevant progression opportunities and visits available to FE learners • Clear information, advice and guidance for FE learners regarding progression opportunities in HE Motorsport/Motorcycle Technology programmes
Specific properties of the Agreement • Learners who have achieved the VRQ Vehicle Maintenance & Repair (Level 3) or the BTEC National Diploma Motor Vehicle Engineering and who meet the minimum entry requirements are guaranteed an interview and place (subject to interview) onto one of the FdSc Motorsport/Motorcycle pathways. • A further progression opportunity for learners after successful completion of one of these motor technology Foundation degree programmes is to ‘top-up’ to BSc (Hons) Motorsport Technology degree at the University of Derby
The debate • How do Progression Agreements relate to other forms of WP activity? Should they be targeted at WP populations? • Are they better being specific or generic? Should PAs guarantee access? • Where do they add value in a closed down system (ie with no expansion allowed)? • Can they be used within employer engagement? • How can we best integrate them into a wider institutional context? What limitations do they have? • How do you eat yours?!