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SEHS Option D: Nutrition for sport, exercise and health

SEHS Option D: Nutrition for sport, exercise and health. Outline the features of the principal components of the digestive system. Mouth – mechanical digestion a nd start chemical digestion Esophagus – begins peristalsis Stomach – mechanical digestion a nd begins chemical digestion of

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SEHS Option D: Nutrition for sport, exercise and health

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  1. SEHS Option D: Nutrition for sport, exercise and health

  2. Outline the features of the principal components of the digestive system • Mouth – mechanical digestion and start chemical digestion • Esophagus – begins peristalsis • Stomach – mechanical digestion and begins chemical digestion of proteins possess rugae – folded interior that increases surface area lumen – open area mucous coating prevents self digestion

  3. Cont’d • Small intestine – main organ for chemical digestion (produces monomers from polymers possess – highly folded interior (villi and microvilli) to increase surface area *Large intestines – water absorption and vitamin K production and absorption *Pancreas – produces digestive enzymes (lipase, proteases, disaccharidases) and hormones (insulin, glucagon) Liver – produces bile (mechanical digestion of fat) Gall Bladder – stores bile

  4. Identify typical pH values found in various parts of the digestive system

  5. Describe the functions of enzymes in the context of macronutrient digestion • What are enzymes? - biological catalysts (speed up catabolic and anabolic reactions) - made of proteins LIPASE Fats ----------------- Fatty acids and glycerol carbohydrases Polysaccharides ---------- monosaccharides proteases Proteins ---------- Amino acids

  6. Cont’d • All enzymes are effected by the temperature and pH of the solution they are in • (salivary amylase/pancreatic amylase. Why twice?) • Why super high fevers are deadly

  7. So why are enzymes sonecessary for digestion • Metabolism can be accelerated by temperature increases….but at what costs? • Enzymes allow metabolism to occur at relative low temperatures (98.6) • http://highered.mcgraw-hill.com/sites/0072495855/student_view0/chapter2/animation__how_enzymes_work.html

  8. List the digestive enzymes that are responsible for digestion of fats, carbohydrates and proteins

  9. Describe the absorption of glucose, amino acids and fatty acids from the intestinal lumen to the digestive capillary network.brush border brush border • Monosaccharides and amino acids (blood); fat (lymph)

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