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Session 86 — Universal Bibliographic Control in the Digital Age: Golden Opportunity or Paradise Lost ? Cataloguing with Bibliography, Classification & Indexing and UNIMARC Strategic Programme. Enriching the catalog with exposed bibliographic data.
Session 86 — Universal Bibliographic Control in the Digital Age: Golden Opportunity or Paradise Lost ? Cataloguing with Bibliography, Classification & Indexing and UNIMARC Strategic Programme Enriching the catalog with exposed bibliographic data Interaction between the local and the national catalog via web services Philippe Bourdenet — Université du Maine (Le Mans), DSI 18 August 2014 09:30 - 15:45 | Room: Auditorium Lumière
1. Introduction Experiment about the using of the web service developed by the French Academic Bibliography agency, named "Biblio"… … progressively became a service, destined to be developed, and inspiring other developments. Aims to extend catalographic search to all the production of a given author. Creates an action such as 'Get more information about this author', but : • Search only an academic glogal reference system, in my own library • or in other academic library catalogs • Search univoque references • Obtain short views of his/her intellectual productions, as on overview Optional • proposes a deep link to the fetched resources
2. The SUDOC network : • "Système Universitaire de DOCumentation" = Academic Documentary System National union academic catalog • Developed and maintained by the ABES • ( = Bibliographic Agency for Higher Education), • based in Montpellier, France. • Every French Academic Library is cataloguing in the SUDOC and retrieving its own records via FTP scheduled uploads (day/week) • - production tool : (client/server) WinIBW • - public catalog accessible on th web http://www.sudoc.abes.fr * • Has its own name access control repository : • (corporate and personal)
How does this service work ? ABES side The micro web service "Biblio" : • Each record (A & B) has a unique identifier : PPN • (PICA Production Number, 9 digits /8 digits+'X') • The web service is called by a "handler" + a PPN : • http://www.idref.fr/services/biblio/+ PPN(A) • E.g. http://www.idref.fr/services/biblio/031974031 <?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?> <?xml-stylesheet type="text/xsl" href="xsl/tps.xsl"?> <sudoc service="biblio"> <query> <ppn>027159957</ppn> </query> <result> <name>Thibaudet, Albert (1874-1936)</name> <countRoles>6</countRoles> <role> <unimarcCode>070</unimarcCode> <marc21Code>aut</marc21Code> <roleName>Auteur</roleName> <count>117</count> <doc> <ppn>085062243</ppn> <citation>La Poésie de Stéphane Mallarmé : étude littéraire / Albert Thibaudet / Paris : M. Rivière / (1913)</citation>[…] The response is a XML file or a JSON file browser
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?> <?xml-stylesheet type="text/xsl" href="xsl/tps.xsl"?> <sudoc service="biblio"> <query> <ppn>027159957</ppn> </query> <result> <name>Thibaudet, Albert (1874-1936)</name> <countRoles>6</countRoles> <role> <unimarcCode>070</unimarcCode> <marc21Code>aut</marc21Code> <roleName>Auteur</roleName> <count>117</count> <doc> <ppn>085062243</ppn> <citation>La Poésie de Stéphane Mallarmé, étude littéraire / Albert Thibaudet / Paris : M. Rivière (1913)</citation> </doc> <doc> <ppn>103453539</ppn> <citation>Ronsard / par Albert Thibaudet / Tournus : A. Miege , 1896</citation> </doc> <doc> <ppn>103515674</ppn> <citation>Le Cygne rouge, mythe dramatique en 3 actes, un prologue et un épilogue / Albert Thibaudet / Paris : Mercure de France , 1897</citation> </doc> <doc> <ppn>098736264</ppn> <citation>Mistral ou la République du soleil [Texte imprimé] / Albert Thibaudet / Paris : Hachette , 1903</citation> […] Gold nuggets Author's name recall (canonical form) Number of distinct roles in the list Relator code for the first group (in <role> element), UNM and MARC21 Number of items for the current role Unique identifier of each bibliographic record
4.2 Anchor point of the web service within the ILS Local side Calls the ABES Web Service ("Biblio") Listen the response and apply an XSL transformation 2 3 html Java VM, browser (html) Client Calls an external script : 'WS handler + PPN' 1 Wrappers, Servlets, JSP Interface plugin Java Classes PPN (A) Interface manager Doesn't disturb the ILS architecture Storage & data access layer JDBC Bib. Data Sys. Data Other src ILS structure (J2EE app.)
4.2 Anchor point of the web service within the ILS Local side Calls the ABES Web Service ("Biblio") Listen the response and apply an XSL transformation 2 3 html Java VM, browser (html) Client Calls an external script : 'WS handler + PPN' 1 Wrappers, Servlets, JSP Interface plugin Java Classes PPN (A) Interface manager Is safeguarded even if the ILS is changed Storage & data access layer JDBC Bib. Data Sys. Data Other src ILS structure (J2EE app.)
Example with a bibliographic research on "Albert Thibaudet" " Get more information about this author " Operates the script and fetches the linked bibliographic records from the SUDOC • NB The local catalog counts 15 linked bibligraphic records to this author • The SUDOC WS fetches ~ 170 records • 117 records as "Author" (070 / aut) • 1 record as "Auth. of afterword […]" (075/aft) • 15 records as "Author of introd." (080/aui) • 17 records as "Editor" (340/edt) • 17 records as "Subject" (990, local code)
Benefits for the staff… … there is also a group of five linked records classified under "Undetermined function" • This service can help the quality control of the database • (makes easier the errors detection) And also • Makes easier the extended bibliographic search, especially when delivering public services • Allows a given author's identification, from anywhere, without the help af the Client/Server application, without entering again research terms (thanks to the unique identification) • Breaks with an isolated view of the local catalog
Benefits for the end-users • extends information search to a higher bibliographic level ; creates a continuous digital information chain • leads patrons to the SUDOC database High level of trust Information search, Bibliographic search Works published by an author Works bougth by an academic library Catalographic search Filtering of sources, ? • enables the discovery of other works of a given author, outside of the local catalog ; serendipity. • shows "To what extent the author is an authority on the topic at hand" (Markey, 2007)
WIP… the fatal "Action Item list" • Work on the best method to express the result of the query… • Great volumes of results • Many questions : Method ? Technologies ? • Present the result in a new tab of the browser ? • In a tooltip (html Title attribute) ? • As the PPN of the bibliographic record is uploaded in the result list, turn this PPN into a deep link to the resource • Consideration is currently being given to extend this method to other access points. What about the future of our catalogs ? • Audit work on local database : mandatory copy of external identifiers into each record (minimal requirement) • Alter tables of local databases in order to increase the entries of foreign keys etc.
As a conclusion • Shy and modest development… which now opens up prospects for the future • Cheap agile development & method… which gives a high yield • Convergence with FRBR objectives and methodology User-centered design Why not extend this method to Work/ Expression /Manifestion Records ? E.g. [Work] Knowledge base information elements (Wikipedia, DbPedia) [Manifestation] Rich contents (Publishers & vendors) (Cf. Callewaert/Chambers, 2013) • Leads to reexamine the principles of interoperability • Has a strong need for bibliographic control
Great opportunities to create interaction between informational repositories, information links Insertion of the VIAF identifier in IdRef (planned) National libraries (LoC,BnF, DNB, BL, …) Trusted identification / trusted navigation VIAF SUDOC IdRef Deep web Exposed data Wikipedia, DbPedia local Cluster of identifiers
Thank you for your attention ! Comments and questions are welcome ! Try it yourself : <http://catalogues-bu.univ-lemans.fr>