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Effective Work Experience Opportunities for Foundation Learning

This resource provides discussion materials based on a survey on the development of effective work experience opportunities for the new 16 to 19 Study Programmes. It highlights key findings and suggestions for improvement.

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Effective Work Experience Opportunities for Foundation Learning

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  1. Lessons from the Foundation Learning provision for the new 16 to 19 Study Programmes Discussion materials Issue 3: Developing effective work experience opportunities May 2013 Ofsted’s discussion materials: Foundation Learning survey

  2. About this resource • This resource is based on a thematic survey on Lessons from the Foundation Learning provision for the new 16 to 19 Study Programmes carried out from September 2012 to March 2013. It contains summary findings of each of the three critical issues identified in the survey. • Each of the three packs suggests specific questions for discussion. These are of course not exhaustive, but it is hoped that providers will use the questions as prompts to evaluate and improve their provision. This may lead to identifying and sharing good practice, as well as priorities for improvement. • You can take the issues in any order and spend as long as you like on each one. However, we suggest that at some stage you find time to look at all three. Ofsted’s discussion materials: Foundation Learning survey

  3. Overview of the discussion materials These materials look at the three critical issues emerging from the survey. Issue 1: Attendance, retention, achievement and progression Issue 2: The development of English and mathematics skills Issue 3: Developing effective work experience opportunities Ofsted’s discussion materials: Foundation Learning survey

  4. The survey covered Foundation Learning provision for learners aged 16 to 19 at independent learning providers and community learning and skills providers. Almost all the providers sampled had previously delivered Entry to Employment (E2E). • The survey sample consisted of: • detailed evidence and data from 26 planned inspections • detailed evidence and data from 18 visits to providers who were not being inspected • detailed data from 15 planned inspection visits • a review of 31 published inspection reports. Scope and methodology of the survey Ofsted’s discussion materials: Foundation Learning survey

  5. Key findings from the survey

  6. Survey findings: Outcomes for learners • Two thirds of the providers in the sample offered a wide range of employability and personal and social qualifications. Achievement rates were good for around half of the providers • Progression rates into full-time education or training, an apprenticeship or employment were too low • Achievement of qualifications in English and mathematics functional skills was low, especially for level 1. Ofsted’s discussion materials: Foundation Learning survey

  7. Survey findings: The quality of teaching, learning and assessment • Overall, the quality of teaching and learning was not good enough • Learners received good care and support, and providers placed a high emphasis on learners’ welfare • The availability, use and quality of work experience placements were poor • Access to, and quality of, impartial advice and guidance on progression opportunities for learners varied too much. Ofsted’s discussion materials: Foundation Learning survey

  8. Survey findings: The effectiveness of leadership and management • Providers worked very effectively with partners and other local organisations • Too few providers used data effectively to analyse performance and inform business planning • The planned number of hours for learners to attend the provision varied considerably from around 12 hours a week up to 30 hours. Ofsted’s discussion materials: Foundation Learning survey

  9. Raising the challenge: issues for consideration by providersDeveloping effective work experience opportunities Issue 3

  10. Developing effective work experience opportunities: Survey findings (1) The availability, use and quality of work experience placements were poor. A small number of providers did not appear to recognise the importance of work experience placements in the development of employability skills and in supporting better progression rates. Ofsted’s discussion materials: Foundation Learning survey

  11. Developing effective work experience opportunities: Survey findings (2) • Three of 41 providers offered work experience placements to all their learners • Seven providers offered work experience placements to around a third • Five providers did not offer them and had no plans to introduce them • There was too much competition for work experience placements • There were real challenges for finding construction placements. Ofsted’s discussion materials: Foundation Learning survey

  12. Developing effective work experience opportunities: Survey findings (3) • Better provision included: • Close partnership working with local employers, the local authority and other local organisations • A range of work experience opportunities including: • visits • tasters • work shadowing • work trials • well-planned work experience placements. Ofsted’s discussion materials: Foundation Learning survey

  13. Developing effective work experience opportunities: Survey findings (3) • The benefits included: • Increased confidence for the learners • The opportunity to assess skills in the workplace for both employability and vocational qualifications • A reference for the learner • The opportunity for progression into an apprenticeship or employment. Ofsted’s discussion materials: Foundation Learning survey

  14. Developing effective work experience opportunities: Discussion points (1) • How well are we prepared for the greater emphasis on work experience in the Study Programmes ? • Do we have a strategy for the delivery and increase of work experience opportunities ? • Do we have enough work experience opportunities that enable our learners to develop their confidence and employability skills and get direct experience of the world of work ? • Do we use our partnerships effectively to develop work experience opportunities that meet the very different needs of all our learners ? Ofsted’s discussion materials: Foundation Learning survey

  15. Developing effective work experience opportunities: Discussion points (2) • What challenges do we face ? • How well do we prepare our learners for work ? • How well do we assess our learners’ progress at work and give them constructive feedback on what they do well and what we need to improve further ? • How well do we prepare our employers? How do we ensure that our learners’ experience at work is purposeful and builds on all the other aspects of their individualised learning programme ? Ofsted’s discussion materials: Foundation Learning survey

  16. Developing effective work experience opportunities: Good practice Use the four good practice case studies mentioned in the report to give you ideas: The Bassetlaw Training Agency Limited Community Training Services Limited Economic Solutions Limited (Skills Solutions) Roots and Shoots Limited Ofsted’s discussion materials: Foundation Learning survey

  17. Conclusion

  18. Conclusion We hope you have found this resource useful in developing ideas for integrating effective work experience opportunities into your provision and for developing employability skills in your learners. The good practice case studies can be found on the Ofsted website: www.ofsted.gov.uk/resources/goodpractice We welcome comments on this training resource. Please write to enquiries@ofsted.gov.uk and ensure that you put ‘Ofsted discussion materials: Foundation Learning survey’ in the subject box of your email. 153 Work Placement opportunities today! We have a fantastic array of Work Placement vacancies around Greater Manchester and Merseyside. Every week new employers are secured and new vacancies opened. Ofsted’s discussion materials: Foundation Learning survey

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